News Archive

An archive of news stories, articles, blog entries, opinions, reports and media coverage of the Oneida Indian Nation Change the Mascot campaign and efforts to end the use of racially offensive sports mascots.
Breaking Bad’s Jonathan Banks on Washington Team: ‘Change the Name’
By Simon Moya-Smith, Dec. 2, 2014
Assemblyman Hopes to Ban Use of ‘R*dskins’ as Mascot in Public Schools
Dec. 2, 2014
Snyder and His GM Try to Buy Native American Approval – No Go
By Rick Cohen, Dec. 1, 2014
Cherokee Chief Apologizes For Dan Snyder Alliance
By Dave McKenna, Dec. 1, 2014
Interior Secretary Calls R*dskins’ Name a ‘Relic of the Past’ That ‘Should Be Changed’
Nov. 28, 2014
NFL fans, protestors come face-to-face outside Lucas Oil Stadium
By Justin L. Mack, Nov. 30, 2014
R*dskin’s Owner Plays a Larger Part Than Karma in Team’s Woes
By Alison Fu, Nov. 29, 2014
R*dskins say Happy Thanksgiving on social media; doesn’t go over well
By Ryan Parker, Nov. 27, 2014
D.C. Mayor-Elect Muriel Bowser discusses a new R*dskins stadium and changing the team name
By Dan Steinberg, Nov. 25, 2014
Levi’s Stadium protesters urge Washington R*dskins to change name
By Meredith May and Evan Sernoffsky, Nov. 23, 2014
Ojibwa hockey star Henry Boucha shares thoughts on ‘R*dskins’ name
By Nathan Bergstedt, Nov. 22, 2014
New Yorker Cover Criticizes R*dskins Name (Photo)
By Mina Kaneko and Francoise Mouly, Nov. 21, 2014
A fierce, lifelong R*dskins fan takes a stand against his beloved team’s name
By John Woodrow Cox, Nov. 21, 2014
Anti-R*dskins Protest Planned Before 49ers Game
By Matt Barrows, Nov. 17, 2014
Dr. Trueur Says All Indian Mascots For Sports Teams Should Be Banned
Nov. 14, 2014
Use of ‘R*dskins’ on the Airwaves is Down 42 Percent
Nov. 15, 2014
Native Oklahoman Susan Harjo to receive Presidential Medal of Freedom
By Chris Casteel, Nov. 12, 2014
R*dskins Name no Longer a ‘Small Matter’ for Fans
Nov. 10, 2014
Washington R*dskins’ racist mascot must be changed
By Aubrey King, Nov. 7, 2014
When will NFL take a stand on R*dskins nickname?
By Bob Ford, Nov. 9, 2014
Phil Jackson: Dan Snyder ‘Just Doesn’t Get It’
By Michael Klopman, Nov. 4, 2014
Former R*dskins QB Scrambles Brains with Defense of Team Name
Nov. 5, 2014
Texas High School Bans Football T-Shirt Because It Has Many Levels Of Wrong
By Rick Chandler, Nov. 5, 2014
Which Nonprofit Outlets Won’t Call Washington’s NFL Franchise by Name?
By Rick Cohen, Nov. 4, 2014
Online movement against NFL team takes to the streets
Nov. 3, 2014
Phil Jackson Tweets Support For Anti-R*dskins Protesters
By Phil Watson, Nov. 3, 2014
Thousands Of Protestors Target ‘R*dskins’ Name Before Game in Minnesota
By Travis Waldron, Nov. 3, 2014
Why the Movement Against Washington Football’s Racial Slur Is ‘Idle No More’
By Dave Zirin, Nov. 2, 2014
Political leaders protest R*dskins name at #NotYourMascot rally
By Anna Brand, Nov. 2, 2014
Thousands Protest Washington R*dskins Name in Minneapolis
By Nolan Feeney, Nov. 2, 2014
Protest against DC Football team planned before Vikings game
By Matt Sepic, Oct. 31, 2014
Anti-R*dskins Ad Explains Exactly What Defenders of NFL Team’s Nickname Refuse To Accept
By Chris Greenberg, Oct. 29, 2014
Protestors will challenge Washington R*dskins name in Minneapolis Sunday
By Randy Furst, Oct. 30, 2014
For the Journalist, Objectivity Changes When Coverage Includes Dictionary-Defined Racial Slur
By Ray Halbritter, Oct. 29, 2014
Minnesota campus gears up to protest NFL’s R*dskins
By Erik Brady, Oct. 28, 2014
Unraveling the ‘R*dskins’ Lie: American’s Don’t Know Native History
By Kevin Gover, Oct. 29, 2014
Washington R*dskins should change name, Hennepin County Board says
Oct. 29, 2014
Hispanic civil rights group calls on Dan Snyder to change R*dskins name
By John Woodrow Cox, Oct. 28, 2014
Rally before Vikings game will protest Washington team’s nickname
By Joe Kimball, Oct. 29, 2014
American Indian protesters rally in Arlington against R*dskins name
By Jeff Mosier, Oct. 28, 2014
Navajo State Representative Wants Washington R*dskins’ Name Change
By Matthew Hendley, Oct. 28, 2014
Native American groups are right to want Washington team to change its nickname
By Jim Mitchell, Oct. 27, 2014
City attorney: Minneapolis can’t ban ‘R*dskins’
By Ethan Nelson, Oct. 23, 2014
Demonstrators prepare to protest R*dskins’ game
By Jim Douglas, Oct. 22, 2014
American Indian student group addresses Washington mascot
By Haley Hansen, Oct. 22, 2014
Texas Native Community To Protest R*dskins at Dallas Cowboys Game
Oct. 21, 2014
Name change needed for Washington R*dskins
By Kara Risely, Opinion Writer, Oct. 20, 2014
WAMU 88.5 To Limit Use Of Washington Football Team’s Name
Oct. 15, 2014
NPR Makes ‘Significant Change’ To Policy To Limit Use of ‘R*dskins’ On Air
By Travis Waldron, Oct. 15, 2014
Student Newspaper Bans R-Word, Braces for First Amendment Fight
Oct. 16, 2014
Journalists Back Bucks County Students’ Refusal to Print Mascot name in School Paper
By Aaron Moselle, Oct. 15, 2014
Washington R*dskins feel heat in Native American mascot debate
By Madeline Schmidt, Oct. 14, 2014
Racist names meet the First Amendment in Minneapolis
By Bob Collins, Oct. 14, 2014
Minneapolis investigates banning R*dskins name
By Ethan Nelson, Oct. 14, 2014
Native Americans plan to mount largest-ever R*dskins protest at Vikings game
By John Woodrow Cox, Oct. 12, 2014
N.J. lawmakers introduce R*dskins resolutions, ask retailers to avoid the name
By Sarah Larimer, Oct. 10, 2014
Is it offensive to a Native American tribe for sports team to use their names?
Oct. 8, 2014
Lewis Black has the perfect nickname for the Washington R*dskins
By Mike Foss, Oct. 8, 2014
Mascot undermines culture
By Jose Guttierrez, Oct. 2, 2014
Programs On Stereotyping Planned For Washington Game At TCF
Oct. 3, 2014
Ban the “R*dskins” – The FCC probably won’t. So the rest of us will have to.
By Maya Francis, Oct. 3, 2014
Government, Media, Fans Can Force Dan Snyder into Changing Washington Team Name
By Ty Schalter, Oct. 2, 2014
An open Letter to Black America: Why You Should Want the R*dskins Name Changed, Too
By Gyasi Ross, Oct. 1, 2014
Washington team name must adapt
The University of Minnesota should take a stance against the R*dskins name
Daily Editorial Board, Oct. 2, 2014
Even Gladiators Would’ve Change the R*dskins Name
By Vicky Alvear Schecter, Sept. 30, 2014
AMBROSE: Retiring ‘R*dskins’
By Graham Ambrose, Oct. 1, 2014
FCC considers banning use of the term ‘R*dskins’
By Juliann Hattem, Sept. 30, 2014
FCC Mulls Banning R*dskins Name
By Brendan Sasso, Sept. 30, 2014
The R*dskins and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Name
By Nate Jara, Sept. 30, 2014
Shareholders urge FedEx to cut R*dskins ties
Sept. 29, 2014
GWU professor who beat tobacco industry uses FCC to pressure R*dskins over name
By Robert McCartney, Sept. 24, 2014
Coalition Members Fight to Ban Washington R*dskins’ Name at TCF Bank Stadium
By Lindsey Brown, Sept. 24, 2014
Bob Costas insists the controversy over the Redskins’ name is not political correctness run amok
By Scott Allen, Sept. 24, 2014
Native American tribe in Oklahoma asking employees to boycott business over NFL mascot
Sept. 23, 2014
R-Rated Football
By Richard Deitsch
Why news organizations are abandoning the R*dskins
By Travis Waldron, Sept. 22, 2014
Norton to Introduce Bill Stripping NFL of Tax Exempt Status Over Washington Football Team Name
By Matt Cohen, Sept. 23, 2014 (podcast)
Can Social Media Bring About the Redskins Name Change?
By James Williams, Sept. 23, 2014
Native Americans who challenged Redskins name seek dismissal of team’s federal lawsuit
Sept. 23, 2014
D.C. Council bill could force city schools to drop ‘Indians’ or ‘Warriors’ mascots
By Mike DeBonis, Sept. 23, 2014
Pizza chain apologizes for using ‘wrong, offensive, and hurtful’ R*dskins name
By Dan Steinberg, Sept. 19, 2014
No way Washington team’s name is positive
By Harold Jackson, Sept. 20, 2014
Moving beyond the “imaginary Indians” perception
By Fred Hiatt, Sept, 21, 2014
Cantwell’s call to eliminate R*dskin name might succeed
Editorial Board, Sept. 18, 2014
Senators introduce bill to revoke NFL’s tax-exempt status if R*dskins name stands
By Ian Shapira, Sept. 19, 2014
Reid joins bill to revoke NFL nonprofit status
By Mario Trujillo, Sept. 19, 2014
It’s Time to Rethink Native Mascots
By Matt Kramer, Co-CEO, Teach for America, Sept. 18, 2014
Broadcasters Really Are Saying “R*dskins” A Lot Less This Year
By Ross Benes, Sept. 17, 2014
Students plan protest against NFL team
By Haley Hansen, Sept. 17, 2014
Critics of R*dskins name attack NFL on profits, abuse
By Erik Brady, Sept. 16, 2014
Native Americans call for R*dskins change
Sept. 17, 2014
It’s time to change the R*dskins name
By Norbert Hill Jr. and Robert A. Yingst, Sept. 16, 2014
Could R*dskins name kill NFL’s tax-exempt status?
Sept. 16, 2014
Lawmaker to introduce bill to end NFL’s tax-exempt status because of R*dskins name
By Ian Shapira, Sept. 16, 2014
NFL owners are asked to force R*dskins owner Dan Snyder to change team’s name
By Ian Shapira, Sept. 16, 2014
Native American group sending letter to each NFL team asking for end to R*dskins nickname
By Dan Zinski, Sept. 15, 2014
FCC head: R*dskins name ‘offensive, derogatory’
By Julian Hattem, Sept. 10, 2014
Etsy Bans Use Of Washington Football Team’s Name And Logo
By Sarah Anne Hughes, Sept. 9, 2014

NFL Commish Roger Goodell Is Tone Deaf On Ray Rice, R*dskins
Sept. 9, 2014
Change will prevail
By Del. Eni Faleomavaega and Suzan Shown Harjo
“Offside – the R*dskins are on the wrong side of history.”
Charlotte Observer won’t use Washington name
By Mike Florio, Sept. 7, 2014
In support of brand boycott
By Mike MacAdam, Sept. 7, 2014
What TV Cameras Aren’t Showing At The Texans Stadium Today
By Travis Waldron, Sept. 7, 2014

Texans’ opener against R*edskins draws protest from local Native Americans
By Anita Hassan, Sept. 6, 2014
US Interior Secretary Surprised R*dskins Team Name Not Changed
By Benjamin Bell, Sept. 5, 2014
Washington NFL team merchandise sales tumble
By Tucker Echols, Sept. 5, 2014
Sack the name
Editorial, Sept. 3, 2014
Lindsay Czarniak on the Redskins: ‘I prefer not to use the name’
By Dan Steinberg, Sept. 2, 2014
Native American coalition urging broadcasters not to use R*dskins name
By Ian Shapira, Sept., 3, 2014
ESPN Analysts Tom Jackson, Chris Carter, Considering Not Use ‘Redskins’ On the Air
Aug. 24, 2014
7 Anti-R-Word Quotes From Native Voices
By Simon Moya-Smith, Aug. 23, 2014
Editorial: Editorial page will no longer use ‘Redskin’
Aug. 25, 2014
ESPN: Reporters Have Permission Not to Use “Redskins’
Aug. 24, 2014
ESPN’s Tom Jackson says he may follow Tony Dungy in refusing to use Redskins name
By Dan Steinberg, Aug. 22, 2014
Shunning the Washington Nothings
By Roger I. Abrams, Aug. 24, 2014
Washington Post editorial board stops using the word ‘Redskins’
By Annys Shin, Aug. 22, 2014
Every Argument for ‘Redskins’ is Bogus
By Matthew Murguia, Aug. 22, 2014
Mike Carey said no to Redskins
Aug. 20, 2014
Mike Ditka can keep calling them ‘Redskins,’ but I won’t
By Rick Morrissey, Aug. 20, 2014
Assembly urges Washington Redskins to ditch ‘degrading’ name
By Melanie Mason, Aug. 18, 2014
Greg Gumbel also won’t say ‘Redskins’ on air; Michael Irvin: I usually say ‘Washington’
By Dom Cosentino, Aug. 18, 2014
CBS’s Phil Simms considers not using ‘Redskins’ on air
AP, Aug. 18, 2014
Washington Redskins appeal decision to cancel trademark
By Erik Brady and Megan Finnerty, Aug. 14, 2014
Respect the Person, Not the Logo: The Psychological Effects of Racist Symbols in Sports
By Tom Schreier, Aug. 14, 2014
Joint Affinity Groups Stands Against Redskins, Address Racism in Philanthropy
Aug. 15, 2014
Daniel Snyder Dismissed Tribal Member Who Told Him ‘Redskins’ Was Offensive
By Travis Waldron, Aug. 12, 2014
Dayton supports ‘Redskin’ nickname ban at TCF Stadium
Aug. 12, 2014
Why Jed York and other team owners must speak out on the Washington team name
Aug. 11, 2014
Tribal member says Dan Snyder dismissed name complaint
By Erik Brady, Aug. 11, 2014
Jeanie Buss Won’t Draft Redskins On Fantasy Football Team
By Corey Hansford, Aug. 11, 2014
10 ‘I’m so Redskins’ Tweets that Explain Why Is so Wrong
Aug. 9, 2014 (ABC)
Debate over Redskins name more intense than ever
By Joseph White, Aug. 10, 2014
Glenn Kessler: Here’s the real ‘Redskins’ history
Aug. 7, 2014
DC delegate rails against Redskins, NFL head
By Mario Trujillo, Aug. 8, 2014
Alabama-Coushatta Tribe responds to Mark Moseley, saying it does not support the Redskins name
By Dan Steinberg, Aug. 7, 2014
Native American Groups Ask Twitter, Facebook, and Google to Remove Washington NFL Accounts
By Jeremy Stahl, Aug. 7, 2014
U-Minn. seeks to bar Redskins’ name at school’s stadium on Vikings game day
By Ian Shapira, Aug. 7, 2014
How Dan Snyder Bought Off The D.C. Media
By Dave McKenna, Aug. 6, 2014
Dan Snyder Says PR Campaign to Defend “Redskins” Is Not PR
By Benjamin Freed, Aug. 5, 2014
The ‘Redskins’ Controversy Ships Back up to Boston
By Eric Randall, Aug. 5, 2014
Gene Simmons on ‘4th and Loud,’ the Redskins Name Controversy and Donald Sterling
By Mike Ayers, Aug. 5, 2014
O’Malley says it ‘probably is time’ for the Washington Redskins to get a new name
By John Wagner, Aug. 5, 2014
Nonprofit group criticizes Washington team name
By Erik Brady, Aug. 5, 2014
About Time: Philanthropic Leader Speaks Out on Dan Snyder’s Foundation
By Rick Cohen, Aug. 5, 2014
Ex-Redskins Super Bowl kicker Mark Moseley: Never, ever heard any of ‘these Indians’ complain about team name
By Skip Wood, Aug. 5, 2014
Dan Snyder Defends Massive PR Effort to Save Washington Football Team Name: ‘This Is Not PR’
By Travis Waldron, Aug. 5, 2014
Daniel Snyder: People who talk about the name ‘Redskins’ are missing the point
By Des Bieler, Aug. 4, 2014
Snyder digs in even deeper on name of team
By Mike Florio, Aug. 4, 2014
Redskins name needs to be changed
By Christopher L. Gasper, Aug. 5, 2014
Don’t see red when changing name of that Washington team
Aug. 4, 2014
Time to admit: The area’s NFL team belongs to Virginia
By Mike Wise, Aug. 4, 2014
The sad desperation of the “Redskins Facts” site
By Mary Elizabeth Williams, July 30, 2014
Open letter to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder
By Ted Quasula, Aug. 4, 2014
‘Big-Nosed Heads on Jerseys’: Native Mascots Harm Native Youth Every Day
By Vincent Schilling, Aug. 1, 2014
We won’t use ‘Redskins’ anymore
By Douglas Fruehling, Aug. 1, 2014
Washington Football Team Facts
Everything you need to know about why the nickname needs to go
July 30, 2014
Chris Rock: ‘Redskins? That’s Not Nice. That’s a Racial Slur’
July 30, 2014
New, “Grassroots” Pro Redskins Website is Run by a PR Firm, of Course
By Barry Petchesky, July 30, 2014
Hillary Clinton says ‘there’s no reason’ for the Redskins to keep their name
By Dan Steinberg, July 29, 2014
Hillary Clinton thinks the Redskins should change their name
By Nina Mandell, July 29, 2014
Letter to Dan Snyder takes issue with Redskins message
By Erik Brady, July 29, 2014
Quaker Indian Affairs Call for Redskins to Change Name
July 29, 2014
Redskins name gets even harder for Daniel Snyder to defend
Editorial Board, July 28, 2014
Peter King explains his 2016 Redskins name change prediction
By Dan Steinberg, July 28, 2014
Students write letters addressing ‘Redskin’ name dispute
By Jorge Torres, July 23, 2014
James Brown on Redskins name change: ‘Do the right thing’
By Scott Allen, July 25, 2014
If You Want To Understand Why Mascots Like ‘Redskins’ Are A Problem, Listen To This 15-Year-Old Native American
By Travis Waldron, July 23, 2014
Granddaughter of former Redskins owner George P. Marshall condemns team’s name
By Theresa Vargas, July 23, 2014

The Washington Football Team That Must Not Be Named
By Frank Deford, July 23, 2014
Native American activists seek to eliminate ‘redface’
By Erik Brady, July 21, 2014
How Washington’s Football Team Creates a Hostile Environment For Native American Students
By Amanda Terkel, July 22, 2014
King: Washington will have a new name by 2016
By Mike Florio, July 21, 2014
Granddaughter of first Redskins owner wants team name changed
July 18, 2014 (Washington)
Bleacher Report Writer: ‘I Just Can’t Bring Myself to’ Write ‘Redskins’
By Lingebach, July 18, 2014
Arizona Native American Tribe Rejects Dan Snyder’s Offer to Build Skate Park
By Adam Wells, July 17, 2014
Drake takes a shot at the Redskins name in ESPYs monologue
By Dan Steinberg, July 17, 2014
CBS Announcers Can Choose To Stop Saying ‘Redskins’ During NFL Broadcasts This Season
By Travis Waldron, July 17, 2014
SEC blocks FedEx shareholder vote on naming-rights deal
By Mike Florio, July 16, 2014
Federal judge refuses to use the word ‘Redskins’ in former linebacker’s lawsuit
By Erik Brady, July 15, 2014
Native Americans urge Redskin name change
July 15, 2014
Eric Holder, Redskins Name Offensive, Should Be Changed
July 13, 2014
Federal judge takes stance against use of Redskins in court documents
By Theresa Vargas, July 14, 2014
Best litmus test for those who still support the Redskins name
By Phil Mushnick, July 10, 2014
D.C. Council will honor Robert Griffin III without mentioning ‘Redskins’
By Dan Steinberg, July 11, 2014
Legendary Quarterback Sonny SixKiller: Redskins Name is ‘Racist to Me’
July 10, 2014
How Does a Christian Man Respond When Told His Battle Against the R*dskins Name is Un-Christian?
By Bradley Thomas, July 10, 2014
Wrong side of history again
By Marty Moore, July 8, 2014
A few fumbled claims about the Redskins’ name
By Nancy Madsen, July 9, 2014
Washington Redskins Controversy Reignites Call For Native American Treaty Reform
July 9, 2014
San Francisco Giants considering ban on culturally insensitive attire
By Erik Brady, July 9, 2014
Redskins trademark plaintiff: Fans shouldn’t wear head dresses and war paint
By Michael David Smith, July 8, 2014
Blogger hired to defend Redskins name resigns after only weeks on the job
By Erik Brady, July 8, 2014
NFL-Blogger hired to defend Redskins’ name quits, cites attacks
By John Clarke, July 8, 2014
Liberal Blogger Hired to Defend Washington Football Team From Racism Charges Calls It Quits
By Igor Bobic, July 8, 2014
Blogger Hired to Defend Redskins’ Name Quits After Two Weeks
By Benjamin Freed, July 8, 2014
Liberal blogger hired by Redskins resigns. Who didn’t see this coming?
By Chris Graham, July 8, 2014
Blogger Hired by Washington Football Team to Defend Team Name Resigns
By Perry Stein, July 8, 2014
Washington blogger-turned-lobbyist resigns after two weeks on the job
By Mike Florio, July 8, 2014
Man hired to defend Washington NFL team’s name resigns on Twitter
By Evan Bleier, July 8, 2014
Nasty Tweets the Redskins and Their Blogger Don’t Want You to Read
July 7, 2014
Scholar Launches Google Doc ‘Collective Voice’ Campaign to Oppose ‘Redskins’ Name
By Simon Moya-Smith, July 7, 2014
Opinion: Why ‘Redskins’ must go
By Zach Mitcham, July 7, 2014
Washington’s blogger-turned-lobbyist faces scrutiny
By Mike Florio, July 6, 2014
Redskins controversy touches home
By Allie Hastings, July 7, 2014
The Washington NFL team will change its name; That shouldn’t upset you
July 3, 2014
The Hot Corner: Name needs to go, and it’s on us
By Kalle Oakes, June 29, 2014
Ramsey: Gold medalist Billy Mills opposes racist Redskins moniker
By David Ramsey, July 3, 2014
Let Redskins owner steer name change
Corvallis Gazette-Times Editorial, July 2, 2014
Vinny Cerrato says Daniel Snyder’s defense of the Redskins name goes back to his father
By Dan Steinberg, July 2, 2014
Rep. McCollum: Redskins name violates U policy
By Tyler Gieseki, July 2, 2014
Why Is the Redskins Name a Political Issue?
July 2, 2014
Congressman Jim Moran Weighs In On Racist Team Name
By Drew Jacobs, July 1, 2014
The Weirdest Conceivable Twist In the Fight Over Washington’s NFL Team Name
Eight years ago, one of Virginia’s most prominent liberal bloggers convinced America “macaca” was racist. Now he’s in charge of convincing America “Redskins” isn’t.
By Evan McMorris-Santoro, July 1, 2014
Redskins forever? A lesson from the Bullets
By Noah Frank, July 1, 2014
11 Reasons the Redskins Should Become the Washington Americans
By Mark Boslough, July 1, 2014
No more racist sports names
By Chris Moorman, June 30, 2014
Washington’s former political blogger calls the name issue “mostly a PC campaign”
By Mike Florio, June 30, 2014
Commentary: NFL must step up on the name change
By Joshua Winneker, June 30, 2014
Break the ‘Redskins’ Stalemate with a Media Boycott
By Stanley Heller, June 30, 2014
Dan Snyder can learn from when the Bullets became the Wizards
By Robert Pollin, June 29, 2014
The Latest Lame Defense of the Washington Redskins
By A. Barton Hinkle, June 30, 2014
Team owner’s Redskins logic off the mark
By Clarence Page, June 30, 2014
‘Redskin’ Is Officially Offensive – Even The Dictionary Says So
By Brenna Erhlich, June 30, 2014
Political Blogger Ben Tribbett, Hired by Skins, Calls Name Issue Mostly ‘PC Campaign’
June 30, 2014
Washington Redskins’ sponsor under pressure over team name controversy
By Timothy Spangler, June 26, 2014
Western Canada high changes Redmen to Redhawks
June 26, 2014
Seeing In Color
By Aryanna Prasad, June 26, 2014
FedEx spokesman insists FedEx Field is for more than just the Redskins
By Erik Brady, June 26, 2014
John McCain would change ‘Redskins’ name
By Al Saracevic, June 26, 2014
Whoppi Goldberg Hammers ‘View’ Guest Host on Redskins Defense: ‘Spoken Like a True White Guy’
By James Crugnale, June 26, 2014
John McCain would ‘probably change the name’ of the Washington Redskins
By Laken Litman, June 26, 2014
In Redskins’ name debate, where’s the voice of business?
By Michael Neibauer, June 26, 2014
‘Redskins’ patent decision strikes chord with social work professor
By Charles Anzalone, June 26, 2014
Iowa senator: Washington Redskins should change name
By William Petroski, June 26, 2014
South Dakota Media Should Take Off Its Blinders and Talk About the Mascot Issue
By Tim Giago, Native Sun Times, June 15, 2014
Time for Snyder to change the Redskins’ name
By Ishmael H. Sistrunk, June 26, 2014
Amanda Blackhorse Is ‘Confident’ Synder Will Lose His Redskins Appeal
By Robert Silverman, June 25, 2014
Washington hires blogger to help defend name
By Mike Florio, June 26, 2014 (Detroit)
Detroit News Bans Use Of ‘Redskins’ Team Name
By Christy Strawser, June 25, 2014
American Indian racial slurs are never a ‘badge of honor’
By Merlene Davis, June 25, 2014
Editorial: Connecticut schools should change offensive team names
June 25, 2014
The R-word is Even Worse Than You Think
By Susan Shown Harjo, June 23, 2014
Redskins should drop hateful, violent name
June 25, 2014
Time has come to eliminate racial slur in NFL team’s name
June 25, 2015
Indian groups accuse Redskins of ‘memorializing’ a segregationist
By Erik Brady, June 25, 2014
FIFA, Redskins lacking in response to controversies
By Sam Wilson, June 25, 2014
University of Iowa alum behind Washington redskins trademark cancellation
By Vanessa Miller, June 25, 2014
Detroit News bans use of ‘Redskins’ in football coverage
By Scott Allen, June 25, 2014
No Name Is Really Sacred To Dan Snyder
By Dave McKenna, June 25, 2014 (Washington)
Native American Group to Bring $9 Billion Lawsuit Against Cleveland Indians
June 25, 2014
From Redskins sponsors, mostly silence – ‘They are not in position to take public stands’
By Mark Holan, June 25, 2014
Washington’s Latest Defense of Redskins Nickname: High Schools Have It, Too!
By Bob Cook, June 25, 2014
No takers for ‘Redskins Caucus’ among Arlington legislative delegation
June 25, 2014
FedEx seeks to block shareholder proposal on Redskins stadium name
By Mark Holan, June 25, 2014
‘Redskins’ is Bad Business
By Michael Lewis and Manish Tripathi, June 24, 2014
Will someone tell the Redskins to take a break from social media?
By Erik Brady, June 24, 2014
The R-word
By E.B. June 25, 2014
Activist group targets FedEx over Washington NFL team name
By Erik Brady, June 24, 2014
Dan Snyder Is Pig Headed About Redskins’ Name Change
By Wayne Besen, June 24, 2014
Muling over mascots and monikers
By Jackie Johnson, June 24, 2014
White America’s shocking ignorance on racist mascots
By Jacqueline Keeler, June 24, 2014
Honda Supports Ruling on Team Name
June 23, 2014
Change the Name
By Spencer Blair, June 24, 2014
When Slang Becomes a Slur
Geoffrey Nunberg, June 23, 2014
Sunday Q & A with Joey Browner: Redskins name, logo have to go
June 22, 2014
Make the Case: Should the Washington Redskins Change Their Name?
Meet the Press 24/7, June 20, 2014
A Leadership Lesson for Goodell, From Goodell
By William Rhoden, June 21, 2014
The Washington Redskins must deal with the reality of a racist brand
By Rodney K. Smith, June 21, 2014
In the other Washington, time for a name change
June 21, 2014
An easy decision: Change nickname
By Ben Smith, June 22, 2014
The Redskins and racism
By Troy Williams, June 22, 2014
Dispute over Redskins team name reaches tipping point
Editorial, June 23, 2014
Correct Call on Team Name
Editorial, June 23, 2014
Racism isn’t only reason to rename Redskins
By Catherine Rampell, June 20, 2014
Why cling to an offensive name?
By Gerald Ensley, June 20, 2014
Best protest, hit Snyder in his wallet
By Bucky Gleason, June 19, 2014
Redskins’ not only racist, it’s inappropriate
By Mike Argento, June 20, 2014
Jon Stewart tackles Redskins trademark registration ruling on ‘Daily Show’
By Scott Allen, June 20, 2014
How Suzan Harjo Helped Defeat the Offensive Washington Football Mascot
By Hunter Walker, June 20, 2014
Shareholders concerned about FedEx link to Redskins
By Erik Brady, June 19, 2014
Minnesota Congresswoman asks Vikings owner to publicly Condemn Redskins name
By Erik Brady, June 19, 2014
Trademark ruling a sign that name will change
By Larry Stone, June 20, 2014
Target Dan Snyder’s Corporate Sponsors
By Michael Tomasky, the Daily Beast,, June 20, 2014
It’s time for Washington NFL team to change its name
By Tom Sorensen, June 19, 2014
Suzan Harjo: It’s a victory for all of us
By Theresa Vargas, June 20, 2014
Investors seek proxy proposal on FedEx damage from Washington Redskins association
By Rob Kozlowski, June 19, 2014
Board rules for dictionary over Redskin’s feeble attempts to defend team name
By Robert McCartney, June 18, 2014
Dan Snyder and the Redskins take a loss
By Jay Caspian King, June 18, 2014
Putting Washington’s trademark to rest is a good start
By Ann Killion, June 19, 2014
Redskins must move on from racial slur team name
By Jarrett Bell, June 18, 2014
Trademark decision against the Redskins is a victory for tolerance
Editorial Board, June 18, 2014
Slurs Don’t Deserve Trademark Protection
Editorial Board, June 18, 2014
Redskins’ latest loss will only increase pressure
By Erik Brady, June 18, 2014
Washington Redskins apologist are on every wrong side of history – and a slur
By Dave Rappoccio, June 19, 2014
Redskins name controversy at tipping point?
By Gregory Karp and Robert Channick, June 19, 2014
Ruling adds momentum for Redskins name change
June 19, 2014
Trademark decision is more handwriting on the wall for Washington’s NFL team
Editorial Board, June 19, 2014
Pressure on Redskins expected to increase
By Bob Hohler, June 19, 2014
Is end near for Redskins? It’s about time
By Simon Moya-Smith, June 19, 2014
Former Redskins player says team should change name
By John Torres, June 19, 2014
Why we’re banning Redskins in The Seattle Times
June 18, 2014 (MMBQ with Peter King)
What’s Next, Washington?
By Jenny Vrentas, June 18, 2014
Washington Redskins lose trademark case in court
By Lauren Gambino, June 18, 2014
McCollum: Ruling against Redskins trademark a ‘victory for decency’
By Corey Mitchell, June 18, 2014
Civil and Human Rights Coalition Applauds Patent Office Decision on Washington Football Team Name
June 18, 2014
Patent office cancels Redskins trademarks
By Ben Brody, June 18, 2014
DC leaders praise ruling on Redskins name
By Emily Stone, June 18, 2014
Democrats Hail Redskins Trademark Ruling
By Rebecca Ballhaus and Michael R. Crittenden
Joe Theismann was a proud Redskin but wouldn’t fight name change
By Nate Davis, June 18, 2014
Redskins Ruling Could Stick This Time, Say Trademark Experts
By Pete Williams, June 18, 2014
Today’s Redskins’ Ruling is Critically Important, Could Divide NFL Owners on Future Use of Team Name
By Marc Edelman, June 18, 2014
Dan Snyder should just do the right thing and drop ‘Redskins’
By Scott Martelle, June 18, 2014
7 Things That Convinced the U.S. Patent Office To Cancel Redskins Trademark
By Judd Legum, June 18, 2014
Redskins nickname needs to go. Now!
By Rick Morrissey, June 18, 2014 (Washington DC)
Oneida Nation: Taxpayers Can’t Pay to Help Redskins’ Profit Off of Racial Slur
June 18, 2014
U.S. Patent Office Cancels Redskins Trademark Registration
By Ken Belson and Edward Wyatt, June 18, 2014
Patent Office: Redskins ‘disparaging’
By Darren Rovell, June 18, 2014
Reid to Snyder: ‘Writing is on the wall’
By Lucy McCalmont, June 18, 2014
U.S. Patent office cancels Redskins trademark registration, says name is disparaging
By Theresa Vargas, June 18, 2014
Redskins trademarks canceled by U.S. Patent Office
By Erik Brady, June 18, 2014
The Washington Redskins’ Trademark Just Got Canceled
By Sam Frizell, June 18, 2014
U.S. Patent Office Cancels Washington Redskins’ Trademark Registration
By Bill Chappell, June 18, 2014
Cantwell on redskins Patent Office decision: ‘This is a landmark decision’
By Ed O’Keefe, June 18, 2014
Larry King doesn’t understand why Dan Snyder won’t change the Redskin’s name
By Erik Brady, June 17, 2014
It’s long past time for Washington’s NFL team to hail a new nickname
By Roger Chesley, June 17, 2014
Larry King and Terry Bradshaw Agree Redskins Should Change Name
By Dan Steinberg, June 17, 2014
Major Christian Denomination Joins Campaign To Change Redskins Name
By Jack Jenkins, June 17, 2014
Harry Reid shoots down invite to Redskins Game
The Senate Majority Leader said the team name “disparages the American people”
By Matt Bradwell, June 17, 2014
UCC’s Central Atlantic Conference unanimously passes resolution calling for Washington NFL team name change
By Emily Schappacher, June 16, 2014
U.S. Senator Harry Reid refuses to attend Redskins game until team changes nickname
By Erik Brady, June 17, 2014
U.S. Sen. Harry Reid won’t attend Redskins games unless nickname changes
By Scooby Axson, June 17, 2014
Reid: I’ll go to Redskins game after the team changes its name
By Rebecca Shabad, June 17, 2014
Why I’m Renouncing the Washington Redskins
By Joseph Bernstein, June 16, 2014
Church calls for boycott over Washington team name
By Mike Florio, June 14, 2014
Church group votes to boycott Redskins
AP, June 14, 2014 (Washington)
John Oliver Mocks Dan Snyder for Not Changing Redskins Name
By Chris Lingebach, June 16, 2014
Church group latest to boycott Redskins over name
By Erik Brady, June 14, 2014
Mid-Atlantic United Church of Christ leaders vote to boycott Redskins games and gear
By Theresa Vargas, June 14, 2014
Column: Washington’s NFL team must change name
By Kunal Patel, June 12, 2014
Boston College expert Eva Garroutee calls ads against Redskins name ‘well-conceived’
By Erik Brady, June 11, 2014
Champ Bailey: Controversial ‘Redskins’ name like N-word
By Jarrett Bell, June 11, 2014
“Pardon the Interruption” discusses the Change the Mascot TV ad
June 10, 2014
“Around the Horn” discusses the Change the Mascot TV ad
June 10, 2014
Anti-Redskins Ad Airing During NBA Finals
AP, June 11, 2014
Anti-Redskins TV ad airs during halftime of NBA Finals game
My Matt Ackland, June 11, 2014
Opponents to run anti-‘Redkins’ ad
By John Keim, June 10, 2014
Anti-Redskins Ad to Run During NBA Finals Tonight
June 10, 2014
Why Dan Snyder Won’t Relent on ‘Redskins,’ and Why I Did
By Mike Freeman, NFL National Lead Writer, June 10, 2014
Ignorance is bliss … for supporters of the Washington Redskins
By Del. Eni Faleomavaega (D- American Samoa), June 9, 2014
Anti-Redskins ad to air during NBA Finals
By Theresa Vargas, June 10, 2014
Anti-Redskins commercial to air during NBA Finals
By Michael David Smith, June 10, 2014
Traditions can, and do, change
By Henry G. Brinton, June 6, 2014
Pharrell and Jeff Bostic and Redskins
By Allen Johnson, June 5, 2014
The National Football League Has a “Donald Sterling” and it’s Daniel Snyder – Owner of the Redskins
By Beau Grosscup, June 5, 2014
The Redskins Name Debate: My take on the Washington Redskins name, and why they need to change the name
By Jake Elman, June 4, 2014
It’s time for the Washington Redskins to change their name
By Braden Gall, June 5, 2014
Official Congressional action needed on ‘Washington Redskins’
By Robert Shepherd, June 4, 2014
Redskins name supporters talk to minister ahead of United Church of Christ boycott vote
By Theresa Vargas, June 4, 2014
John Carlos Stands Up to an NFL Slur
By Dave Zirin, June 4, 2014
John Carlos, who raised a gloved fist on Olympic podium in 1968, wants to know what today’s athletes stand for
By Mike Wise, June 3, 2014
Martin Luther King, Donald Sterling, and the Washington Redskins
By Bill Halamandaris, June 3, 2014 (Washington)
Peter King: Redskins Name Controversy ‘Not Gonna Go Away’
By Chris Lingebach, June 3, 2014
67 Percent of Native Americans Say ‘Redskins’ Is Offensive
By Rachael Johnson, June 4, 2014
Turns out entire justification for Washington football racist name was debunked by owner in 1933
June 4, 2014
The Arguments About the Washington Redskins Name Have Been Going Since 1972
By Jason Lisk, June 3, 2014
Redskins GM Bruce Allen declares victory in ignorance of the facts
By Alex Schlinsky, June 3, 2014
Did the Redskins Learn Anything From #RedskinsPride? Not really.
By Benjamin Freed, June 3, 2014
“Redskin’ is a Symbolic Mass Annihilation
By Naomi Brisley, June 1, 2014
Washington Redskins Owner Dan Snyder Is Looking A Gift Horse In the Mouth
By Blaine Bishop (former NFL player), June 3, 2014
It’s not just ‘political correctness’ – it’s about being right
By Mike Sarzo, June 3, 2014
The Great Redskins Name Debate of … 1972?
By Dan Steinberg, June 3, 2014
For Redskins, pride – and hashtags – often precede their falls
By Jason Reid, June 2, 2014
The battle over the Redskins’ name is about the exploitation of a stereotype for profit
By Courtland Milloy, June 1, 2014
League contends Washington name “not a slur”
The issue will continue to be a “point blank, yes-or-no, yes-or-no kind of context” until the league and team say “yes” to name change
By Mike Florio, May 31, 2014
DC Rep. Norton: Washington Redskins Name ‘Going to Go,’ as Congressional Pressure Builds
By Rick Klein, May 30, 2014
#RedskinsPride: NFL fans hijack Washington Redskins hashtag to denounce team’s name
By Lauren O’Neil, May 30, 2014
#RedskinsPride Is Latest Twitter Hashtag Fail
By Jerry L. Barrow, May 30, 2014
NFLPA Leader Says ‘Redskins’ is Racially Insensitive
By Curtis Bunn, May 30, 2014
#RedskinsPride Twitter campaign flops, gives voice to Snyder critics
By Reno Berkely, May 29, 2014
Redskins Take A Sack After Twitter Callout
By Natalie Andrews, May 29, 2014
The 81-Year-Old Newspaper Article That Destroys The Redskins’ Justification For Their Name
By Travis Waldron, May 30, 2014
Redskins’ social media misfire the latest in a long list of stumbles
By Jay Busbee, May 30, 2014
Unsurprisingly, the Redskins #RedskinsPride Hashtag Backfired Quite Horribly
By Dan Treadway, May 29, 2014
The Redskins took to Twitter to defend their racist name, and it went as well as you might expect
May 30, 2014
Redskins’ disastrous social media strategy: Everyone come mock us!
By Jim Newell, May 30, 2014
Dan Snyder’s minions keeps bungling the team name issue
By Mike Florio, May 29, 2014
De Smith says Washington team name conveys “racial insensitivity”
By Mike Florio, May 30, 2014
RedskinsPride Twitter campaign drops the ball
May 30, 2014
Twitter-based Discussion on Redskins Name Goes Exactly as You’d Imagine
By Roberto Scalese, May 29, 2014
Cry Him A River: It’s Been A Rough Week For Dan Snyder And The Washington Football Team
By Matt Cohen, May 30, 2014

The Social Media Director And Owner Dan Snyder Of Washington’s NFL Team Are World’s Worst In Sports
By Keith Olbermann, May 29, 2014
Richard Sherman Makes Waves On The Redskins’ Name Controversy
By Lindsay Brandon, May 30, 2014
NFLPA trying to avoid Redskins name controversy
By Jarrett Bell, USAToday Sports, May 30, 2014
Ethnic slur not right as team nickname
May 30, 2014
Washington NFL Team Fails to Defend Its Name in Hashtag Debacle
By Connor Finnegan, May 29, 2014
Washington fumble #RedskinsPride campaign as racism row intensifies
By Martin Pengelly, May 29, 2014
Washington Redskins come up with a loss on Twitter
May 30, 2014 (Washington D.C.)
Kluwe Wouldn’t Play For Redskins: ‘Money Is Nice, Dignity Is Nicer’
May 29, 2014
Redskins ask fans to defend their name to Harry Reid on Twitter; get predictable result
By Erik Brady and Nina Mandell, May 29, 2014
Tribal leader turns down Redskins’ invite
By Erik Brady, May 30, 2014
Washington Redskins’ Twitter campaign to share #RedskinsPride backfires horribly
By Ben Axelson, May 29, 2014
Harry Reid’s office says #RedskinsPride ‘made our day’
By Dan Steinberg, May 29, 2014
#RedskinsPride backfires on Twitter
May 30, 2014
Native Americans gather in Harmar, call Redskins team name offensive
By Jodi Weigand, May 25, 2014
#RedskinsPride fumbles on Twitter
May 30, 2014
Change the Washington R@dsk!ns Name? What Might a 19th Century Bishop Say?
By Gustav Niehuhr, May 29, 2014
1933 news article refutes cherished tale that Redskins were named to honor Indian coach
By Robert McCartney, May 28, 2014
50 senators urge NFL to endorse name change of Redskins
Trice Edney News Wire, May 29, 2014
How will pending trademark ruling impact Redskins name?
By Erik Brady, May 28, 2014
DeLand column: Sometimes, traditions need to be retired
By Dave DeLand, May 28, 2014
John Feinstein Blog: Lawyers In Defense Of Racism And Bad People
May 28, 2014
Civil rights groups urge NFL players to oppose Redskins name
By Mike Dyce, May 27, 2014
NFL Players called upon to oppose Washington team name
By Rafael Thomas, May 28, 2014
Goalposts are moving on racist team names
By James Gordon, May 28, 2014
‘R*dskins’ Opponents Send Letter to Every NFL Player to Push for Name Change
By Andrew Johnson, May 28, 2014
Man In The Mirror: Why Daniel Snyder Could End Up Sharing Donald Sterling’s Sorry Legacy If He Doesn’t Act Fast
By Marc Edelman, May 28, 2014
Redskins Name Change Targets Every NFL Player
May 28, 2014
NFL players urged to denounce ‘Redskins’ nickname
Agence France-Presse, May 28, 2014
Resolution condemns use of racial slurs for team names, mascots
By Matthew McKibben, May 27, 2014
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Must Pressure Dan Snyder to Change Name of Washington Redskins
By Kevin Saito, May 28, 2014
Groups Want NFL Players to Join Battle Over Washington Redskins Team Name
By Stephen A. Crockett, May 28, 2014
ADL joins letter to NFL players opposing Redskins name
By JTA, May 28, 2014
Letter to be sent to each NFL player
By John Keim, May 27, 2014
Groups sending letter to every NFL player over Redskins name
By Erik Brady, May 27, 2014
NFL players asked to support Redskins name change
By Theresa Vargas, Dan Steinberg and Mark Maske, May 27, 2014
Erasing the “R” Word From our Lexicon
May 27, 2014
Can 50 U.S. senators move Dan Snyder? Probably not
By Erik Brady, May 23, 2014
Cut your losses, Washington Redskins, and sack the slur
Times Editorial Board, May 25, 2014
Redskins should change name
Denver Post Editorial Board, May 25, 2014
Holmgren says Redskins should change name
By Mike Florio, May 25, 2014 (Honolulu)
50 senators to NFL: Change Redskins’ racist name
By Alan Fram (AP), May 22, 2014
Senate Democrats demand “Redskins’ name change
By S.A. Miller, May 22, 2014
Number You Need To Know: 50
Hosted by Michael Smith, May 22, 2014
Oneida: ‘Skins ‘slur’ bad as Donald Sterling
By Lucy McCalmont, May 23, 2014
Citing N.B.A. Example, Senators Urge N.F.L. to Act on Redskins’ Name
By Carl Hulse and Elena Schneider, May 22, 2014
Schumer, Gillibrand say it’s time for Washington Redskins to change racist name
By Mark Weiner, May 22, 2014
Senators urge NFL to act on Redskins’ name, citing NBA action with Donald Sterling
By Cindy Boren, May 22, 2014
U.S. Senators send letters to Goodell
By Darren Rovell, May 22, 2014
Dozens of senators call on NFL to change Redskins team name
By Michele Richinick, May 22, 2014
Senators: Change Redskins name
By Brian Tumulty, May 22, 2014
There’s only one Redskins name change that works
By Vinnie Iyer, May 22, 2014
50 of the Most Powerful People in America Think the Redskins Should Change Their Name
By Eileen Shim, May 23, 2014
Trademarks, not politicians, may be key to Redskins name battle
By Scott Bomboy, May 23, 2014
Half the Senate Tells NFL to Change Redskins’ Name
May 22, 2014
Fifty senators sign a letter asking NFL to change Redskins name
By Josh Katzowitz, May 22, 2014
Senate Democrats urge NFL to endorse name change for Redskins
By Mark Maske, May 22, 2014
New York State Lawmakers Denounce ‘Redskins’ Name, Pass Unanimous Resolution
ICTMN Staff, May 20, 2014
Our View: Offensive T-shirts show why ‘Sioux’ logo was retired
American News Editorial Board, May 21, 2014
Native American Groups Launch Photo Campaign Against ‘Redskins’ Name
By Travis Waldron, May 19, 2014
The Real History of ‘Redskins’ That Dan Snyder Needs To See
By Andrea Garcia-Vargas, May 20, 2014
Native Americans: We’re not your mascots
By Simon Moya-Smith, May 19, 2014
The NFL should learn from the NBA
By Ashley Lee, May 16, 2014
AFL players can teach us a lesson on dealing with racism
By Laurie Lattimore-Volkmann, May 14, 2014
United States: Disparagement Ruling May Impact Washington Redskins’ Trademark
By Kevin Hartley, May 14, 2014
U.S. court says trademarks can’t disparage religion, ethnic groups
May 13, 2014
Time for change is at hand for NFL
By Bob Grotz, May 12, 2014
Now, about that other race-related sports issue
Why can’t the NFL be more like the NBA?
Editorial by Kevin Frisch, May 12, 2014
Congressman demands explanation of ‘racist’ Redskins name
By Megan Cloherty and Dave McConnell, May 10, 2014
House Democrat calls for congressional hearing on Redskins name
By Tom Pelissero, May 9, 2014
Is the Use of ‘Redskins’ a Hate Crime?
By Peter D’Errico, May 10, 2014
Congressman Requests Hearing on Redskins Name
AP, May 9, 2014
A tale of two podiums
By Clinton Yates, May 9, 2014
Rep. Henry Waxman wants hearing on ‘derogatory’ name of D.C.’s NFL team
By William Douglas, May 9, 2014
Waxman calls for hearing on ‘derogatory’ Redskins name
By Blake Neff, May 9, 2014
Speaking Out: Richard Sherman on the R-Word
Blog by Ray Halbritter, May 8, 2014
What the NFL Doesn’t Want You to Think About
Blog by Jim Wallis, May 9, 2014
NFL dodges Washington racial slur name issue in Draft Round 1
By Will Stabley, May 9, 2014
Richard Sherman: ‘Redskins’ Name Proves NFL Not Concerned With Racism
By Travis Waldron, May 8, 2014 (Washington D.C.)
Richard Sherman Speaks Out Against Redskins Name
By Chris Lingebach, May 8, 2014
Richard Sherman: The NFL Would Not Have Banned A Donald Sterling For Life
By Sean Gregory, May 7, 2014
Richard Sherman hopes Donald Sterling episode prompts more Redskins debate
By Dan Steinberg, May 7, 2014
Gansler changes stance on Washington team’s name
All three Democratic candidates for Maryland governor agree that name should change
By Alexander Pyles and Michael Dresser, May 7, 2014
Banning racism in professional sports
By James Mejia, May 7, 2014
New York Lawmakers Announce Resolution Calling on Sports Teams to Ban Racial Slurs
By Shadee Ashtari, May 6, 2014
Halbritter, Griffo join legislators condemning Redskins name
By Kyle Hughes, May 6, 2014
Stopping racial slurs
May 7, 2014
NY state lawmakers join pressure on Washington’s football team mascot
By Ryan Delaney, May 7, 2014 (with video)
Lawmakers to NFL: Drop ‘the R-Word’ for D.C. team
By Shivani Gonzalez, May 6, 2014
Halbritter, NY lawmakers denounce NFL Redskins name
May 6, 2014
New York lawmakers pushing NFL to get Washington Redskins to change nickname
May 6, 2014
New York lawmakers push to have NFL change Redskins’ name
AP, May 6, 2014
New York lawmakers denounce NFL Redskins name
By David Klepper, May 6, 2014
Oneida Nation Representative, lawmakers, say NFL should ban the ‘R-word’
By Matthew McKibben, May 6, 2014
New York lawmakers denounce NFL Redskins name
May 6, 2014
Bipartisan group of state lawmakers calling for Washington Redskins to change name
May 6, 2014
Former Redskins player Jason Taylor says Redskins name is offensive
By Dan Steinberg, May 6, 2014
The NBA Schools the NFL on How to Handle Racism
By Michael Friedman, Ph.D., May 6, 2014
Harry Reid alludes to Redskins nickname on #AskCommish with Roger Goodell
By Cindy Boren, May 6, 2014
Vikings: American Indian advocate Joey Browner says NBA has set example for Redskins
By Chris Tomasson, May 2, 2014
Washington Redskins: The battle over a controversial name
By Simon Clancy, May 3, 2014
Kevin Johnson: New Name For Redskins’ Should Strongly Be Considered’
By Dave Jamieson, May 4, 2014
It’s time to change the name of the Washington Redskins
By Clarence Page, May 4, 2014
NFL should take advice from NBA
By Brian Durham, May 2, 2014
NBA Response to Sterling-Clippers Fiasco Holds Lessons for Companies
By Ben Dipietro, May 2, 2014
Sen. John McCain would ‘probably change’ Redskins name
By Will Brinson, May 2, 2014
McCollum: NFL should follow NBA’s lead on racial issues
By Corey Mitchell, May 1, 2014
Donald Sterling’s lifetime ban puts Redskins name debate back in spotlight
By Scott Allen, May 1, 2014
Following Sterling’s Ban, Focus Shifts to Racist Redskins Team Name
By Matt Tracy, May 1, 2014
The NBA won’t tolerate racism, so why does the NFL tolerate ‘Redskins’?
By Chris Feliciano, April 30, 2014
Reid calls on NFL to rename Redskins, cites NBA Sterling ban as positive example
By Kate Stanton, April 30, 2014
Sen. Reid: NFL Should Follow NBA’s Lead Regarding Redskins Owner
By Eyder Peralta, April 30, 2014
Senator Urges N.F.L. to Change Name of Redskins
By Emmarie Huetteman, April 30, 2014 (Washington)
Harry Reid Slams Redskins Owner, NFL Over Team’s Name
May 1, 2014
Clippers ban puts pressure on Washington Redskins
April 30, 2014
NFL should take a lesson from the NBA: Ban the Washington team’s offensive name
Editorial Board, May 1, 2014
Reid: NFL should take note of NBA stance on race; force Redskins to change name
By Dana Davidsen, April 30, 2014
The refusal to rename the Redskins is far worse than Sterling’s racist remarks
The Washington football team’s owner, Dan Snyder, wants all his fans to celebrate a racist slur against my people
By Dana Lone Hill, April 30, 2014
Oneida Nation puts pressure on Redskins owner Dan Snyder after Sterling ban
By Sam Galanis, April 30, 2014
Oneida Nation: NFL should punish Daniel Snyder like NBA did Sterling
By Josh Katzowitz, April 29, 2014
Bell: Stubborn NFL needs to hear NBA’s message, stop using ‘Redskins’
By Jarrett Bell, April 29, 2014
Will Sterling lifetime ban push Redskins issue to critical mass?
By Mike Florio, April 29, 2014
Oneida Nation: NFL should discipline Daniel Snyder for Redskins nickname
By Scooby Axson, April 29, 2014
Sterling’s lifetime ban sends clear message to all owners
By Mike Florio, April 29, 2014
Fletcher started to “feel a little uneasy” about Redskins name in 2013
By Mike Florio, April 29, 2014
Racism in Sports Comes in Many Forms, Must Be Fought With Gestures Big and Small
By Dan Levy, National Lead Writer, April 28, 2014 (Washington D.C.)
Oneida Indian Nation: Dan Snyder’s ‘Living in an Alternate Universe’
Buy Chris Lingebach, April 22, 2014
A New Rallying Cry for the Redsk*ns
By Dashanne Stokes, April 27, 2014

Tues. Worsts: A Dan Snyder Trifecta: why can’t you donate to Native American causes AND change your racist team name?
By: Keith Olbermann

USA Today
Notah Begay: Snyder’s Redskins foundation a ‘gimmick’
By: Erik Brady, April 23, 2014
Snyder says team name isn’t an issue, Halbritter disagrees
By: Mike Florio, April 22, 2014
5 Studies That Prove Dan Snyder If Wrong About ‘Redskins’
By Dashanne Stokes, April 21, 2014
Brian Murphy: No excuses – Redskins mascots need to go
By Brian Murphy, April 20, 2014
A letter to the Redskins owner, on why he should change the name
By Melissa Harris-Perry, April 19, 2014
Forum: Reject Redskins’ bid to buy Native American support
By James R. Rawlings, April 20, 2014
The right side of history
By Ray Halbritter, April 18, 2014
Racism very much alive amidst Jackie Robinson celebration
By Joe Leathersich, April 17, 2014
NFL Franchise Channels Puritan Colonists
By Peter D’Errico, April 18, 2014
Around the Gorge: Sun Sports Banter, Read At Your Own Risk (last entry tackles Dan Snyder)
By Emily Berman and Lisa Awaitey, April 18, 2014
Iktomi Speaks: The Crooked Tongue of Dan Snyder
By Crystal Willcuts, April 17, 2014
Study: Teams with Native American mascots end up losing millions
By Kenley Young, April 16, 2014
Pitts: Washington Racial Slurs issue started in 1625
By Leonard Pitts Jr., April 15, 2014
Snyder’s Redsk*ns Hush Money and KTNN’s Questionable Behavior
By Nicholet Deschine, April 15, 2014
Our View: Taking down stereotypes, one at a time
The New Mexican, April 15, 2014
Lewis Black Says Redskins Should Change Their Name
By Benjamin Freed, April 16, 2014
Houston schools stop using ‘Redskins’ and other insensitive names
By Michael David Smith, April 16, 2014
Let’s hear it for the Washington Slurs
By Leonard Pitts Jr., April 15, 2014
The Cleveland Indians’ controversial mascot is hurting their bottom line
By Jeff Yang, April 15, 2014
Native Americans Protest Dan Snyder’s Charity Golf Tournament
By Rick Cohen, April 15, 2014
Supporting Derogatory Depictions Not An Option For NIGA
Statement by Ernie Stevens, Jr., NIGA Chairman, April 14, 2014
In Redskins Golf Tournament, It Was The Navajo Who Got Played
By Jacqueline Keeler, April 14, 2014
Native Group Drops Charity Golf Event Over Redskins Link
April 14, 2014
Redskins Sponsorship Taints Navajo Golf Event, Other Sponsors Outraged
By Gale Courey Toensing, April 13, 2014
Sponsor pulls out of Redskins charity golf event over team name
By Ryan Wilson, April 13, 2014
Washington Redskins foundation loses another event sponsor
By Erik Brady, April 13, 2014
Native American groups distance themselves from the Redskins
By Michael David Smith, April 13, 2014
Redskins foundation golf event loses sponsor in protest
By Brent Schrotenboer, April 12, 2014
UN Expert Calls Washington Football Team Name A ‘Hurtful Reminder’
By Matt Cohen, April 11, 2014
U.N. Expert: Redskins’ name ‘hurtful’ and ‘disparaging’
By David Steele, April 11, 2014 (Eastern Washington University)
Redskins need to take a cue from EWU
By Galen Rock, April 11, 2014 (Baltimore)
UN Expert Weighs In On Redskins Controversy; Navajo Nation Council Opposes Team Name
AP, April 11, 2014
United Nations Representative Says Name of Washington Redskins is Offensive
By Travis Waldron, April 11, 2014
‘Redskins’ Team mascot hurtful reminder of past suffering
United Nations Human Rights Commissioner, April 11, 2014
UN expert says NFL’s Redskins name offensive
April 11, 2014
Navajo Nation Votes Against NFL Team’s Racist Name
By Jamilah King, April 11, 2014
Council opposes Redskins name (Navajo Nation Council)
April 11, 2014
Talking Sports Mascots With Members of Idle No More
By Dave Zirin, April 10, 2014
Cancel Colbert twitter trend pulls focus from real issues
By Patrick Berry, April 10, 2014
‘Beyond 140’: Indigenous artist Gregg Deal on ‘Redskins’ name controversy
Stream Team, April 9, 2014
In Edgewood, an “American Genocide’ Mural Takes Aim at the Pigskins
By Christine Cauterucci, April 9, 2014
Editorial: Time for Belmont’s Red Raiders to go
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Mistakes Were Made
The embarrassing missteps of Redskins owner Dan Snyder just keep coming
By Charles P. Pierce, April 9, 2014
#DeChiefing Is The Anti-Racist Protest That Pro Sports Badly Needs
By Zak Cheney-Rice, April 5, 2014 (Canada Sports)
Moose Jaw Warriors throwback jersey called ‘totally insensitive’; city council taking up matter with WHL team
By Neate Sager, April 8, 2014
The Fading and Enduring Native American Imagery, Caricatures in Corporate America
Bu Susanna Kim, April 8, 2014
The “R” Word
By Deon Thomas, April 8, 2014
Native Mascots: Cleveland Is Not Rocking, Neither is Kansas City, Washington, Atlanta
By Todd Bennett, April 6, 2014
What Does Football Have to Do With Genocide? In Washington DC, Plenty
ICTMN Staff, April 7, 2014
The first project for Snyder’s foundation: Changing a name
Editorial by Brian Cladoosby, president of the National Congress of the American Indians, April 4, 2014
Merrimack Valley took pride in change; will Belmont follow?
By Ray Duckler, April 6, 2014 (University of Tennessee independent student newspaper)
Redskins’ ‘tradition’ blurs lines between appropriation, memory
By Andrea Richardson, April 7, 2014
#Not4Sale: How a Group of Native American Women Are Speaking Out Against Bullying Silence
By Indigenius_Ideas, April 3, 2014
I’m Not Your Disappearing Indian
By Jacqueline Keeler, April 3, 2014
Hail to De-Chiefing
By Paul Lukas, April 2, 2014
The Price of a Slur
By David Treuer, April 2, 2014
The slur agenda
By Bob Franken, April 3, 2014 (MMQB with Peter King)
The Battle of Washington
By Jenny Vrentas with Emily Kaplan, April 3, 2014
Why Native American women have been leaders in the fight against team mascots
By Mary Hudetz, April 1, 2014
A fine line between history and racism
Editorial, April 2, 2014
The Rez Of The Story: By Any Other Name
By Vince Two Eagles, March 31, 2014 (from the Washington Post)
A limit to his charity
Editorial, April 1, 2014
Dan Snyder’s Anti-Public Relations and #CancelColbert
By Dave Zirin, April 1, 2014
Can Redskins Owner Dan Snyder Trade 3,000 Coats For a Racist Name?
By Michael Adelberg, April 1, 2014
Gary Edwards: Wrong on Redskins
By Ted Quasula, March 31, 2014
Head of D.C. NFL team’s Native group lost federal contract over ‘unusable’ results
By Arturo Garcia, March 28, 2014
Hail to the oafs
By Bob Franken, March 29, 2014
Christie, Brown, Snyder offer good lessons in bad public relations
Telegraph editorial, March 30, 2014
Can Coats Quiet Controversy Over Football Team Name?
By Michel Martin, March 27, 2014
Redskins owner’s new charity scores no points with Autry’s West
By Mike Boehm, March 29, 2014
Jansen: Odd gift links Omaha Tribe to owner who won’t give up ‘Redskins’
By Matthew Hansen, March 30, 2014
Majority Leader Harry Reid Says Snyder’s Foundation A ‘Phony Deal’
ICTMN Staff, March 28, 2014
Head of Redskins’ Native American Charity Drew U.S. Scrutiny
March 28, 2014
CEO of Redskin’s Foundation Has History Of Swindling Native Americans
By Barry Petchesky, March 28, 2014
CEO of Washington Football Team’s New Foundation Allegedly Wasted Bureau of Indian Affairs Funds
By Matt Cohen, March 28, 2014
Senate’s Harry Reid predicts Redskins name change within three years
By Houston Mitchell, March 28, 2014
Did Dan Snyder Bother to Vet the Guy Running His New Foundation for Native Americans?
By Josh Voorhees, March 28, 2014
Head of Dan Snyder’s Original Americans Foundation Found to Have Ripped Off Bureau of Indian Affairs for $1 Million
By Ty Duffy, March 28, 2014
Dan Snyder’s latest cigar store Indian
By Ryan Van Bibber, March 28, 2014
More Trouble for Dan Snyder’s Foundation
By Auro Bogado, March 28, 2014
Dan Snyder, Your Washington Redskins Money Cannot Pay Us Off
By Charlotte Roe, March 28, 2014
Redskins foundation head drew criticism in I.G. report
By Brent Schrotenboer, March 27, 2014
Botched Job Taints Resume of Dan Snyder’s New Native Friend
By Gale Courey-Toensing, March 28, 2014
Dan Snyder’s Redskins Foundation Chief Ran Nonprofit That ‘Wasted’ $1M In Federal Grants
By Rick Cohen, March 28, 2014
CEO of new Washington Redskins foundation connected to ‘defective’ federal contract
By Theresa Vargas and Tom Jackman, March 28, 2014
Head of new Redskins foundation drew government criticism for previous work
By Jay Busbee, March 28, 2014
Harry Reid predicts Redskins name change within three years
By Mike Florio, March 28, 2014
Dan Snyder’s Trail of Crocodile Tears
By Michael Tomasky, March 28, 2014
Snyder drops a line, but walks a thin one
By Mike Wise, Washington Post, March 28, 2014
Reid: Redskins will change name within three years
By Mario Trujllo, March 28, 2014
The Head Of Dan Snyder’s Original Americans Foundation Was Investigated For Swindling The Bureau Of Indian Affairs
By Christmas Ape, March 28, 2014
Harry Reid predicts Redskins name changes within three years
By Dan Steinberg, March 27, 2014
Dan Snyder and his OAF: A Trick Play That Is Fooling No One
ICTMN Staff, March 26, 2014
Charity won’t keep the Redskins’ name from being offensive
Editorial Board, March 25, 2014
The Washington Redskins’ Latest PR Stunt Is an Insult to Native Americans
By Zak Cheney-Rice, March 26, 2014
Roger Goodell Praises Dan Snyder’s Publicity Stunt, Of Course
By Matt Cohen, March 26, 2014
A simple case for the NFL’s Washington Redskins to change their racist name
By Robert Harding, March 26, 2014
A Grand Move That Doesn’t Feel Right
By Rick Brown, March 26, 2014
The hypocrisy of Dan Snyder
The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell, March 25, 2014 – featuring Ray Halbritter
About That Open Letter Dan Snyder Just Sent to’Redskins Nation’
By Dave Zirin, March 25, 2014
3 Objections to Dan Snyder’s Washington Redskins Original American Foundation
By Aine Creedon, March 26, 2014
Olbermann: If Redskins Isn’t ‘Racist,’ Why Doesn’t Dan Snyder Call Native Americans That?
Noah Rothman, March 26, 2014
Critics: Redskins’ Snyder misguided with foundation
By Erik Brady, March 26, 2014
Amid pressure over name, Redskins create foundation
By Ryan Delaney, March 25, 2014
The right side of history, the ‘Redskins’
The Reid Report, March 25, 2014
The last slur you can say at work
All In With Chris Hayes, March 25, 2014
What ‘Redskin’ means to an American Indian
All In With Chris Hayes, March 25, 2014
Latest nickname outreach is a step, but without a direction
By Mike Wise, March 25, 2014
Dan Snyder Thinks You’re Stupid
By Tomas Rios, March 26, 2014
Dan Snyder can’t buy his way out of bigotry
March 25, 2014
Dan Snyder Can’t Bribe Dictionaries When it Comes to Racial Slur Name of His Football Team
By Josh Marks, March 25, 2014
Congresswoman Slams Redskins Owner For Trying To ‘Buy The Silence’ Of Native Americans
By Travis Waldron, March 25, 2014
Daniel Snyder’s philanthropy serves himself, not Native Americans
By Chris Strauss, March 25, 2014
Redskins Owner Starts Charity So That You’ll Forget About the Racist Team Name
By Brian Feldman, March 25, 2014
Dan Snyder Acknowledges Existence of People He Prefers to Slur
By Marc Tracy, March 25, 2014
Twitter Users Declare The Washington Redskins’ Latest PR Stunt A Disaster
By Dan Oshinsky, March 25, 2014
Dan Snyder’s Latest Charity Stunt is a Noble Distraction
By Matt Cohen, March 25, 2014
Here, Take This Coat
Washington owner Dan Snyder’s cynical new effort to squelch the controversy over his racist team name
By Josh Levin, March 25, 2014
Dan Snyder’s latest fumble
By Carter Eskew, March 25, 2014
Dan Snyder forms foundation yet clings to racist football team name
By Scott Martelle, March 25, 2014
Oneida Nation not impressed with new Daniel Snyder foundation
By Josh Katzowitz, March 25, 2014
Dan Snyder Bought Some Coats And A Backhoe So You Can’t Object To The Redskins Name Anymore
By Christmas Ape, March 24, 2014
Redskins Owner’s Solution: Form Another Org with the Word ‘Redskins’ in It
By Clark Young, March 25, 2014
Native Americans tell Redskins owner: I’m #Not4Sale
March 25, 2014
Not for Sale campaign.
Redskins Owner: Forget My Slurs, Here Are Some Coats!
HuffPost/AP, March 25, 2014
Oneida Indian Nation responds to new Redskins foundation
By Mike Florio, March 25, 2014
Changing the Redskins for the better
Editorial Board, March 4, 2014
The name “Redskins” is not the mark of “a great history, tradition and legacy” as team owner Dan Snyder put it in a Washington Post letter in October. It is an artifact of an age defined by racism. It honors not the legacy of American Indians but the legacy of bigoted sports franchises from a past age.
Redskins Launch ‘Community Voices’ PR Campaign to Defend Name
By Travis Waldron, March 3, 2014
Community Voices leans on people who say they don’t find the name offensive. Like NFL commissioner Roger Goodell, it never makes it clear exactly how many people would have to find the name offensive for change to be a legitimate consideration.
Community Voices isn’t an argument for keeping the name. It’s a public relations strategy built to further ignore, obscure, and deflect questions and claims for which Snyder and his football team still have no answer.
The ‘N-word’ and the ‘R-word’
By Ray Halbritter, Feb. 28, 2014
In the last few months, civil rights groups, public health organizations, religious leaders, sports icons, city councils, Members of Congress of both parties and the President of the United States have all called on the NFL to stop using the “R-word” and change the Washington team’s name. Even the NBA’s David Stern, a fellow professional sports commissioner, said NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell should not tolerate the promotion of such an offensive term.
Mercury News Editorial: NFL should start promoting racial tolerance by dropping pejorative nickname
Feb. 28, 2014
Using the n-word or any other racial slur is unacceptable, whether it’s on the football field or around the office water cooler. But if the NFL really wants to establish a zero-tolerance policy on racial expletives, as its rules committee is considering, the league’s highest ranks need to clean up their act first.
Start with the Redskins.
The team nickname for Washington’s franchise — in the nation’s capital, no less — is a total embarrassment. It should have been dumped decades ago. (profootballtalk)
Churches propose Redskins boycott
By Mike Florio, March 3, 2014
It’s Monday, which means that it’s time for the Washington Redskins to unveil the latest collection of unverified messages from Native Americans who made unsolicited expressions of support for owner Daniel Snyder’s October 2013 letter defending the team’s name.
Churches propose a boycott of Redskins unless team changes its name
By Carol Morello, March 1, 2014
The governing body of United Church of Christ congregations in the Mid-Atlantic is proposing that its members boycott Washington Redskins games and shun products bearing the team’s logo until the team changes its name and mascot. (Michigan)
Editorial: Goodell’s ‘Redskins’ defense betrays ignorance, indifference
Feb. 1, 2014
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell apparently believes that tradition is on the side of those who want to preserve the Washington Redskins nickname. No doubt those who supported racial segregation felt much the same, and they probably had public opinion polls to back their convictions.
NFL Players Getting Fined for Racial Slurs Exposes a Massive Oversight
By Matthew Rozsa, Feb. 28, 2014
On Feb. 22, news broke that the NFL’s Competition Committee is considering an automatic 15-yard penalty for use of the “n-word” on the field and presumably other racial slurs. This opens up a glaring hole: What about the Redskins? The name of an entire football team is considered by many to be a racial slur with no good arguments against changing it. Roger Goodell, the NFL commissioner, and Daniel Snyder, Washington Redskins owner, need to wake up.
National Football League Racist Ways Must End
By Jonathan Gardner, Feb. 11, 2014
It is an issue that has been brought up by many groups and activists for over a decade, and many feel that the National Football League (NFL) has done little more than turn a blind eye and made excuses. With tolerance being the new image that the NFL is trying to put on itself, it is an issue that cannot be ignored any longer. Public opinion is shifting, and the Washington Redskins are being pressured to change their name to put an end to what many are calling the National Football League’s racist ways.
The NFL should get its own house in order before condemning Arizona
By Michael Weinstein, Feb. 27, 2014
Isn’t the NFL swept up in the Washington Redskins controversy? As you know, many Native Americans are in an uproar and consider the name Redskins to be offensive and hurtful. Yet, the NFL has virtually done nothing to address the concern.
Opinion column: Times a-changing
By Travis Pearson, Feb 26, 2014
Rather than trying to legislate a word and foster racial goodwill, the NFL ought to work on its hypocrisy and stance on the offensive “Redskins” team name.
It’s a sad irony that the N-word makes such a splash, as do racial slurs toward gays and different ethnicities, but Washington Redskins is considered OK. I know most Americans support keeping the name Redskins, and I also realize some American Indians don’t have any issue with the name.
But many do. Google Image Chief Wahoo. Seriously, that logo just went out of use this year. Think about if that was another race or ethnicity. But for Wahoo and the Redskins, it’s like time stands still.
Opinion: NFL may throw flag on N-word, but what about the ‘R-word’?
By Simon Moya-Smith, Feb. 25, 2014
This week, the elite owners of the National Football League are considering instituting a 15-yard penalty for any NFL player caught using the N-word on the field.
Noble gesture? Sure. Clueless? Absolutely.
Why is it bad to demean a player of African descent, but the pejorative “Redskins” is still just fine for use as the name of the Washington football team? Makes no sense. (North Carolina)
More dialogue About the Redskins
By Allen Johnson, Feb. 26, 2014
As for the future, it’s ownders stubborn resistance notwithstanding, the team name will change becuase our sensibilities are changing. And the Redskins’ black fans, of all people, should help lead the way.
Will Banning the N-Word Solve the NFL’s Problem With Slurs?
By Larry Mendt, Feb. 26, 2014
What about slurs against Native Americans? Is the league really going to tell players on a team called the “Redskins” that they will be penalized for using racial slurs?
It would seem the hypocrisy and the offensive language isn’t limited to the field of play.
The Redskins are fighting a battle they can’t win
By Bob Ray Sanders, Feb. 26, 2014
Snyder and his organization need to recognize they are fighting a loosing battle.
It may be a long time coming, as singer Sam Cooke would say, “but I know a change is gonna come, oh yes it will.” (Idaho)
Our View: High School Sports No Place for Demeaning Mascots
Times-News Editorial Board, Feb. 26, 2014
Co-opting a people, while simultaneously demeaning an entire way of life, is only showing reverence to a shameful past. Teton and Salmon are on the wrong side of history.

The NFL cares more about its image than addressing racism on the field
Penalising players for using the n-word while allowing the Washington Redskins to retain its name reeks of hypocrisy
By David Dennis, Feb. 25, 2014
NFL remains a generation behind the times
By Thomas Boswell, Feb. 24, 2014
Even nicknames give away the NFL mind-set. Where else would a billion-dollar business proclaim that it will “NEVER — you can use caps” change a name and logo that offends many, including plenty of its own customers. When the wind shifts, all the leaves blow the same direction. A nickname, in the bigger scheme, is a leaf. (profootballtalk)
Redskins continue to release unverified statements of support from Native Americans
By Mike Florio, Feb. 24, 2014
As the NFL moves toward eradicating the N-word from its playing fields and locker rooms, one of the league’s teams continues to defend its ongoing insistence to be known as the R-word.
Native Americans Bring Mascot Debate To Idaho Statehouse
By George Prentice, Feb. 23, 2014
A Southeastern Idaho lawmaker promised to forward the concerns expressed by Idaho members of Native American tribes over offensive nicknames and mascots of Gem State sports teams. And while Grace Republican Rep. Marc Gibbs told tribal members that he would distribute “a letter to the entire Legislature,” he doubted that any legislation on the matter would come forward anytime soon.
How the NFL is Perpetuating Racism
By Christopher Stuart Taylor. Feb. 23, 2014
I find it appalling that the NFL who has a whole team — I repeat a whole team — that is named after a racial slur against First Nations peoples, the Washington Redskins, is all of a sudden in the business of “politically correctness.”
Mascot issues concern state’s tribal leaders
By Dave Goins, Feb. 23, 2014
Idaho tribal leaders on Friday — including Kootenai Tribe council member Gary Aitken Jr. — expressed concerns about the offensive nature some sports mascots represent to Indian tribes.
Examples of school mascot names discussed by members of the Idaho Council on Indian Affairs included “Redskins,” and “Savages.”
“One of the problems is, they don’t recognize the pain it causes, the disrespect that’s shown,” said Aitken, a member of the statewide council.
It’s time for Redskins to find a new name
By Michael O’Hanlon, Feb. 20, 2014
Those of us living in and around D.C. — not just those of us, like me, who actually root for Baltimore’s teams over Washington’s — should follow the lead of our good neighbors to the north and realize that there can be life after a change of name for a professional football team.
Gansler says he is sympathetic to calls to change Redskins name but sees both sides
By John Wagner, Feb. 20, 2014
Maryland Attorney General Douglas F. Gansler (D) said Wednesday night that he is “extremely sympathetic” to calls to change the name of the Washington Redskins but said he could see both sides of the argument. …
“I think it’s probably going to change,” Gansler, a Montgomery County resident, said Wednesday night. “I’ve been a Redskins fan my whole life. … I’m extremely sympathetic to the idea of ultimately changing the name.”
We need a fresh, reliable opinion poll to show what Indians today think of ‘Redskins’ name
By Robert McCartney, Feb. 19, 2014
I don’t need a poll myself to know the team should change its name. This ardent Washington fan and season ticket holder thinks it’s enough that dictionaries define the word as a racial slur and that national Native American organizations strongly object to it.
Five offseason moves the Washington Redskins must make
By Charles Abankwa, Feb. 17, 2014
The debate whether or not the NFL team from Washington should use the name “Redskins” is one that is heating up on both sides. Owner Dan Snyder has said that he won’t change the name regardless of opinions and NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has backed him saying the choice resides with the team. With growing support against the name from activists and now a few in Congress, the issue can no longer be pushed to the side. Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat from Washington, said in an interview that her and her colleagues would examine the NFL’s tax-exempt status if a change wasn’t made. That is a battle even the NFL might not be able to stand up too.
Get rid of ‘Redskins’ moniker
Editorial Board, Feb. 17, 2014
We believe the Washington Redskins mascot name for the pro football team is appalling, although we realize not everyone sees it that way, including some Native Americans. (Alabama Public Radio)
From Team, To League, Congress Members Shift Pressure On Skins
By Ailsa Chang, Feb. 14, 2014
For years, Native Americans and others have criticized the Washington Redskins football team for having a name, they say, is offensive. Well now, the National Football League is feeling the pressure too. As NPR’s Ailsa Chang reports, two members of Congress are demanding that the NFL take a formal position in support of a name change. (profootballtalk)
Super Bowl MVP explains his “bigotry” tweet
By Mike Florio, Feb. 16, 2014
Last Sunday night, after former Missouri defensive end Michael Sam came out as gay, Super Bowl XLVIII MVP Malcolm Smith made this observation, via Twitter:  “There is no room for bigotry in American sports. It takes courage to change the culture.”
Most assumed Smith was referring to Sam.  Via Todd Dybas of the Tacoma News Tribune, Sam was making a broader observation.
“It was about the fact the Redskins’ name is what it is, the fact that Jonathan Martin doesn’t feel comfortable, the fact that Marcus Smart is being called names on the sideline,” Smith said.
‘Last American Indian’ finds challenges in performance art
By Chris Coronado, Feb. 13, 2014
Though his opinion about the Redskins name — that it’s an insult, not an honor — was part of the inspiration for “The Last American Indian on Earth,” Deal hasn’t intended to become publicly involved in the debate. Yet, after continually encountering locals who mistake his attire as an opening to discuss their love of the team, he decides to launch a new site,, in October.
Sen. Maria Cantwell: ‘Redskins’ name is a ‘slur’ (VIDEO)
It’s Only A Matter Of Time Before The Washington Redskins Change Their Name
By John McQuaid, Feb. 10, 2014
If Snyder was truly interested in defending a tradition, he’d have his employees respect and engage the team’s critics. But that’s not what happening here; the aim is to sow division, not consensus; to rile people up, not to try to argue the issues. But this is America, and there’s money involved; being asked to take sides was inevitable. Let’s not pretend this is a genuine debate; as the “Oklahoma” reference indicates, the chosen arguments for retaining the name sound increasingly silly. (profootballtalk)
Redskins attack Senator by quoting Rick Reilly’s infamous father-in-law column
By Mike Florio, Feb. 12, 2014
When Redskins owner Daniel Snyder wrote (or at least read and signed) an open letter defending the team’s name, he didn’t mention Rick Reilly’s then-recent column, in which Reilly quotes his Native American father-in-law as not being offended by the term.
Not long after that, Reilly’s father-in-law claimed that he was misquoted by Reilly.
Washington’s football team remains on the wrong side of history
Editorial Board, Feb. 13, 2014
NATIONAL FOOTBALL League Commissioner Roger Goodell can’t seem to make up his mind about the name of Washington’s football team.
He told Congress in June that “the name is a unifying force that stands for strength, courage, pride and respect.” Three months later came his observation, welcomed by those seeking to change the Redskins’ name (including us), that “If one person is offended, we have to listen.” More recently, he claimed that the team name has “honored” Native Americans and that more people favor the name than oppose it.
Sen. Cantwell’s push to force NFL to rename Redskins is right
Feb. 11, 2014
The offensive and outdated term “Redskins” should not be used at all, including as a nickname for a professional football team.
11 Reasons to Ignore the 10-Year-Old Annenberg Survey About the Washington Football Team’s Offensive Name
Feb. 11, 2014
Yesterday afternoon, Washington College of Law’s Sports & Entertainment Law Society held its first annual Sports Law Symposium featuring a panel discussion of the debate around whether the Daniel Snyder-owned D.C. pro football team should change its name and mascot. Panelists included Jesse Witten from Drinker Biddle & Reath, David Hinojosa of the San Antonio Express-News, and D.C. Councilmember At-Large David Grosso. A point of contention at the panel, and in the on-going name change debate generally, was reference to surveys and public opinion polls about the issue, including the oft-cited result of a 2004 poll conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania. The Annenberg Study has been cited by Dan Snyder in support of Pro-Football’s position that the team name is not disparaging to Native Americans.
Processing of choosing new Port Townsend High School mascot expected to end in June
By Charlie Bermant, Feb. 11, 2014
When the School Board unanimously voted to retire the name of Redskins, it also decided to have a curriculum that teaches the history of Native Americans and is meant to promote racial sensitivity.
Lawmakers, Redskins spar over team name
By Joseph White, AP, Feb. 10, 2014
“While the Washington team somehow claims that Congress has better things to do than intervene in a serious issue that involves taxpayer dollars, it is the exact opposite: Congress has a responsibility to the American people to put an end to this kind of taxpayer-subsidized bigotry,” [Oneida Nation Representative Ray] Halbritter said. (takingnote.blogs)
The N.F.L.’s Racist Team Name
By Andrew Rosenthal, Feb. 10, 2014
Indian groups have been asking the football team that represents the nation’s capital to change its name for many years, and two members of Congress tried again today. Senator Maria Cantwell, Democrat of Washington State and chairwoman of the Indian Affairs Committee, and Representative Tom Cole, Republican of Oklahoma and a member of the Native American Caucus, wrote to Roger Goodell, the N.F.L. Commissioner, demanding that he intervene.
Law professor: Snyder has ‘got to break’ over team name
Feb. 10, 2014
John Banzhaf, professor of public interest law at George Washington University, is working on legal challenges to the team’s name. He says that advocates for a name change are taking three tacks.
Snyder is “undergoing legal proceedings now to take away the trademark,” Banzhaf says; “he is facing a possible FCC decision to restrict the use of the racist term on the airwaves, and now the NFL is facing a possible loss of its tax-exempt status.”
Sen. Maria Cantwell criticizes Redskins team name
Feb. 10, 2014
A letter sent Monday from Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., and Rep. Tom Cole, R-Okla., tells commissioner Roger Goodell the league is on “the wrong side of history” and mentions the NFL’s tax-exempt status.
Washington Redskins: Politicians call for NFL to back new name
Feb. 10, 2014
Two members of the US Congress have called on the head of the largest professional American football league to support changing a team name they deem offensive to Native Americans.
Senator Maria Cantwell and Congressman Tom Cole said the Washington Redskins name was a “racial slur”.
Congressional pressure builds on Redskins to change name
By Ryan Delaney, Feb. 10, 2014
An effort led by the Oneida Indian Nation to have Washington D.C.’s professional football team change its name has gained more support from members of Congress.
Lawmakers say Redskins should change name without congressional strong arm
By Wesley Lowery, Feb. 11, 2014
“Congressman Cole is one of the most respected and thoughtful members of the House and I hope that his point of view is taken seriously by the NFL.” said Rep. John Delaney (D-Md.) in a statement provided to The Post. “I believe Representative Cole and Senator Cantwell did the right thing by writing to the commissioner, as I believe that the best solution is for the organization to voluntarily change the name with the full support of the NFL.”
Lawmakers Press N.F.L. on Name Change for Washington Redskins
By Emmarie Huetteman, Feb. 9, 2014
Two members of Congress plan to send a strongly worded letter to the commissioner of the National Football League on Monday urging him to support changing the name of the Washington Redskins because it offends Native Americans and others, with one lawmaker saying she might reconsider the league’s tax-exempt status if it does not comply.
Congress Pressures D.C Football Team To Change Name
By Luke Johnson, Feb. 10, 2014
Two lawmakers sent a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell Monday asking the league to push for a name change to the Washington Redskins because it is a slur to Native Americans.
“The National Football League can no longer ignore this and perpetuate the use of this name as anything but what it is: a racial slur,” wrote Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.), a member of the Native American Caucus, and Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.), chairwoman of the Committee on Indian Affairs. (profootballtalk)
Oneida Indian Nation, Redskins issue competing Monday Morning Press Releases
By Mike Florio, Feb. 10, 2014
On the heels of a new bipartisan letter from members of Congress to Commissioner Roger Goodell urging the league to change the name of the Washington Redskins, Oneida Indian Nation and the Redskins have issued a pair of competing press releases.
“The NFL is a publicly subsidized $9 billion-a-year brand with global reach, and it is using those public resources and that brand to promote a dictionary defined racial slur,” Oneida Indian Nation representative Ray Halbritter said in response the team’s “Doesn’t Congress have anything better to do?” reaction to the letter.
Lawmakers warn NFL about Redskins
By John Keim, Feb. 10, 2014
The fight to change the Redskins name won’t die. And it’s become an issue among the nation’s lawmakers.
Two members of Congress will send a letter to NFL commissioner Roger Goodell on Monday, telling him to publicly announce support for a name change — and that the NFL can no longer ignore the issue. (Maryland)
Del. Wilson legislation urges Redskins name change
By: Jeff Newman, Feb. 7, 2014
Del. C.T. Wilson is co-sponsoring a joint resolution urging the Washington Redskins to change the team’s nickname. Introduced on Wednesday by Wilson (D-Charles) and co-sponsor Del. Talmadge Branch (D-Baltimore), the resolution states, “The term ‘redskins’ has been associated with gruesome acts of genocide, is disparaging to those of Native American heritage, and is not befitting a professional football team with such a proud, honorable, and uplifting tradition, especially a team representing the nation’s capital and playing in Maryland, a State grounded in respect for the dignity of all individuals.” (Maryland)
Maryland lawmakers introduce resolution to urge Redskins name change
By Alex Jackson, Feb. 5, 2014
Two Maryland lawmakers have introduced a resolution in the House of Delegates urging the Washington Redskins’ owners to change the team’s name.
House Majority Whip Talmadge Branch, D-Baltimore, and Del. C.T. Wilson, D-Charles, officially introduced House Joint Resolution 5 on Wednesday.
The Super Bowl Ad You Never Saw
By Anna Hosain, Feb. 3, 2014
Aware of the horrific nature of the term, activists have attempted for several years to petition the owner of the Washington football team, Daniel Snyder, to change the name. However, Snyder is adamant that he will do no such thing, and last May, he firmly told a reporter, “We will never change the name of the team.”
Marion Barry urges Redskins to drop name in flurry of tweets about racism
By Theresa Vargas, Jan. 31, 2014
Marion Barry waded into the controversial waters of the Redskins name Friday, sending a flurry of tweets that touched on race and challenged team owner Daniel Snyder to pick a name that would make everyone proud.
Native American Groups Pressure Redskins to Change Name in Super Bowl Video
By Benjamin Freed, Jan. 31, 2014
The NFL season is drawing to a close on Sunday, but the Oneida Indian Nation, which has waged a season-long campaign against the name of Washington’s football team, is also planning for a robust off-season.
NFL Commish Roger Goodell Wrong on Redskins, Concussions and Tax Exempt Status
By Josh Marsh, Jan. 31, 2014
NFL Commissioner Roger  Goodell must like being on the wrong side of history. On the Friday  before Super Bowl weekend he again managed to completely dismiss the Oneida  Indian Nation and others demanding the Washington Redskins change their  dictionary-defined racial slur name.

The Nation
On Seeing Dan Snyder at an Event to Promote Racial Justice
By: Dave Zirin, Jan. 31, 2014

On the Thursday of Super Bowl weekend in New York City, I was a guest at an awards ceremony being staged by the Fritz Pollard Institute, an organization that aims to challenge the NFL to improve racial diversity in the ranks of coaches and general managers. Among those in attendance were heroes of mine, including three people in this photo, Walter Beach, John Wooten and Jim Brown. Then the unexpected took place.

Just after the lights slightly dimmed and the program began, Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder walked through the door. …

Making Contact
Insult to Injury? American Indian Sports Mascots
Jan. 30, 2014

They may not have made it to the Superbowl- but the “Washington Football team” has gotten a lot of attention this season- not so much for their performance on the field, but rather their refusal to change the name of their team.

From FedEx Field to High School Football teams, pressure is increasing on teams to stop using American Indian names and mascots. (Audio Report included)…

The Epic Battle to Save The Most Offensive Team Name in Professional Sports
By: Travis Waldron, Jan. 30, 2014
It was a simple declaration. With it, the owner of the Washington Redskins probably thought he was putting to bed the idea that his franchise might ever go by another name.

“We will never change the name of the team,” Daniel Snyder said in May.

“We’ll never change the name,” he reiterated when the reporter followed-up. “It’s that simple. NEVER — you can use caps.”

But for all of Snyder’s public bluster on the subject, the tenor of the organization’s private response would shift in the months to come. …
D.C.’s NFL Team: History or Racism?
By Max Moline, Jan. 29, 2014
Offensive, despicable, horrifying, racist, tradition – these are just a handful of the many words that have been used to describe the name of Washington, D.C.’s NFL team. In a debate that has raged for years and only recently begun to pick up speed, team owner Daniel Snyder remains firm in his position that he will not change the team’s name. With resistance coming from all angles, the issue has garnered national attention during the 2013-2014 NFL season.
Richard Foltin, director of national and legislative affairs for the American Jewish Committee, recognizes that branding is important but, as he said, “there has to be a better way.” Furthermore, Foltin said, “Whatever the reasons why the name was adopted, clearly it’s time to recognize that the name … is a demeaning term, and clearly there’s a better way to name the organization than in a way that’s going to be offensive to any group of people.”
Indian Country Chooses Sides for Super Bowl XLVII
Jan. 27, 2014
The beginning, middle and end of the 2013 season had plenty of ups, downs and surprises for Native American NFL fans.

Protests against the nickname for the D.C. franchise started early and grew louder every week; many Natives protested at every away game for the ‘Redskins.’ This all became the fodder for a growing name-change debate; taking the Change the Mascot campaign from a grassroots organization to a national movement.
American Indian rights group reignites ‘Redskins’ debate; locals weigh in
By Uriel Garcia, Jan. 29, 2014
As football fans prepare for Super Bowl Sunday, an American Indian rights group released a video Monday aimed at reigniting debate over use of the name Redskins for the NFL team in Washington, D.C.
From pork rinds to cheerleaders, the trademark office rejecst the word ‘Redskins’
By Theresa Vargas, Jan. 28, 2014
A recent examination by the law firm fighting the NFL team’s registered trademark status has found that the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has refused to register trademarks containing the word “Redskins” at least 11 times since 1992. Each time, it was on the grounds that the term may disparage Native Americans.
Proud To Be video explains why it’s time to change the Redskins’ name
By Lauren Strapagiel, Jan. 28, 2014
It seems the most common argument for the Washington Redskins to keep their offensive name — and yes, no matter how you slice it “redskin” is offensive — is tradition.
Oneida Indians meet with United Nations over Redskins name
By Erik Brady, Jan. 24, 2014
The Oneida Indian Nation met with human rights representatives of the United Nations in New York Friday afternoon to discuss the Washington NFL club’s team name.
“During today’s meeting we discussed the incredibly constructive role that the U.N. has played globally in combating racism in sports,” Oneida Nation representative Ray Halbritter said. (profootballtalk)
Oneida Indian Nation to meet with UN over Redskins name
By Mike Floiro, Jan. 24, 2014
As the Super Bowl prepares to come to New York, the lingering fight against the Redskins’ nickname will get there a few days early.
Oneida Indian Nation representative Ray Halbritter will meet Friday with the United Nations’ Human Rights Office regarding the issue.
UN to hear how ‘Redskins’ name is  human rights issue
By Theresa Vargas, Jan. 24, 2014
The New York tribe that has been pushing to change the name of Washington’s football team is meeting Friday afternoon with officials from the United Nations to discuss the matter as a human rights issue.
Oneida Indians to meet with U.N. over Redskins name
By Erik Brady, Jan. 24, 2014
The Oneida Indian Nation is scheduled to meet with human rights representatives of the United Nations on Friday to discuss the Washington NFL club’s team name. (CA)
Redskins mascot a source of pride, outrage
By Gray George, Jan. 21, 2014
Marysville High School has the Indians, Vallejo High School has the Apaches and Lompoc High School has the Braves, but it’s the Calaveras High School Redskins that have sparked a blistering debate over minority-themed mascots in the Mother Lode.
It’s high time to dump the Confederate names tarring the honor of our Army
By Thomas Ricks, Jan. 20, 2014
… This is not all the Army and the other services should do to advance in to the 21st century.  Other forms of absurdity continue that the military should take a stand against.  A start would be to end support such as providing a color guard for professional football games that involve the team from Washington D.C.  Call a spade a spade, recognize that the term “Redskin” is a derogatory term, and end support for that football team until Dan “Chainsaw” Snyder also realizes it is 2014.
Why the Redskins Should Prepare for Trademark Loss
By Gena Thomas, Jan. 14, 2014
The Lanham Act states that a mark is not to be granted trademark protection if it is found to be disparaging or offensive, which it so clearly has been. It’s against the law people! At this juncture, perhaps the Redskins should direct their focus on winning more games or creating a captivating new mark, because I’m pretty sure this is a wrap.
Redskins “blowback” prompts police complaint
By Robert Sibley, Jan. 19, 2014
For [Ian] Campeau, if there’s a lesson here — besides not saying such things on social media sites — it is that this behaviour reinforces why changing the football club’s name was necessary in the first place.
DeAngleo Hall: Redskins ‘probably should’ change nickname
By Erik Brady, Jan. 16, 2014
Cornerback DeAngelo Hall is apparently the first current Washington NFL player to say publicly that the club should probably change its team name, meaning he may not be a current player for long.
ESPN considered banning “Redskins’ for reports on the team
By Ryan Gorman, Jan. 19, 2014
It has been revealed that ESPN seriously considered banning use of the controversial Redskins nickname from reporting.
ESPN ombudsman Robert Lipsyte wrote in a column published Friday that the network considered no longer using the nickname of the Washington NFL Franchise.
The consideration came as calls mount for team owner Dan Snyder to rename the team – redskin is a derogatory term used to degrade Native Americans.
Houston School Board Bans Racial or Ethnic Mascots
Jan. 16, 2014
The Houston school board has voted to ban the use of any race or ethnic group as a school mascot or nickname, starting next school year. (Washington)
Oneida Indian Nation Praises DHall For Stance Against Redskins’ Name
By Chris Lingebach, Jan. 16, 2014
The Oneida Indian Nation has come out in praise of DeAngelo Hall for saying the Redskins “probably should” change their team name, viewed by many to be offensive towards Native Americans.
Washington Redskins star DeAngelo Hall agrees with Oneida Indian Nation on name change
By Mark Weiner, Jan. 16, 2014
The Oneida Indian Nation today praised Washington Redskins star cornerback DeAngelo Hall after he became the team’s first active player to suggest changing a name that many Native Americans consider a slur.
DeAngelo Hall Says Redskins “Probably Should” Change Name
By Adam Vingan, Jan. 16, 2014
Hall is the first player currently employed by the Redskins to comment on the name, which I’m sure may not go over well with owner Dan Snyder.
The Oneida Indian Nation praised Hall for his comments in a press release. (Washington)
Radio ad to denounce Redskins name airs MLK Day
Jan. 16, 2014
Another radio advertisement will air advocating for a change to the Redskins’ team name and mascot.
The ad, called “Civil Rights,” will air on Martin Luther King Day in D.C., Denver and Seattle. In it, Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton says if King were alive today, he would support the effort to change the team name. (Houston)
Fontenot, Weaver: We welcome changing the names of some HISD mascots
By Maya Fontenot and Kenyon Weaver, Jan. 14, 2014
The Houston Independent School District board on Thursday will vote to finalize a change in school mascot policy. If last December’s initial vote is any indication, the board will unanimously adopt the policy change, and four HISD schools will have new mascots.
The mascots that are being retired are the Warriors, Braves, Rebels and, of course, the Redskins of Mirabeau B. Lamar High School. We, a current HISD student and a Lamar graduate, loudly applaud the move.
DeAngelo Hall: Redskins Name ‘Probbaly Should’ Change
By Chris Greenberg, Jan. 16, 2014
Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder has turned DeAngelo Hall into the voice of reason. The oft-fined cornerback conceded this week that the team “probably should” change its name.
Redskins Cornerback DeAngelo Hall Says Team “Probably Should” Change Its Name
By Benjamin Freed, Jan. 16, 2014
Cornerback DeAngelo Hall appears to have become the first active member of Washington’s NFL team to openly support changing the team’s name. Hall, appearing on Fox Sports this morning, says “they probably should,” when asked by host Mike Hill if the team should get a new moniker.
DeAngelo Hall says the Redskins “probably should” change their name
By Sarah Kogod, Jan. 16, 2014
DeAngelo Hall was on the Fox Sports show “Keepin’ it Real with Mike Hill,” and at the end of the conversation was asked if the Redskins should change their name.
“I think eventually they will change it,” said Hall.
When pressed by Hill to give a more definitive answer, or “keep it real,” if you will, Hall went a step further.
“They probably should,” he admitted. “But they won’t for a while at least.”
The Fascination and Frustration with Native American Mascots
By Jennifer Guiliano, assistant director of the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
Using Indians as mascot symbols amounts to social control. Non-Indians are denying the rights of Indians to express their own identity in a space free from judgment and commercialism.
White Eyes: Fighting the Indian Mascot
By Autumn White Eyes, The Dartmouth Staff, Jan. 15, 2014
When the owners of these Indian mascots say that they are honoring us, what part of us are they honoring? Because when I look in the mirror, I don’t see a man, brown skin, tomahawk and headdress. I see a girl far removed from her homeland, in modern-day clothes, with light skin and glasses. Do they honor the part that is gone? The brown skin that I’ll never have, the land that they took from us or the buckskin dress that I will never wear because they wear it for me?
A Letter to Dan Snyder, Owner of Washington D.C.’s Football Team
By Rabbi Michael Feshbach and Josh Silver, Jan. 14, 2014
[Editor’s Note: This letter by Rabbi Michael Feshbach and Josh Silver was sent to Dan Snyder, owner of Washington, D.C.’s professional football team, on December 23, 2013.]
Dear Mr. Snyder:
We ask that you change the name of the Washington professional football team. As Jews and leaders of synagogues in this area, we believe that changing the name is an honorable action that upholds the best of our religious and cultural values.
No ‘honour’ in native names
By Nigaan Sinclair, Jan. 6, 2014
Debates over native-themed sports names and logos are heating up. Opponents cry historical racism and disrespect. Proponents, like Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder, say they represent tradition and they “honour” indigenous cultures.
These arguments miss a central point. While important to know the context of each native-themed name or logo, how they shape the present is far more important.
Boston Globe wants the Washington Redskins to Change Their Name
By Raphael Canton, Jan. 15, 2014
Maybe Snyder should finally give up this fight and do what’s right for his team and the city of Washington. It could be something positive and might be able to outpace all the negative talk surrounding Snyder, RG III and anything else bad about the ‘Skins. (profootballtalk)
Boston Globe calls for Redskins to change name
By Mike Florio, Jan. 14, 2014
Throughout a tumultuous December, Washington’s NFL team likely was waxing nostalgic for the days when the team’s biggest problem was its ongoing name controversy.
Getting Rid of Shanahan and the ‘Redskins’ Name
By Bill Fletcher, Jan. 10, 2014
I was not at all surprised that the Washington Redskins canned Coach Mike Shanahan.  Three losing seasons over four years does not make for career advancement.  So, on to next season, I guess. Yet, I found myself wondering, once again, why it seems so easy for the owners of the Washington football team to make any number of changes except the one that might actually make a difference for their future:  change their name
‘Redskins’ Is Now Officially Considered To Be Offensive And Derogatory According To Us Government Agency
By Cork Gaines, Jan. 11, 2014
The Washington Redskins fight to keep their name took another blow as the United State Patent and Trademark office ruled that the term “Redskins” is derogatory and offensive according to Lisa Desjardins of
Tomgram: Jeremiah Goulka, Republicans and the Redskins
By Tom Engelhardt, Jan. 14, 2014
Every once in a while a small controversy comes along that helps explain a big problem.  This National Football League season has provided such a controversy.  The name of Washington D.C.’s football team, the Redskins, is under fire.  “Redskins” is an offensive term and therefore inappropriate for the team representing our nation’s capital.  That’s kind of obvious, right?
Name Change Is Needed
By Will Edman, Jan. 14, 2014
It appears that political and commercial pressure will eventually force that franchise to change its name. In the current transitional period, the perfect time to make the change is now. Without a doubt, new potential Washington fans and Native Americans alike will be more likely to support the Washington Warriors than the Potomac Drainage Basin Indigenous Persons.
Dropping Chief Wahoo is big step forward for Cleveland team
By Ian Campeau, Jan. 13, 2014
The Cleveland Indians are dropping Chief Wahoo as their primary logo.
It’s a gigantic step in the right direction to retire the extremely racist caricatured depiction of a First Nation person.
I believe this is a preemptive move by the Cleveland Major League Baseball organization in response to the pressure that the Washington NFL organization has received over the past year.
The ‘Redskins’: Boston-born, D.C.-raised, retired in 2014?
Editorial, Jan. 11, 2014
The name “Redskins” was given to a National Football League team in Boston, via an extraordinary series of events, in 1933. It should be retired, following another series of extraordinary events, in 2014.
Nepean Redskins set to be the Nepean Eagles
By Sean McKibbon, Jan. 13, 2014
An Ottawa-based minor football team at the centre of controversy over it’s racially-charged name has officially picked a new one.
Chiefs, Redskins offensive as team names? Some say yes
By John Pepitone, Jan. 10, 2014
The federal patent and trademark office is refusing to register a trademark for the term “Redskins” because the agency claims the word is offensive and derogatory. Some are now saying the same argument could be made about use of the word “Chiefs.”
What’s in a name?
Looking at the impact of a potentially racist name with school logos and team names
By Kimberley Hartwog, Jan. 10, 2014
The debate surrounding potentially offensive sports team names and mascots has been raging for decades and has now taken hold in Saskatoon. One area high school, Bedford Road Collegiate Institute, is bearing the brunt of the criticism.
Redskins debate deserves attention, respect
Rebuilding effort would be a good time to address name concerns
Jan. 9, 2014
Tumultuous, disastrous and embarrassing: Each word could be used to describe the drama and on-field antics surrounding the Washington Redskins football team this season.
How the Washington Redskins got their name
Blame it on the “captivity narratives” written by bored pioneer housewives
By Don Marks, Jan. 9, 2014
In The End, The U.S. Patent Office, Not Public Demand, May Force Washington D.C.’s NFL Team To Change It’s Nickname
By Rick Chandler, Jan. 8, 2013
They finally got Al Capone on tax evasion, right? And so Daniel Snyder may be somewhat similarly forced to justice: made to give up his racist, controversial team nickname due to the power of the pencil rather than the sword. (Oklahoma)
Oklahoma Tribe Hopeful ‘Redskins’ Will Be Used Less In Future
By Ashlei King, Jan. 8, 2014
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office rejected a pork rind company’s request to trademark the term in its name. An Oklahoma tribal leader hopes this decision will impact future cases. Chief George Tiger of the Muscogee Creek Nation is proud of his Indian heritage. That’s why he doesn’t take it lightly when people use the term “Redskin.”
US Patent and Trademark Office deems ‘Redskins’ derogatory
By Ryan Wilson, Jan. 8, 2013
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has gotten in on the Redskins name controversy. Specifically, the government agency has rejected a request from a company that wants to sell pork rinds called “Redskins Hog Rinds” because it considered the term “derogatory slang.”
Redskins’ trademark in spotlight after recent rejection
By Erik Brady, Jan. 7, 2013
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office has denied an application to register the trademark “Redskins Hog Rinds.” That’s the same federal agency that will decide if Washington’s NFL club gets to keep its trademark registration for its team name.
Redskins Forced To Change Name? Daniel Snyder May Lose Trademark Status on ‘Redskins,’ Would Cost Team Millions of Dollars
By Greg Archuleta, Jan. 8, 2014
The Washington Post reported Tuesday that the same federal agency that will decide whether the team will be allowed to keep the “Redskins” moniker recently denied a request from a company to sell pork rinds with the “Redskins” name. (pro football talk)
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office takes aim at “Redskins”
By Mike Florio, Jan. 7, 2014
The Washington Redskins presumably refuse to change their name in recognition of the potentially offensive nature of the term for business reasons.  Eventually, business reasons could give the team no choice but to change it.
Agency rejects trademark of ‘Redskins Hog Rinds,’ calling term ‘derogatory’
By Theresa Vargas, Jan. 6, 2014
The same federal agency that will determine whether Washington’s professional football team gets to keep its trademark registration recently struck down a request for a company to sell pork rinds with the name “Redskins.”
Media Watchdog: ‘Redskins,’ An Embarrassment That Must Go
By Michael O’Nair, Jan. 3, 2014
Years from now we’ll look back on the Washington Redskins name and wonder how we ever let it stick around so long. It’s an embarrassing, racial slur that should have been changed a long time ago. Our kids and grandkids will laugh at us for ever even thinking it was acceptable.
Washington Redskins could make a fresh start in 2014
Editorial Board, Jan. 3, 2014
Why not make 2014 the year for a truly fresh start: a new coach, a healthy quarterback and a name that denigrates no one?
Oneida Indian Nation disputes phrasing in Redskins poll
By Erik Brady, Jan. 3, 2014
The Oneida Indian Nation says it believes more Americans would favor changing the team name of the Washington NFL club if they understood the full context of what the Oneidas and others consider a racial slur.
Why A Poll Showing Americans Support The ‘Redskins’ Name Matters
By Travis Waldron, Jan. 3, 2014
With the Oneida Nation and other Native American groups promising not to let their campaign against the name of Washington’s football team cease with the end of the team’s season, the franchise is now touting a new poll showing widespread support for keeping the name Native American groups call a “dictionary-defined racial slur.”
Tribe’s Mascot Gives State Senator New Perspective on Native Issues
By Rodney Harwood, Jan. 1, 2014
The heated debate over Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder’s refusal to change the name of the NFL franchise’s mascot is making noise in state and national levels of government.
In battle over Redskins name, Oneidas knock team’s record
By Joseph Spector, Dec. 31, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation mocks the Washington Redskins’ poor season in its latest ad to push the team to change its name.
Redskins Name Change Supporters Set Sights On 2014
By Hannah Hess, Dec. 30, 2013
The Washington Redskins 3-13 record may be forgettable, but one group is calling the 2013 season historic.
The Oneida Indian Nation on Monday launched a radio ad on the District’s airwaves noting that their campaign to change the team’s name gained some prominent supporters over the course of the year, including members of Congress and President Barack Obama.
A Year of reckoning for the Washington ‘R-word’
Opinion, By Ray Halbritter, Dec. 27, 2013
As the Washington football team’s season draws to a close today, it is safe to say that the year has been entirely forgettable when judged only by the team’s win-loss record. However, when judged by what rose up to challenge that team’s continued promotion of a racial slur, the year will be remembered as a pivotal moment and a triumph.
Redskins by Any Other Name Would Still be Pathetic
By Stephen Carter, Dec. 30, 2013
Now that Daniel Snyder, owner of the Washington Redskins, has fired his head coach, we can start the countdown on the firing of the team’s name. (Southern Maryland Newspapers Online)
Nickname or racist term? Diehard Redskins fans, Native Americans weigh in
By James A McCray III, Dec. 27, 2013
The issue has had new, brighter lights shined on it in 2013, however, due in large part to a push by the Oneida Indian Nation, headquartered and originated in New York, to change the name. That initiative culminated in an October meeting with NFL executives. (Maryland)
The Thickskins
Dec. 28, 2013
So the Washington Redskins can move on from the debacle of the Shanahan era, which means they’ll have time to address their curse: the team’s name. “Redskins” is a slur, a dismissive word intended to denigrate people whose skin is not white. It is no different from the well-known slurs used down through the years to marginalize those of Irish, Italian, Polish, East Asian and African descent. Though not unique to the United States, ethnic slurs are especially gratuitous in a country that promises equality.
Redskins name debate traces to Boston
By Kevin Paul Dupont, Dec. 29, 2013
George Preston Marshall, laundry magnate and well-known racist, watched his Redskins capture the National Football League championship their first season in Washington in 1937.
Nearly forgotten in time is the fact that Marshall’s team was born in Boston. He broke ground in big-time football with his Boston Braves in 1932 and abruptly changed the name to Redskins, in part as a cost-saving measure, upon bolting Braves Field to play the next four seasons at Fenway Park.
Student Newspaper May Go To Court Over Ban On Word ‘Redskins’
By Rebecca Klein, Dec. 26, 2013
A student newspaper that was told it could not ban the word “Redskins” from the publication may go to court over the issue.
2013 was a tipping point in ‘Redskins’ debate
Looking back at 2013 — the statements from prominent sportswriters like Brennan and King and national leaders like President Obama and others — we reached some sort of tipping point.
Man Who Ran Dan Snyder’s Poll: ‘Of Course I’d Change The Name!’
Dec. 16, 2013
If you were the owner, would you change the name?
Of course I would change the name! It’s offensive—about as offensive as the way the team is playing today. I don’t call them by the name they use, I refer to them as the Washington Unmentionables. Related: Exploring the ‘Science’ Behind the Poll Snyder Cites to Defend His Redsk*ns
Jerry Plantz: It’s time for offensive names to go
Dec. 17, 2013
Many offended Native Americans have been urging Daniel Snyder, the recalcitrant owner of the team, to honor their heritage and remove that racist name “Redskins” from the team.
NCAI President: Gov. Walker “Just Took A Big Step Backward” By Signing Mascot Bill
Dec. 21, 2013
“I was deeply saddened to hear that Wisconsin Governor Walker signed a misguided bill that protects racist stereotypes reinforced by using Native American names and images as school mascots. Many communities, even some in Wisconsin, have recognized that these nicknames do not honor Native people and rejected these outdated notions. Wisconsin just took a big step backward in the journey toward a more inclusive and respectful society.”
Snyder’s visit to Native Americans not enough
By Chris Korman, Dec. 22, 2013
Snyder has said he’ll never change the Redskins name, and has trotted out a nine-year-old poll saying most Native Americans aren’t offended by it. The team has relied on several voices from within the community who view the name as a way to honor their heritage. What’s missing from this viewpoint is a broader understanding of how an entire race of people has suffered, in part because they have been reduced to caricatures and racial stereotypes.
Why Jews Are Calling on Snyder to Drop ‘Redskins’
By Stanley Heller, Dec. 21, 2013
A dozen Jews created an open letter to companies that make products for the Washington football team and the Commissioner of the National Football League. They all agreed to this short statement “We Jews call for companies to refuse to make humiliating ‘redskin’ products and if team owner Dan Snyder refuses to change the team name, for the NFL to seize and sell the team.” A hundred eventually signed on.
12 Days of Posters: HonorTheTreaties Takes on Sports Mascots
Dec. 20, 2013
Here’s the evolution of HonorTheTreaties, a project initially focused on Pine Ridge, the Lakota, and the Black Hills.
Do Native American Mascots Actually Cost Their Teams Money?
By Mike Lewis and Manish Tripathi, Dec. 19, 2013
Historically, teams like the Redskins, Chiefs, and Braves have been far more profitable than those with other types of mascots, but something’s changed in recent years. According to our model, they’re actually costing their teams money.
Indigenous logo under fire at U of S
By Jonathan Charlton, Dec. 20, 2013
The University of Saskatchewan’s English department has joined the chorus of academic voices calling for the end of indigenous-themed mascots.
Student editors exemplify everything we hope kids are learning
By Paul Byrne, Dec. 20, 2013
In the October issue of the Neshaminy High School newspaper, the Playwickian, the editorial staff decided that the word Redskin was racist and that they would no longer use it or any derivative of it in their paper. This caused issues as the school’s sports teams are the Redskins.
Harry Reid: Time For Washington’s NFL Team To Change Name
By Travis Waldron, Dec. 19, 2013
It’s time to change the name of Washington’s football team, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) said Wednesday afternoon, making him the latest politician to speak out against it.
“I think Snyder is so short-sighted on this,” Reid told The Hill. “We live in a society where you can’t denigrate a race of people. And that’s what that is. I mean you can’t have the Washington Blackskins. I think it’s so short-sighted.”
Daniel Snyder still digging in, defends Redskins name – even amid politcal concerns
By Sam Gardner, Dec. 19, 2013
Back in October, President Barack Obama weighed in on the Washington Redskins name debate, saying that nostalgia shouldn’t prevent a team from changing a name that offends people.
Now Harry Reid has joined in, reportedly calling Redskins owner Dan Snyder “short-sighted” with regard to the controversy that has enveloped his team this season.
Harry Reid Joins List Of Politicians Who Don’t Like The Washington Football Team’s Name
By Matt Cohen, Dec. 19,2013
The list of politicians who think that Dan Snyder should change the name of the Washington football team has just gotten a little longer. In an interview with The Hill magazine, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said that he thinks the team should change their name.
Sen. Harry Reid calls for Redskins to change name
By Erik Brady, Dec. 19, 2013
Senate majority leader Harry Reid is the latest politician to say that the Washington pro football club should change its team name.
Harry Reid Says Redskins Should Change Name
By Maya Rhodan, Dec. 19, 2013
The coalition of folks demanding the Washington Redskins’ owner change the football team’s name and mascot just found another ally in Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. In an interview with The Hill, the Nevada Democrat called out owner Dan Snyder for being “short-sided”
Harry Reid Tells Redskins to Change Their Name
By Benjamin Freed, Dec. 19, 2013
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is the latest government official to weigh in on the name of the Washington NFL team, and he’s not a fan.
Racist team mascots condemned
By Askia Muhammad, Dec. 19, 2013
“This is an American issue,” Hakim Muhammad, of the Coalition of Prince George’s County Leaders and Organizations, said at the rally condemning the Washington “Redskins,” according to published reports. “When you have a name that is disparaging to any nation of people, it affects all of us. Period.”
Senate majority leader joins Washington opposition of ‘Redskins’ name
By Cory Crockett, Dec. 19, 2013
Senate Majority leader Harry Reid is the latest politician to oppose the name that he says “denigrate[s] a race of people.”
Reid Joins Redskins Name-Change Chorus
By Andrew Johnson, Dec. 19, 2013
Harry Reid is the latest member of Washington’s Democratic leadership to call for the Redskins to change their name. The team should switch it, Reid said, because “we live in a society where you can’t denigrate a race of people.”
Harry Reid: Redskins Should Change Their Name
By Paige Lavender, Dec. 19, 2013
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) weighed in on the controversy surrounding the name of Washington, D.C.’s professional football team, saying the team should change it’s name from the Washington “Redskins.”
Harry Reid: Redskins should change name
By Bob Cusack, Dec. 19, 2013
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Wednesday that the Washington Redskins should change their name.
In an interview with The Hill, Reid said, “I think [Washington Redskins owner Dan] Snyder is so short-sighted on this.”
He added, “We live in a society where you can’t denigrate a race of people. And that’s what that is. I mean you can’t have the Washington Blackskins. I think it’s so short-sighted.”
Sen. Harry Reid: Washington Redskins should change their name
By Herbert Dyer, Jr., Dec. 19, 2013
Pressure is building on Washington Redskins’ owner Dan Snyder to change the team’s name. Yesterday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) added his name to the growing list of Washington pols who favor a name change.
Civil Rights Groups Urge Washington To Change Football Team Name
By Patrick McNeil, Dec. 18, 2013
At its annual meeting last week, The Leadership Conference passed a resolution calling for the Washington Redskins to change its name, saying it “cannot in any reasonable way be viewed as honoring the culture or historical legacy of any particular Native American tribe or individual.” The resolution also urged state, local, and federal governments to break association with the franchise.
The Washington Redskins and the ‘C’ Word
By David Zirin, Dec. 13, 2013
This is not leadership. It is cowardice. It has also led to a profoundly dysfunctional franchise that has more in common with a nighttime ’80s soap opera—perhaps called Ex-Dynasty—than anything resembling an NFL team. The name is toxic. The owner is toxic. And the fish rots from the head. Has someone truly put a curse on this team? It seems hardly worth the effort. (Keene State College, NH)
Redskins face pressure to change name
By Julie Conlon, Dec. 12, 2013
Recently, Native American groups across the country and even President Obama have put pressure on Snyder for a name change to the NFL team.
Mascot Makeover
By Megan Rogers, Dec. 10, 2013
Southeastern Oklahoma State University is one of several universities that have retired Native American nicknames or mascots since the NCAA’s policy was announced in 2005. At the time, 18 colleges and universities were listed as violating the new policy. The NCAA highlighted 14 additional colleges that voluntarily removed references to Native American culture prior to the policy announcement.
Mascot debate should inspire change of thinking
By Andrew Conte, special to QMI Agency Niagara, Dec. 17, 2013
The subject of race comes to light, for it is not just a caricature of the Black Hawk or the mere cost of replacing a logo that’s at stake. In the balance are issues of culture, identity, equity and indeed the subject of racism itself.
How Fans Convince Themselves ‘Redskins’ Isn’t Racist
By John Banzhaf, III, Dec. 12, 2013
Why, despite overwhelming evidence, do so many fans refuse to believe that the “R*dskins” team name is a racial slur – that the R-word is to Indians what the N-word is to blacks; a derogatory and highly offensive racist term?
Redskins, Chief Wahoo: Some sports teams nicknames, mascots under fire
By Kevin Baxter, Dec. 15, 2013
The best sports nicknames connote power, speed, bravery and even whimsy. But many fans say they see something else in some of the country’s most popular team names and mascots — racism.
Houston school board votes to ban ‘offensive’ mascots
AP, Dec. 14, 2013
The Houston school district board has given preliminary approval to a new policy that would prohibit offensive or culturally insensitive mascots.
National Civil and Human Rights Coalition Calls on Snyder to Drop ‘Redskins’
ICTMN Staff, Dec. 12, 2013
Members of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights voted unanimously for a resolution urging the owner of the Washington Redskins to change the team’s offensive name.

Washington Post
Civil rights coalition asks Washington Redskins to change name
By Theresa Vargas, Dec. 12, 2013
A coalition of the nation’s leading civil rights organizations took on a new issue Thursday: the name of the Washington Redskins. The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, a coalition of organizations including the NAACP, the ACLU and the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, approved a resolution at its annual meeting in the District that called on the team to change its name and “refrain from the use of any other images, mascots, or behaviors that are or could be deemed harmful or demeaning to Native American cultures or peoples.”
Why the mascot issue is important for social justice and Native youth
By Jamie Keith, Dec. 6, 2013
In 2004, several researchers conducted a psychological study on the impact of mascot imagery on Native American youth entitled “Of Warrior Chiefs and Indian Princesses: The Psychological Consequences of American Indian Mascots.” This four-part study involving youth from different reservations found that “exposure to American Indian mascot images has a negative impact on American Indian high school and college students’ feelings of personal and community worth, and achievement-related possible selves.”
Social Media Groups Rally for FCC Complaints of ‘Redskins’ Chiefs Broadcast
By Vincent Schilling, Dec. 8, 2013
The formal complaint, or FCC Form 475B is the Obscene, Profane, and/or Indecent Material Complaint Form and it can be found on the agency’s website. These complaints are another way people are saying that the NFL team’s name must change.
Change Happens: Majority of Wash Post Readers Now Say Change ‘Redskins’
By ICTMN Staff, Dec. 6, 2013
62 percent of readers now say, “yes” change the name, and 38 percent said “no,” don’t change it. Numerically, this means that 20,948 people have voted for the team to change the name and 12,622 voted to keep the name the same. More than 33, 000 people have weighed in on the debate. (Houston Chronicle)
HISD board to discuss mascot issue
By Erika Mellon, Dec. 9, 2013
Houston school board members on Monday were expected to discuss a proposed new policy on school mascots that would require changing the names of mascots at four HISD schools.
In an opinion article published in the Houston Chronicle Sunday, [Superintendent Terry] Grier wrote:
“HISD must retire, respectfully, school symbols that no longer reflect the values of who we are – proudly diverse, inclusive, forward-thinking and committed to instilling character and social awareness in our youngsters. The Lamar Redskins, Hamilton Indians, Welch Warriors and Westbury Rebels must become a part of HISD’s history.”
Sonic apologizes for offensive Chiefs-Redskins sign
By Morgan Whitaker, Dec. 9, 2013
A fast-food restaurant chain has apologized for an offensive sign displayed in front of a store saying the Kansas City Chiefs would “scalp” the Washington Redskins football team during Sunday’s game.
Veteran Challenges Dan Snyder on ‘Redskins’ Name
BY ICTMN Staff, Dec. 9, 2013

Dził Ba Hadadolgháásh, who served in Afghanistan, holds up a sign protesting the “Redskins” during an Arizona State University football game. It was posted on Hadadolgháásh’s Facebook page and on the Last Real Indians Facebook page.
Faith leaders urge Redskins owner Dan Snyder and NFL to change team’s name
By Theresa Vargas, Dec. 5, 2013
Dozens of area clergy members have signed a letter to the owner of the Washington Redskins and the commissioner of the National Football League, calling on the team to recognize that “words can cause great pain” and change its name.
The Oneida Nation emerged this year as one of the more powerful forces behind the push to change the name, airing “Change the Mascot” radio ads across the nation.
Redskins find new opponent: supporter of name change
By Herb Scribner, Dec. 6, 2013
The NFL’s Washington Redskins, whose name and mascot have been a source of controversy in recent months because of the reference to Native Americans, have found both a new opponent and supporter of a name change.
D.C. Reverend Rallies More Than 60 Clergy to Change ‘Redskins’, Narrates Oneida Ad
Dec. 5, 2013
More than 60 clergy have officially joined the Change the Mascot campaign after writing a letter to NFL Commish Roger Goodell and Dan Synder opposing the team’s name. (Washington, D.C.)
Oneida Nation radio ad calls for Redskins name change
By Joanie Vasiliadis, Dec. 5, 2013
WASHINGTON (WUSA9) — A radio ad that highlights a letter calling for the Redskins to change their name will air in D.C. leading up to the game against the Chiefs.
The letter is the latest from the Oneida Indian Nation, the group behind the “Change the Mascot” campaign.
61 religious leaders attack Redskins name in letter
By Erik Brady, Dec. 5, 2013
A letter castigating the team name of the Washington pro football club and signed by 61 religious leaders mostly from the Washington region is scheduled to be sent to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell and team owner Daniel Snyder on Thursday, according to the minister who is the driving force behind it. (profootballtalk)
Religious leaders speak out against “Redskins” name
By Michael David Smith, Dec. 5, 2013
A large group of Washington, D.C., religious leaders have become the latest to openly campaign against the use of the name “Redskins.” (Christopher Newport University, VA)
Why the Redskins name is no longer appropriate for the sake of tradition
By Collin Brennan, Dec. 4, 2013
There needs to be a realization that if you can’t walk into a group of people and identify them with a certain word then maybe that word shouldn’t be used to identity a football team.
Another Front in the Redskins’ Name-Change Battle: Cleveland?
By Paul Glavic, Dec. 2, 2013
If the Cleveland Indians cooperate with requests to change their name and logo, the franchise could put pressure squarely on Washington’s NFL team to do the same.
Local view: Redskins have a tradition of changing names
By Tony Dierckins, Dec. 4, 2013
If Snyder believes the Redskins’ past is “who (they) are,” then he should change the name to the “Washington Kelleys” or perhaps the “Washington Maroons.” But that would be silly — just as silly as holding on to a racially offensive word in the name of tradition.
Andersen: If mascot names insult group, then change them
By John R. Andersen, Nov. 30, 2013
If the Native Americans believe that a mascot is offensive — be it the Warriors, the Redskins or the Mukwonago Indians — I think we owe it to them to change it.
Selling Hate to Children: Snyder and the NFL’s Problem of Marketing ‘Redskin’
By Steven Sonneveld, Dec. 2, 2013
How does one define a racist? When a group of people repeatedly tells someone to stop using a word it considers to be offensive and that person continues to use the word, then that person is racist.
Redskins should change name
Nov. 30, 2013
The Oneida Nation’s “Change the Mascot” campaign has gained support. The council of the District of Columbia voted this month to call for a name change. President Barack Obama and several members of Congress have supported a change. Some news media outlets have stopped using the word “Redskins” in their coverage of the team.
Native American leaders call for ‘Redskins’ name change
By Matt Verderame, Nov. 27, 2013
The National Congress of American Indians wants the Washington Redskins to change their name.
Tribe Will Air ‘Change the Mascot’ Appeal Here Before Lions Game
Nov. 27, 2013
Lions fans tuned to WXYT (97.1) for pregame talk on Thanksgiving will hear a “Change the Mascot” ad aimed at the Washington Redskins.
Native American Tribal Leaders Call On Redskins To Change Their Name
Nov. 26, 2013
The National Congress of American Indians, which counts every federally recognized tribe among its voting membership, has released this video featuring seven elected tribal leaders, two of them national officials, speaking out against Washington’s use of “Redskins” as a team name.
Oneida Indian Nation launches new Thanksgiving ad campaign targeting Washington Redskins name
By Robert Harding, Nov. 26, 2013
The Oneida Nation, as part of the “Change the Mascot” campaign, unveiled a new radio ad that will air on Baltimore and Detroit radio stations leading up to Thanksgiving Day games.
Oneida Indian Nation to air Thanksgiving radio ads in Detroit and Baltimore
By Mike Florio, Nov. 26, 2013
The only silver lining in the recent Redskins dysfunction is that the internal strife has pushed external complaints regarding the team’s name to the back burner.
That changes this week, with Oneida Indian Nation launching radio campaigns in Detroit and Baltimore.
Dorgan: Time to change name of Redskins
By Byron Dorgan, Nov. 24, 2013
A column by former US Senator Dorghan in USAToday calls for changing the name.
Carbone: Washington Redskins’ Name Insults Every Native American
By Gerald Carbone, Nov. 16, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation finds the name “Washington Redskins” offensive, and wants the team to change its moniker.
Daniel Snyder, the man who owns the team, says, “We’ll never change the name. It’s that simple. NEVER — you can use caps.”
Ralph Nader: “Redskins”: More Than Just a Name
By Ralph Nader, Nov. 17, 2013
Dan Snyder, owner of the Washington football team, needs to absorb some of these history lessons.
Redskins name condemned by black and Latino groups outside FedExField
By Theresa Vargas, Nov. 25, 2013
“This is a very historic day,” said Hakim Muhammad of the Coalition of Prince George’s County Leaders and Organizations, one of the event’s organizers. He said that never before had such a collection of leaders come together on this issue, and that it was the beginning of what would be an effort to change the football team’s name. “This is not just a one-moment, one-minute thing,” Muhammad said.
Redskins name controversy: Prince George’s protestors demand name change
By John Gonzalez, Nov. 25, 2013
The same group that protested the Redskins game in Minnesota plans to stage a large demonstration outside Fedex Field before Monday’ night’s kickoff. (Maryland Community News)
Prince George’s residents say Redskins name is a poor reflection on county
By Chase Cook, Nov. 25, 2013
“This is a local issue,” said Bob Ross, president of the Prince George’s County NAACP branch. “If it is something that is offensive to Native Americans, we need to support the Native Americans.”
Why “Redskins” Is Wrong
By Stephen Pevar, Senior Staff Attorney, ALCU, Nov. 25, 2013
Think of a vile name that you were called by bullies at school based on your religion, your race, your country of origin, or some other characteristic. How did it make you feel? If I call you by the same name but tell you that my intention is to honor you by using it, will you feel honored just because I say so, or would you suggest that I find another way to show my appreciation? (The Crimson White – Universirty of Alabama)
Offensive names have no place in sports
By Benjamin Clark, Nov. 25, 2013
It’s not that I personally take offense to the names. It’s that there are still tribes residing in the United States that do. Groups like the Oneida Indian Nation have been fighting for years to get the Washington Redskins of the NFL to change their name, but now, even the NFL has backed Washington’s decision to keep its name. (Virginia Beach)
Va. Beach group approcahed about Redskins
By Gabriella Souza, Nov. 25, 2013
Michael Cloud stood in front of the Human Rights Commission last week to talk about a word he considers a racial slur.
Cloud, a city resident who is a member of the Lake Superior chapter of the Chippewa Indians, referred to an ad from the last century that offered a reward for dead Indians. The name it used was the same as a popular NFL team, which has generated a resurgence of recent national attention: Redskins.
History professor discusses Redskins controversy
Nov. 21, 2013
How ironic is it that as we gear up to celebrate Thanksgiving, a holiday that supposedly celebrates the bond between early settlers and Native Americans, that one of the biggest debates in sports right now is whether or not the Washington Redskins should change their name? This has been a battle between indigenous tribes and the NFL for years, but it looks as though the movement is finally gaining some ground.
Nickname is embarrassment; fans should force change
By Tim Wendel, Nov. 22, 2013
Until the Redskins fans take a stand, perhaps one as steadfast as their owner’s, this name game will remain an embarrassment to the sporting world. (DC)
‘Never’ May Happen: Warriors or Red Storm would be fine for Redskins
By David Elfin, Nov. 22, 2013
Leaders of various tribes have come down on opposite sides of the issue, but it’s easy to see why some would be offended by the name. Imagine how you would feel if the team was called an insulting name for whichever ethnic group you belong to.
Tribal leaders thank Obama for voicing concern over Washington Redskins name
By Julie Pace, AP, Nov. 12, 2013
Native American leaders used a meeting at the White House on Tuesday to thank President Barack Obama for wading into the controversy over the Washington Redskins team name and voicing his concern that the nickname was offensive.
Congressman calls for Redkins name change on House floor
By Dan Steinberg, Nov. 19, 2013
The Redskins team name has been discussed on the House floor several times by Eni F.H. Faleomavaega, American Samoa’s non-voting delegate.
And several outspoken members of Congress have talked about the issue in several different venues.
But a new advocate took to the mic on the House floor Tuesday morning: Rep. Dan Maffei (D-NY).
Perfect Holiday Gift to This DC Native: Ban the Redskins
By Nick Chiles, Nov. 19, 2013
The name no longer works. It’s time to go.
Change the name: ‘Redskins’ is offensive
By David Yapkowitz, Nov. 19, 2013
While Dan Synder, the current owner of the Redskins, continually insists that they do not mean to offend anyone by the name, one needs to look no further than the past history of the team to discover the name’s true intent.
Leggett considers asking Montgomery council to join call for renaming Redskins
By Bill Turque, Washington Post, Nov. 20, 2013
Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett is considering asking the County Council to stand with Washington, D.C., lawmakers and pass a resolution urging the Washington Redskins to change their name.
Rep. Dan Maffei jumps into controversy over Washington Redskins
By Mark Weiner, Nov. 19, 2013
U.S. Rep. Dan Maffei criticized the Washington Redskins football team in a speech today on the floor of the House of Representatives, calling its name “derogatory” and “offensive.”
Who Made That Redskins Logo?
By Daniel Engber, Nov. 15, 2013
When the newly formed Boston Redskins traveled to Chicago’s Soldier Field to play the Bears on Oct. 1, 1933, the visiting players were barely recognizable. The owner, George Preston Marshall, ordered team members to smear themselves with face paint before going out onto the field. His was the first pro-sports team to co-opt an American Indian identity with such fervor: The Redskins’ halftime band marched in tribal regalia; the coach wore feathers on the sideline; and Marshall had an Indian-head logo printed across the center of their uniforms.
Rep. Dan Maffei backs Oneida Nation, calls on NFL’s Washington Redskins to change ‘derogatory’ name
By Robert Harding, Nov. 19, 2013 – includes video
U.S. Rep. Dan Maffei didn’t use the Washington NFL team’s name in his House floor speech Tuesday and he doesn’t think the team should be using it either. (1150am Philadelphia radio)
Campaign to change Redskins’ name comes to Philly
By Mellany Armstrong, Nov. 15, 2013
The campaign to change the name of the Washington Redskins comes to Philadelphia this weekend in the form of a radio ad.
Oneida Nation To Run Anti-‘Redskins’ Spot Before Sunday’s Eagles Game
By Mike DeNardo, Nov. 15, 2013
The controversy over the Washington Redskins’ team name hits the radio airwaves in Philadelphia this weekend.
Native American Campaign Keeps Redskins Controversy Alive (video)
By Brian Padden, Nov. 14, 2013
For decades, members of American Indian communities have called on the Washington Redskins football team to change its name, which they say is based on a racial slur.  But, this year a campaign called Change the Mascot that has been organizing protests across the country is keeping the controversy alive.
End of ‘Redskins’ in the East Oregonian
Nov. 13, 2013
The East Oregonian will no longer refer to the football team in our nation’s capital as the Washington Redskins.
We find the term offensive and a blatant racial slur. It would never appear in a news story, so we have a hard time finding reasons why it should continue to pop up in our sports section.
JFK, Obama: Redskins needs to change
By Thomas G. Smith, Nov. 14, 2013
History does not necessarily repeat itself, but sometimes it makes echoes. An echo from 50 years ago reverberates today over the flap regarding the Redskins nickname and logo.
Mascot Flap Shows Race-Based Ignorance
By Joel McNally, Nov. 13, 2013
The insistence of some high schools, colleges and even one professional sports franchise in our nation’s capital that they have a right to use racially offensive caricatures and names for their sports teams is one of those dumb arguments that refuses to go away.
Redskins name puts Dan Snyder’s legacy at risk
By Colbert King, Nov. 8, 2013
“Redskins” wasn’t a name fashioned by American Indians. It was assigned to them, just as the pejorative designation “darkies” was once imposed on my forebears. I concluded that the insulting language was wrong.
Obama Says Redskins Nickname Is Offensive, Gets Backing From Native American Leaders
Nov. 13, 2013
President Obama said the Redskins name needs reconsidering, and this week the praise of one of the main groups leading the charge against a team name they find offensive.
Panel aks ‘what’s in a name?’
By Brittany Petrillo, Nov. 13, 2013
The Washington Redskins have been a controversial focal point in the media since its name change from the Boston Braves in 1933; many people see no problem with using the term “redskin” as a logo and mascot, but does that make it okay?
Oneida Indian Nation gives Obama jersey for name-change support
By Marcus Hondro, Nov. 13, 2013
U.S. Pres. Barack Obama has a new athletic jersey courtesy of the Oneida Indian Nation. A leader of the Oneida, Ray Halbritter, gave the jersey to Obama Tuesday for his support on the issue of eliminating the moniker ‘Redskins’ for sports teams.
Tribal Nations Speak of ‘Redskins’ Only in Private
By Ann Compton, Nov. 13, 20130
In private at the White House Tuesday, leaders of the Oneida nation presented him [Obama] with a sports jersey from a high school in New York State. The students dropped the name Redskins, becoming instead the Hawkeyes. And the Oneida tribe helped pay for the new uniforms.
Oneida Nation study: Use of the ‘R-word’ harmful to Native American children, teens
By Jessica Vanegeren, The Capital Times, Nov. 13, 2013
A report commissioned by the Oneida Nation and recently presented to the National Football League says the use of the “R-word” by the league’s Washington team is psychologically harming children and teens.
Redskins is a racist name and US must face up to its past
By John Nauright, Nov. 8, 2013
Since Europeans first arrived in the Americas, native peoples have been decimated. In North America, where assimilation was rare and conquest or theft of land has been the norm, things were particularly harsh. Stereotypical depictions of natives as violent warriors helped legitimise this process, as did a series of derogatory names such as “redskins” and “savages”.
Can A Mascot Really Cause Psychological Harm?
By Tell Me More Staff, Nov. 12, 2013
Tell Me More host Michel Martin speaks with Psychologist Dr. Michael Friedman and NPR science correspondent Shankar Vedantam about the research. Also joining the conversation is Wilson Pipestem, a dad of four and member of the Otoe-Missouria tribe.
Oneida Indians thank Obama for coments on Redskins
By Erik Brady, Nov. 12, 2013
Oneida Indian Nation representative Ray Halbritter, the public face of a campaign against the Washington pro football club’s team name, thanked President Barack Obama for speaking out on the issue during a meeting at the White House Tuesday.
Change the Mascot: Pressure grows For NFL Team To Drop Redskins Name and Logo As Thousands Protest
Nov. 8, 2013
Video segment from “Democracy Now” takes a look at the issue with input from author Dave Zirin and AIM founder and co-director Clyde Bellecourt.
University of Minnesota panel refocuses Washington football mascot controversy on protecting youth
By Ben Markhart, Nov. 5, 2013
On November 5, the University of Minnesota hosted a symposium on race in sports and media for a more in-depth discussion of the issues surrounding the controversy over the Washington football team’s derogatory “Redskins” nickname. Speakers including AIM’s national leader, Clyde Bellecourt and U.S. Congressmember Betty McCollum, highlighted the impact that Indian caricatures have beyond a simple derogatory nature.
Billy Mills: Redskins Name Calls to Mind ‘Our Own Holocaust’
By Brian Daffron, Nov. 9, 2013
It’s time for those individuals and those teams who think they’re honoring us to recognize that we bring honor to ourselves and our tribal nations. In honoring our tribal nations, we bring honor to America. I think it’s time for the owner of the Washington Redskins, for example, to bring honor to himself — by changing the name of the Washington Redskins.
Wickham: Redskins’ Snyder no misguided good guy
By DeWayne Wickham, Nov. 11, 2013
In the controversy over his NFL football team’s nickname, Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder is no misguided good guy.
Redskins owner Dan Snyder is no moral leader
By Dana Milbank, Nov. 11, 2013
The Washington Redskins owner antagonized those seeking a change of the football team’s racially offensive name when he responded to them earlier this year by saying, “NEVER — you can use caps.” He then hired former Clinton scandal manager Lanny Davis to help him put down the name rebellion.
Now he’s trying to make nice with Native Americans — by working with a lobbyist who had ties to Jack Abramoff, who was imprisoned for bilking Indian tribes.
You’d Never See an NFL Team Named “The Blackfaces” — So Why Is This OK?
By Holly Richmond, Nov. 11, 2013
“The name itself has always struck me as very derogatory and insensitive,” Tekle told MoveOn. “To have the football team of the nation’s capital have this name, I just think it’s completely inappropriate.”
Oneida call on Jewish leaders to join Redskins name boycott
Nov. 7, 2013
The Oneida Nation is calling on Jewish communities to heed the call of two Washington-area rabbis and boycott the Redskins name.
Hoops Star Shoni Schimmel Says Redskins Name Should Go
Nov. 8, 2013
“I would change the name of the Redskins mainly for the Native American people as a whole. … It’s about respect for the Native American race, especially to not promote the racism carried over from the past.”
Hundreds gather outside Mall of America Field to protest Redskins’ name
By Mark Maske, Nov. 7, 2013
Hundreds of protesters gathered outside Mall of America Field here Thursday to voice their objections to the Washington Redskins’ name before the team’s game against the Minnesota Vikings.
Protesters march on Metrodome to protest ‘Redskins’
By Randy Furst (Minneapolis Star Tribune), Nov. 8, 2013
Demonstrators marched to the Metrodome on Thursday, demanding the Washington Redskins drop their mascot name or continue to face protests and legal challenges.
Carrying signs that read, “We Are Not Mascots” and “Redskin: A Dehumanizing Racial Slur,” about 700 protesters marched from the American Indian Movement national office about 20 blocks to the Dome, where the Vikings played Washington on Thursday night. (MN)
Hundreds March In Protest Of Redskins ‘Racist’ Name
WCCO/AP, Nov. 7, 2013
Nearly 700 protesters marched 20 blocks to the Metrodome on Thursday night, rallying in hopes that the Washington Redskins football team will change its mascot name, as the squad was in town to play the Minnesota Vikings.
Redskins’ Name Criticized By Minnesota Governor, Minneapolis Mayor
Nov. 7, 2013
Panel: Native American Mascots Devalues A Culture
By Caitlin VanOverberghe, Nov. 7, 2013
The term redskin is particularly offensive, as it refers to the scalps of Native Americans, which early settlers would sell and trade along with the pelts of animals.
Lawyer who fought Redskins name says change is inevitable
By John Vomhof Jr., Nov. 7, 2013
“I think it’s just a matter of time. It’s inevitable that a name change will occur, regardless of what happens in this latest case. But, of course, it would be very gratifying to see justice finally done.” – Stephen Baird
AIM Rallies To  Bar ‘Redskins’ Name From New Vikings Stadium
Nov. 6, 2013
McCollum: Redskins fight bigger than name
By Corey Mitchell, Nov. 7, 2013
Representative Betty McCollum will join protestors at the Washington-Minnesota game tonight.
The legend of Lone Star Dietz: Redskins namesake, coach — and possible impostor?
By Richard Leiby, Nov. 7, 2013
A look at the controversial history of Lone Star Dietz. Many people say he was not even an American Indian. (St. Cloud, MN)
Our View: Name is what it is – a racial slur
By the Times Editorial Board, Nov. 6, 2013
Unlike some other team nicknames that can be argued as offensive (or not) based on gray areas such as adjectives, mascots, polls, actions and attire, this term has been purely a racial slur since long before the NFL formed. There is no gray area, no wiggle room for denial. If you support its use, then own up to what it means.
The rabbis vs. the Redskins: A religious case against offensive nicknames
By Rabbi Aaron Frank and Rabbi Shmuel Herzfeld, Nov. 6, 2013
Should religious leaders care about a football team’s name? We believe the answer is yes.
Opposition to Redskins name follows team to Minnesota
By Mike Florio, Nov. 6, 2013
Oneida Indian Nation has purchased advertising time on KFAN in Minneapolis, with a spot opposing the name to be broadcast on Thursday.
D.C. Council calls on Washington Redskins to dicth ‘racist and derogatory’ name
By Mike DeBonis and Aaron C. Davis, Nov. 4, 2013
In the latest challenge to the Washington Redskins’ name, District lawmakers voted overwhelmingly Tuesday to call on the team to change it, saying it is widely recognized as “racist and derogatory.”
Why NFL’s Washington Redkins needs renaming
By Michael Shank, Ph.D., Nov. 4, 2013
The escalating conflict between the Washington Redskins football franchise, its owners and fans, and the growing community of concerned citizens, tribal leaders and District of Columbia City Councilmembers who want the football team to change its name is reaching new heights.
6 Minneapolis City Council members voice disapproval of Redkins name
By Shelby Capacio, Nov. 4, 2013
With a game against the Washington Redskins just three days away, six members of the Minneapolis City Council released an open letter calling on the team’s owner to change the name and mascot. (Minneapolis. MN)
Mpls. City Council condemns Redskins team name
Six Minneapolis City Council members are protesting the Washington Redskins team and mascot.
Open Letter to Redskins Owner Dan Snyder: Dear Dan, You Can’t Say You Weren’t Warned
By David Zirin, Nov. 4, 2013
Redskins name has got to go
By Paul Newberry, Nov. 1, 2013
We can argue ad nauseam over whether nicknames such as “Braves” and “Chiefs” are slurs against Native Americans.
There are valid points on both sides of that issue.
But there is no grey area when it comes to the name of the NFL team in Washington.
That term is racist — pure and simple.
For some, Indian mascot debate is personal
By Ruben Rosario, Nov. 2, 2013
What’s in a name? Well, if the name is Redskins, the nickname of the football team coming to play the Vikings on Thursday, plenty.
Leo Roth: Redskins nickname is long overdue for a change
By Leo Roth, Nov. 2, 2013
The “Change the Mascot” campaign to get Washington, D.C.’s NFL team to drop its Redskins nickname, passionately initiated by New York’s Oneida Indian Nation, has managed to not just put this issue up for debate again.
D.C. Council to Take Up Resolution on Redskins’ Name
Oct. 31, 2013
The D.C. Council will take up a resolution next week urging the Washington Redskins to change their name. (Oklahoma)
We say goodbye to ‘Redskins’ reference
Editorial Board, Oct. 31, 2013
A movement has started in the media world, and we’re jumping on the bandwagon.
To kick off Native American Heritage Month, there isn’t a greater time to address the controversy regarding the name of Washington’s professional football team, the Redskins.
Oneida Nation requests meeting with all NFL owners
Bay Barry Willner, AP, Oct. 31, 2013
Characterizing their meeting with the NFL about their disapproval of the use of Redskins by the Washington franchise as disappointing, representatives of the Oneida Indian Nation requested a meeting with all 32 NFL owners during Super Bowl week.
NFL meets with Native American representatives over use of ‘Redskins’
By Amanda Holpuch, Oct. 30, 2013
Despite ‘historic’ meeting, Washington appears no closer to changing its controversial team name
Oneida Nation requests meeting with NFL owners
Oct. 30, 2013 – VIDEO
Oneida Nation ‘disappointed’ NFL stands by ‘Redskins’
By Erik Brady, Oct. 30, 2013
“We appreciate that they were willing to meet with us,” Halbritter said. “I don’t think anything was really different other than the fact we expressed our concerns about a word that is a dictionary-defined slur.”
Washington’s Football Team Isn’t Entitled to Slander Native People
By Ray Halbritter, Oct. 30, 2013
If you are not the target of a racial slur, it is easy to wonder why that slur is a problem. In fact, because you, your children and your community don’t have to deal with the consequences of the slur, it is easy to claim that those who don’t want to be targeted are just interested in “political correctness.”
Washington Football Fans Can Love the Team Without the Name
By Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton, Oct. 30, 2013
Residents of the National Capital Region get much more excited about football than about the politicians who dominate Washington. Our home team gets love even when it is losing. I am among the fans who cheer for them, win or lose.
When a ‘Redskin’ Is in the Family
By Keith Harriston, Oct. 25, 2013
Alice Apple Woods died sometime during the Great Depression. The fact that I never met her and do not at this point even know the name of her tribe doesn’t change that she is a blood relative. If by some miracle she were alive today, and I heard someone call her “redskin”?
That would be a fighting word. So me, I’m done with the term. And I’m through being silent on the matter.
Keith Harriston is former senior editor at the Washington Post. He teaches journalism at Howard University, where he edits
The Redskins name saga has reached the NFL commissioner
Oct. 30, 2013 – coverage from the Washington Post
Washington Redskins owner Daniel Snyder met Tuesday with NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell about the team’s name, according to two people familiar with the matter.
Oneida Indian Nation reps to meet with NFL officials over Redskins name
Oct. 29, 2013
Representatives from the Oneida Indian Nation will meet with NFL officials in Washington, D.C. to discuss the mascot of the Washington Redskins on Wednesday.
Amid Washington Redskins debate, two schools look back on own mascot changes
By Gino Geruntino, Oct. 30, 2013
While the debate continues between the Oneida Indian Nation and the Washington Redskins regarding the team’s name and mascot, in upstate New York, several institutions faced similar decisions more than a decade ago and did change their names.
Indian Opponent of Redskins Name Meeting with NFL
By Michael Hill, AP, Oct. 29, 2013
Ray Halbritter of the Oneida Indian Nation didn’t start the movement to change the name of the Washington Redskins, but the upstate New York tribal leader has turned up the heat.
Leader of Upstate NY Indian Tribe hopes meeting with NFL on Redskins name will lead to change
AP Story, Oct. 29, 2013
Halbritter Brings ‘Change the Mascot’ Campaign to USET
By Gale Courey Toensing, Oct. 29, 2013
The opening session of the United South and Eastern Tribes annual meeting featured Oneida Indian Nation Representative and CEO Ray Halbritter talking about the ongoing efforts to get the owner of the Washington, DC, football team to banish its racist “Redskins” name and mascot. (Mexican-American Times)
Oneida Indian Nation Signs On: Respect Native American Wishes and Change the Mascot Redskins name
By Dee Dee Garcia
The Native American community has been fighting this fight for a long time now, but what is new is finding out the Oneida Indian Nation is now signing on to “Change the Mascot” in an effort to change the Redskins name.
South Dakota group protests NFL mascot
Oct. 28, 2013
A group from South Dakota will travel to Minnesota this week to protest the Washington Redskins mascot.
Clergy join campaign to get Washington Redskins to ‘Change the Mascot’
By Matthew Brown, Oct. 28, 2013
An American Indian tribe is leading a full blitz to change the name and mascot of the Washington Redskins pro-football team.
Last week a group of D.C.-area clergy joined the campaign to get the club to drop the Redskins name, which Native Americans consider an offensive slur, USA Today‘s Erik Brady reported.
Get rid of the Redskins nickname
Oct. 28, 2013
How long will it take for owners of the National Football League’s (NFL’s) Washington Redskins to catch up with the rest of the world? The team’s misguided and chauvinistic pride in the name Redskins and its refusal to change the offensive name only serves to embarrass the organization and the NFL.
NFL and Oneida Nation Meeting This Week About Redskins Name Change
Oct. 28, 2013
The meeting between the two groups was originally scheduled for the end of November, but the league asked to meet earlier, when the Nation held its “Change the Mascot” campaign symposium at the Ritz Carlton in Washington, D.C.
Pelosi Joins Anti-‘Redskins’ Chorus
By Andrew Johnson, Oct. 28, 2013
Nancy Pelosi is the latest lawmaker to call on the Washington Redskins to change their team name, claiming that it is offensive to American Indians. She told the Hill that it “probably would be a good idea if they change the name.”
Redskins change urged in the name of respect
By Austin Briggs, Oct. 27, 2013
“Redskins” is under fire as being a racial slur, with prominent sportswriters, civil rights advocates, Indian groups and even President Obama saying the team should consider a name change.
Protest over Redskins name in Denver Sunday before team faces the Broncos
By Anica Padilla, Oct. 27, 2013
A protest over the name of the Washington Redskins is happening in Denver Sunday as the team faces the Broncos.
Protestors call for Redskins name change at Sunday’s game in Denver
Oct. 28, 2013
Before Washington’s football game in Denver, the Redskins were greeted by protesters. (Colorado)
‘We’re not your mascot:’ Protestors rally against Washington Redskins team
Oct. 27, 2013
A national campaign to change the name of the Washington Redskins came to Denver this weekend with radio ads and a protest.
The ad, called “Legacy,” which two Washington D.C. radio stations pulled last week, aired this weekend in Denver.
On Sunday, two groups — American Indian Movement and Idle No More — rallied outside Sports Authority Field at Mile High.
Washington team meets ‘Change the mascot’ protest in Denver
By Mark Maske/MikeWise, Oct. 27, 2013
A group of people estimated at more than 100 protested the Washington Redskins’ name Sunday outside Sports Authority Field at Mile High.
Why responsible branding matters to shareholders
By Mihcael Kramer, Oct. 28, 2013
Native Americans have long been ignored in the realm of racism — their voice severely underrepresented in Congress, national media and corporate America — but something is shifting, and corporate brand managers should take note. (USC news)
Redskins must change racist team name
By Veronica An, Oct. 27, 2013
Last month, the Oneida Indian Nation launched a “Change the Mascot” campaign aimed to rename the Washington, D.C.-based football team, the Washington Redskins. Though it might appear to be of little consequence, the debate over a sports team’s name is not a trivial matter.
Where Should Christians Stand in the Washington Redskins Nickname Controversy?
By Morgan Lee, Oct. 26, 2013
While 2013 is not the first time in the 80-year Washington Redskins history that the team has encountered criticism for their nickname, its critics may be the most prominant and loudest yet. (Denver)
Washington Redskins protest comes to Denver
Oct. 24, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation is behind a campaign to change Washington’s mascot. Members of the tribe say “Redskins” is a racial slur and reflects poorly on the city of Washington, D.C (Denver)
Effort To Change Name Of Redskins Hits Colorado Radio Waves
Oct. 25, 2013
A national effort to get the Washington Redskins to change their name has come to Colorado as the team visits the Denver Broncos.
What’s in a name?
By Renee Gadoua, Oct. 23, 2013
The Syracuse New Times has stopped using the name of the Washington NFL team nickname. (Colorado Springs)
Ramsey: Many Native Americans despise revolting Washington Redskins nickname
By David Ramsey, Oct. 24, 2013
“We’ll never change the name,” Snyder told USA Today earlier this year. “It’s that simple. NEVER. You can use caps.”
Oh, Danny Boy, I wouldn’t be so certain.
Dozens of Washington area clergy join ‘redskins’ fight
By Erik Brady, Oct. 23, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation’s campaign against the Washington pro football club’s team name picked up new supporters Wednesday when more than two dozen clergy in the Washington region committed to taking the fight to their pulpits. (San Francisco)
Redskins’ name doomed to dustbin of history
By Caillie Millner, Oct. 18, 2013
When nearly two-thirds of professional and amateur athletic teams with questionable Indian names or icons have changed them since 1971, the writing is on the wall. The Redskins’ name will be changed. It’s only a matter of when.
‘Sambo’ Versus ‘Redskin’
By Stampp Corbin, Oct. 22, 2013
The current Washington name is an embarrassment to the city of D.C and beyond, as well at the NFL. Can you imagine the NFL or owners would keep the name if 25 percent of the players in the NFL were Native American? Talk about tyranny of the majority.
End Gridlock in Washington Now, Daniel Snyder
By Marc Yafee, Oct. 23, 2013
“I wonder how Mr. Snyder would react if a Nazi Holocaust denier bought a major league sports franchise and decided to honor the bravery of Jewish people during World War II. I think Mr. Snyder might take issue with a team named the Uprising or the Resistance or the Slave Laborers.” (Ireland)
The Washington Redskins name change controversy on Off The Ball
By Raf Diello, Oct. 23, 2013
The term ‘Redskins’ might not be used in a negative light by the team, but it is still considered a racial slur by some Native American who find it offensive.
In addition, a growing number of football commentators and writers have refused to use the term including NBC’s Bob Costas.
Urban League President: Washington Football Team Should Drop the ‘R’ Word
My Marc Morial, Oct. 23, 2013
The Dallas vs. Washington football game was played on the eve of Columbus Day, another reminder of the legacy of discrimination and oppression inflicted on Native Americans. Demanding the Washington football team remove the “R” word from its name is a simple request for respect.
Daniel Snyder’s Last Stand: Why ‘Redskins’ Are Going Down
By John Walters, Oct. 19, 2013
But how much thought do we give to the fact that European settlers appropriated their land? And might the indigenous peoples of North America have a slightly less bellicose and warrior-like reputation if their ancestors had not been attacked and forced into assimilation in the first place? (Montgomery Blair High School, MD)
Respect trumps tradition
By Samuel Popper, Oct. 21, 2013
High School newspaper staff writer takes on the Washington nickname. (Texas)
Local Native American Leader Weighs in on Redskins Controversy
Oct. 21, 2013
The President of the South Texas Alliance of Indigenous People supports the recent push to change the name of Washington D.C.’s football team.
Washington Redskins name continues to cause controversy
By Katherine Locke, Oct. 22, 2013
President Obama joined other prominent journalists, sportscasters and opinion writers recently calling for the owner of the National Football League’s Washington Redskins to stop using a name that some Native Americans consider a racial epitaph. (Illinois)
What’s in a name” A lot if we’re talking Native American mascots
By George Jones, Oct. 20, 2013
The Washington Redskins remain one of the few teams – pro or amateur – to never consider amending a brand name and image modeled after a caricature of Native Americans.
Gray: Redskins is a slur, but other nicknames objectify Native Americans
By John E. Hoover, Oct. 19, 2013
Louis Gray, president of the Tulsa Indian Coalition Against Racism and an Osage Indian, said the nickname his high school in Colorado used was Redskins.
He took pride in it at the time, but Gray is now an activist to get schools to stop using Native American names and imagery to promote their sports teams
The Redskins have fumbled the ball over their nickname
By John Jeansonne, Oct. 19, 2013
Already, the next Washington embarrassment is upon us. While Native American groups ratchet up their protests and NFL owner Daniel Snyder continues to insult the nation’s original inhabitants by clinging to a racist slur for his team’s nickname, the bad jokes and silly remedies are pouring in.
We Need To Stop ‘Playing Cowboys and Indians’ With Native Americans
By Terrell Jermaine Starr, Oct. 21, 2013
Even if the ownership changes the team’s name and logo, our efforts to treat Native culture with dignity and respect should not end there. As a nation, we truly have to take a deep, long look in the mirror and reflect on our country’s history of re-creating racist stereotypes of Native American people into a billion-dollar entertainment industry.
Is ‘Washington Redskins’ A Racist Team Name?
By Kenon White, Oct. 21, 2013
Roland Martin spoke with sports writer Roy S. Johnson about the controversy over Washington Redskins’ team name, in the wake of news that two Washington, DC radio stations refused to run a radio ad by the Oneida Indian Nation criticizing the football team for holding on to the name
ESPN: No Comment on Talent ‘Wearing the Native Equivalent of Black Face’
By Andrew Cohen, Oct. 20, 2013
No one, including the executives at ESPN, would ever tolerate a show today in which a white man donned black face and pranced around a set. And yet no one, including ESPN, seems to have a problem with a white man goofing around in a similar fashion as a Native American tribal chief. The disconnect between those two realities is the disconnect today in America between what whites and blacks think is insensitive to Native Americans and what Native Americans think is insensitive to them. In a perfect world, the victims of stereotypes, and not the perpetrators of them, would get to decide what is and is not offensive. But of course no one needs to tell the American Indian that this is not a perfect world.
DC radio stations refuse to run ad calling on Redskins to change name
Oct. 20, 2013
“It is unfortunate and un-American that the station permits the team to slander Native Americans on the public airwaves with the use of the r-word, but doesn’t permit Native Americans to use the same airwaves to object to the use of a racial slur,” Oneida Indian Nation spokesman Ray Halbritter told the Post.
CBS Stations refuse Oneida Indian ad
By John Keim, Oct. 19, 2013
Two Washington, D.C. radio stations won’t run ads protesting the Washington Redskins nickname, a decision that surprised and disappointed the leading advocates behind the movement. Contains video of Stephen A Smith and Skip Bayless discussing the issue. (Cleveland)
Bob Roche From American Indian Education Center Talks About ‘Redskins’, Chief Wahoo
Oct. 17, 2013
The executive director for the American Indian Education Center, Bob Roche, a Chiricahua Apache, talks about the issue. (audio)
Washington Redskins: Snyder Will Change ‘Redskins’ Name for One Reason Only
By Dexter Rogers, Oct. 18, 2013
As an African-American I understand why Native Americans feel as they do. As a human being, a male and a journalist I’ve been subjected to racism in its purest form. I’ve been called the N-Word and many of its derivatives. If one understands the historical development of this country “Redskin” isn’t a very endearing term. (St. Louis)
Keidel: Fail To The Redskins
By Jason Keidel, Oct. 18, 2013
“Despite our new-world sensitivities and sensibilities, where we can’t call anyone anything without fearing some fringe clique bum-rushing our front lawn – led by the ACLU, of course – it’s impossible to defend a team whose handle speaks solely to a group’s skin color.”
Radio Stations Won’t Run Oneida Indian Nation’s Anti-Washington Football Team Ads
By Matt Cohen, Oct. 21, 2013
As the Washington football team’s season remains bleak (though yesterday’s win over Chicago was a much-needed victory), the debate over its controversial name and mascot rages on.
Two Washington D.C. Radio Stations Refuse To Run Ads Opposing Redskins Nickname
By Luke Hughes, Oct. 19, 2013
Neither CBS station holds the radio rights to the Redskins, so there is no direct conflict of interest. Although, it’s entirely possible that team owner Dan Snyder caught wind of the ads and strongly encouraged the station to forego playing them.
The debate will undoubtedly rage on in the weeks and months to come, and the Oneida Nation will find places to run these ads one way or another.
Minneapolis AIM Chairman: ‘Redskins Offensive and Against the Law’
By Vincent Shilling, Oct. 21, 2013
The American Indian Movement of Minneapolis plans to hold a demonstration march and protest against the Thursday November 7, 2013 Redskins vs. Vikings NFL game to be played at the Minneapolis Metrodome.
Time for football team to drop ‘Redskins’ mascot
Staff reports, Oct. 20, 2013
Derogatory mascots harm Native American identity
By Melissa Crowe, Oct. 20, 2013
During the past 25 years, 28 high schools have changed their “Redskins” name.
Tevlin: Native kids say Washington nickname doesn’t honor us
By Jon Tevlin, Oct. 19, 2013
An interview with youth from the Little Earth of United Tribes Community in Minnesota.
Radio Stations Won’t Air Anti-Redskins Ads
Oct. 19, 2013
“The station permits the team to slander Native Americans on the public airwaves with the use of the r-word, but doesn’t permit Native Americans to use the same airwaves to object to the use of a racial slur,” said Ray Halbritter in an email. “We will not be silent mascots.  This issue is not going away, as evidenced by the growing and diverse support this effort gains by the day.”

The Washington Post reports that two D.C. radio stations refuse to air Oneida Nation ads. click here to read
Two D.C. stations reject Oneida Indians’ ad on mascot
By Erik Brady, Oct. 19, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation’s campaign against the team name of the Washington pro football club ran into a speed bump when two Washington D.C. radio stations declined to air the proposed ads this weekend. (profootballtalk)
Two D.C. stations refuse to run ads against Redskins name
By Mike Florio, Oct. 19, 2013
WJFK and WPGC have both declined to broadcast ads purchased by the Oneida Indian Nation. (Carlsbad Current-Argus, NM)
Walt Rubel: Not all that’s offensive from Washington involves Congress
Oct. 18, 2013
Snyder has insisted the team will never change its name. But never is a long time. I doubt he’ll live that long.
And neither will the name “Redskins.” (Illinois)
What’s in a name? Face it, ‘Redskins’ is embarrassing
By Scott Smith, oct. 16, 2013
People point to public opinion polls to suggest the Redskins name is fine, including a 10-year-old poll of people who answered landline phones and “self-identified” as Native Americans. The same year, Sports Illustrated conducted a poll on roughly the same question, with diametrically opposite results.
The poll results are a smokescreen for the simple fact no sports team today, whether a high school, a college or a professional team, would willingly choose “Redskins” as its nickname. The public doesn’t want to use the nickname, in the same way it doesn’t want a center-field war dance.
False equivalencies & another precinct heard from
By Eric Zorn, Oct. 18, 2013
Sigh. Every time this issue comes up, a raft of defenders is sure to adduce the churlish deliberately absurd argument that suggests that say “Vikings,” “FIghting Irish,” “Padres” and so on are also, probably, offensive to someone, so why not change them all, haw haw.
Oneida Indian Nation to release new ad decrying ‘Redskins’
By Erik Brady, Oct. 18, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation is keeping the heat on in its campaign against the Washington pro football club’s team name.
In the latest of a series of season-long radio ads, this one to be aired in the Washington region this weekend, the Oneidas call on team owner Daniel Snyder to change his team’s name. (MPR News, Minnesota)
Has Washington Redskins name controversy reached a tipping point?
Oct. 18, 2013
Christine Brennan, USA Today sports columnist, says the furor surrounding Dan Snyder’s team has reached a tipping point that will end with a name change sooner rather than later.
Bob Costas: Why ‘Redskins’ is racist
Oct. 18, 2013
Every dictionary I have consulted has defined Redskins with words such as offensive, insulting, pejorative and derogatory. No such words are part of the definition of Braves, Chiefs, Warriors or any other team name associated with Native Americans. One would think a professed lover of words like Goldberg would appreciate that clear and compelling distinction — and recognize that many of those who have problems with the name “Redskins” are motivated not by liberalism or political correctness, but by common sense and common decency.
Team nicknames should reflect respect
Blackhawks and Redskins truly are in different leagues in relating to Native Americans
By David Haugh, Oct. 17, 2013
“Snyder is the tone-deaf owner of the Washington Redskins stubbornly clinging to his team’s nickname despite its racist origin for merchandising reasons that help him stay rich. Society evolves. Snyder remains stuck in a past when nobody knew as much about how hurtful a significant part of the population considers the term Redskins.”
Redskins Name is a Slur, Has No Place in NFL: Trask
Oct. 17, 2013
Amy Trask, CBS Sports Network analyst and former CEO of the Oakland Raiders, comments on the controversy surrounding the name of the Washington Redskins and the costs associated with rebranding a professional sports team. She speaks with Mark Crumpton on Bloomberg Television’s “Bottom Line.”
“Often Contemptuous” and “Usually Offensive”: 120 Years of Defining “Redskin”
By Ian Gordon, Oct. 17, 2013
In the ongoing debate over the name of Washington’s pro football team, folks on both sides have argued about the relative offensiveness of the word “redskin” over time. Team owner Dan Synder insists the R-word is a long-standing term of respect for Native Americans, saying in a letter to season ticket holders that “the name was never a label. It was, and continues to be, a badge of honor.” Yet dusting off the old dictionary suggests otherwise.
Redskins name change: Richmond Free Press says it won’t print “Redskins”
AP, Oct. 18, 2013
In an editorial Thursday, the weekly primarily aimed at the city’s African-American community called the name insulting to Native Americans and divisive.
Cris Collinsworth: ‘Redskins’ no longer works
By Dan Steinberg, Oct. 16, 2013
“I have a feeling if it were the blackskins, the brownskins, the name would have already been changed,” Collinsworth said. “And I think that despite the fact that they were trying to honor Native Americans. I really do believe that. You don’t name something after something derogatory. You wouldn’t name your child something derogatory. You wouldn’t name your team something derogatory. So at one time it was meant to honor the great history of Native Americans. And in this day and age, Redskins just doesn’t work. And I think Daniel Snyder, the good man that he is, will eventually see what is best for the Washington Redskins is for him to lead a name change. And I hope he does.”
Letterman and O’Reilly on ‘Redskins’
By Dan Steinberg, Oct. 18, 2013
DC Sports Blog takes a look at recent coverage and comments about the redskins mascot issue. (Fort Worth, TX)
Bob Ray Sanders: It’s time for the Washington football team to drop the ‘Redskins’ mascot
Oct. 18, 2013
“While I’ve taken positions against certain mascots for college and high school teams, I’ve never weighed in on the Washington Redskins controversy – until now.
It is time for the team to get rid of the mascot and symbol, which is more than stereotypical. It is derogatory.”
National Congress of American Indians Calls for Elimination of All Native American Mascots
Oct. 17, 2013
Jacqueline Pata, NCAI Excutive Director said, “It’s time for a change, it’s no longer acceptabl;e, so it is no longe racceptable for us to hold on to those mascots that contiue to opress a people.” (Orange County, CA)
Charles Krauthammer: Change the Redskin’s name
Oct. 17, 2013
“If you were detailing the ethnic composition of Congress, you wouldn’t say: “Well, to start with, there are 44 Negroes.” If you’d been asleep for 50 years, you might. But upon being informed how the word had changed in nuance, you would stop using it and choose another.”
Nothing gained in keeping shameful Redskins name
By Phil Mushnick
“If today the NFL or any big league were born, none of its teams would be the Redskins, not any more than one would be the Pale Skins.
Why? Because people of almost all sensibilities and political affiliations would know that Redskins is wrong, that it smacks of antiquated bigotry, that it is offensive and does offend.”
The Redskins- It’s All in the Name
By Lina Elmansy, Oct. 17, 2013
The controversy surrounding the name of Washington football team, “The Redskins,” has recently gained much recognition in media outlets. The Oneida Nation, the strongest protester against the Redskins, said that the name is very offensive to Native Americans. They were angered by the mascot because it depicts a very stereotypical, distasteful image of Native Americans. (Kansas City Star)
In changing Indian nicknames, colleges lead the way
By Blair Kerkhoff, Oct. 17, 2013
Developments in the debate over the nickname of Washington’s NFL franchise have become an almost daily occurrence. On Thursday, results of a poll commissioned by the Oneida Indian Nation showed 59 percent of respondents said Native Americans have a right to feel offended by the nickname “Redskins.”
Washington Football Tea, Should Drop the “R” Word
By Marc Morial, Oct. 17, 2013
At a moment when President Obama and Republican leaders remain deeply divided, this week saw them come to a bipartisan agreement on one thing: It is time for Washington’s NFL team to stop using a racial slur and to finally change its name.” Oneida Indian Nation radio ad
Redskins’ Owner Stubbornly Clings to Wrong Side of History
By William C. Rhodan, Oct. 12, 2013
“Sports has historically been a vehicle to bring us together. Increasingly, the enterprise is becoming one more tool of divisiveness.”
Natives Speaking for Themselves About the Redkins Controversy
ICTMN, Oct. 17, 2013
It’s a simple idea whose time has come: American Indians speaking up about the Washington Redskins team name and mascot.
Poll: Majority See Why Washington DC NFL Team’s Name is Offensive
By Jamilah King, Oct. 17, 2013
According to the poll, 59 percent of adults surveyed in the Washington region think that American Indians would have a right to feel offended if called “redskin.”
Poll: 59 percent see why ‘Redskins’ is offensive to Native Americans
By John Breech, Oct. 16, 2013
In a poll commissioned by the Oneida Indian Nation, 59 percent of respondents say Native Americans have a right to feel offended by the term Redskins.
Poll: Redskins Name Change Wouldn’t Bother Fans
By Maya Rhodan, Oct. 16, 2013
A majority of D.C. residents say a change in the Washington Redskins’ name wouldn’t impact their loyalty to the team, according to a new poll.
Poll Finds a Majority Understand Why “Redskins” Is Offensive to Some
By Benjamin Freed, Oct. 16, 2013
A majority of adults in the Washington-area say Native Americans have the right to feel insulted by the term “redskin,” according to a poll released today. The survey also finds that if the local NFL franchise that uses that term as its nickname were to change, 73 percent of fans would support the team just as much, if not more.
Poll: Most D.C. Residents Think Washington Football Team’s Name is an Offensive Word
By Perry Stein, Oct. 16, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation–one of the main groups leading the fight against the Washington football team’s offensive name–released new polling data today which found that 59 percent of D.C. adults think the term “redskin” would offend Native Americans.
Poll: Most People Would Support The Washington Football Team If They Changed Their Name
By Matt Cohen, Oct. 16, 2013
While the Washington football team continues to disappoint this season, the controversy over their team name and mascot is creating bigger headlines than the team itself.
Poll: Majority see why Redskins name offensive
By Erik Brady, USA Today Sports, Oct. 16, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation commissioned a poll that shows 59% of adults in the Washington region say that American Indians would have a right to feel offended if called “redskin.” (NBC4)
Poll: Support for Redskins Would Increase If Name Changed
Oct. 16, 2013
Changing the name of the Washington Redskins would only strengthen the support the team receives, a new poll suggests. (Utica, NY)
Oneida Indian Nation releases data showing name change wouldn’t affect Redskins’ support
WKTV News, Oct. 16, 2013
The poll also showed 59 percent said American Indians have the right to feel offended by the term “redskins” and 44 percent said that when they learn the term is defined as offensive by the dictionary, they are more likely to support changing the team’s name. According to the poll, 66 percent say if Snyder meets with Indian leaders, he should not refer to them as “redskins,” as the term is inappropriate.
Should Washington Redskins Owner Dan Snyder Change Football Team’s Name?
Native Americans Offended by Nicknam and Logo
By JTA, Oct. 16, 2013
Professional sports teams should seriously consider moving away from “the use of hurtful and offensive names, mascots and logos,” the Anti Defamation League said.
The ultimate decision to change a team’s name, however, “should come from the team’s ownership with input from the fan base. It is up to them to decide to let go of this hurtful tradition,” Abraham Foxman, ADL national director, said in a statement. (Utica Radio)
Oneidas Release Poll On Washington Redskins Name Change
By Jim Rondenelli, Oct. 16, 2013
Oneida Nation Poll Shows More Support for Redskin Name Change
Oct. 16, 2013
As part of its “Change the Mascot Campaign,” the Oneida Indian Nation has released a poll showing that 73 percent of Washington, D.C. residents said that changing their team’s name would strengthen, not weaken, their support for the football team.

nbcsports (profootballtalk)
Oneida Indian Nation fires back at attacks on Ray Halbritter
By Mike Florio, Oct. 16, 2013
Now that the opposition to the Redskins name has gained some traction, proponents of the name have opted to supplement their defense by attacking one of the men leading the charge against it. … At its core, the challenge seems to be aimed at motivating the base, at a time when it could be getting harder and harder to continue to stubbornly support the name with a straight face. (USA TODAY SPORTS)
Mike Francesa Schools “Idiot” Caller Who Doesn’t Think Redskins’ Nickname is Offensive
By Mike Cardillo, Oct. 15, 2013
Mike Francesa on the offensive ‘redskins’ mascot of the Washington NFL team on his WFAN radio show.
Sports teams should consider meaning behind names
By the Daily Illini Editorial Board
NFL commissioner Roger Goodell also remains optimistic: “I’m confident (Snyder’s) listening. I’m confident he feels strongly about the name but also wants to do the right thing.”
If Snyder’s intentions were all about doing the right thing, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
Washington Redskins: The Politics of Syntax and Symbolism
By Taryn Galbreath, Oct. 15, 2013
University of Chicago Anthropology and Linguistics Professor Michael Silverstein; University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Sociology Professor Norman K. Denzin, and Branding Expert Howard Bragman discuss the Washington Redskin Native American mascot controversy, revealing the politics of Syntax and Symbolism. (California)
Washington Redskins: Symbol of pride or prejudice?
By Darko Debogovic, Oct. 15, 2013
“Dan Snyder, if you want your franchise to reflect the values of ‘strength, courage, pride and respect,’ please do this country and yourself a favor and change the name of your team once and for all.” (ABC7, D.C.)
Redskins name: Fight to change is nothing new for local Native American leaders
By Horace Holmes, Oct. 15, 2013
The push to change the name of Washington’s professional football team is led by the Native American tribe, Oneida Indian Nation – which made the primary effort that managed to make national headlines and even prompt a response from President Obama. But eliminating the name “Redskins” is not a new fight for local Native American leaders. (The Plain Dealer)
Cleveland Indians fans defend Chief Wahoo but that doesn’t change the need to think about the future
By Mark Naymik, Oct. 15, 2013
Redskins – when applied to people — is a racial epithet. That’s the history of the word. Period. No amount of sports pride can change that. And the term redskins can’t be compared to Braves or Chiefs, which do not carry the same meaning. (Washington D.C. radio)
Maryland Rep. Edwards backs bill to ban ‘Redskins’
Oct. 15, 2013
Maryland Rep. Donna Edwards is co-sponsoring a bill that would strip the Washington Redskins of its trademark, effectively forcing the team to change its name. (Pittsburgh, PA)
Redskins term just keeps piling on insult
By Tony Nornam, Oct. 15, 2013
“If anything, naming the franchise after a people who were driven close to extinction by savage acts of brutality by the federal government is a way of “honoring” the Native Americans’ fierce legacy of being crushed by overwhelming odds. Sure, this makes all the sense in the world if you’re a psychopath.”
Inside The Legal Fight To Change The Washington Redskins’ Name
By Alicia Jessop, Oct. 15, 2013
A look at the legal battle surrounding the trademark of the redskins name.
Here’s How The Washington Football Teams Name Controversy Will End: Teens will do what Obama can’t
By Michael Schaffer, Oct. 14, 2013
When Barack Obama spoke out this week to criticize the Washington football team’s nickname, it made national news. But I suspect that, when this is all over, the more significant story will be a small one that popped up on the local news: Students at D.C.’s Wilson High School had asked the principal to ban the NFL team’s clothing because it is racist against Native Americans.
For Redskins, Name Change Is A Question Of When, Not If
By Jeff Bercovici, Oct. 14, 2013
“If the present-day sports world has an equivalent to Cronkite, a.k.a. “the most trusted man in America,” it may well be Bob Costas. The NBC Sports commentator seldom injects his own opinions into controversies; on the rare occasion he does, therefore, his word carries a force the professional argument-starters and clownish ex-quarterbacks on ESPN ESPN and Fox Fox could never match.”
David W. Narcomey: Don’t use Native Americans for sports mascots
Oct. 14, 2013
“By the time this is printed the hoopla about the Washington, D.C., football team might have come and gone. But for this American Indian activist, this issue remains alive and in my face.”
Column: Will Redskins owner do the right thing?
By By Brian Kurz, for The Denver Post, Digital First Media, Oct. 14, 2013
“Just like me, Mr. Snyder is standing at the checkout counter and knows he can get away with something that he shouldn’t. Time will tell what he decides.
Sometimes you do the right thing because it is the right thing.”
Marv Levy on ‘Redskins’ as a nickname: ‘A crude word,’ even if intent is not to insult
By Sean Kirst, Oct. 14, 2013
If Levy were the owner of the Washington team he’d give strong consideration to changing the nickname.
Name Controversy Not Just Skin Deep
By John P. David, Oct. 14, 2013
“Given that the Redskins name controversy has the potential to infiltrate his other business interests and do harm beyond the gridiron, I think the decision to change the name becomes much clearer and easier to make. The downside risks prevail. As a business executive first and a football team owner second, my guess is that Snyder will eventually follow my recommendation and change the name.”
Indian School Calls Out Redskins Owner
By Maya Rhodan, Oct. 14, 2013
An American-Indian school in South Dakota is pushing back against a claim that it helped design the Washington Redskins’ team logo, the latest salvo in the newly-pitched battle over a football team name that some consider offensive.
Read the text of the letter here
Commentary: Rebranding the Washington Redskins
By David Webber, Oct. 14, 2013
“The argument most often postulated is that if the name “Redskins” is okay for a mascot, then calling a team a name that is offensive to African-Americans, Hispanics, or Asians should be considered okay as well. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out how that would work. Polls indicate that most people don’t advocate a change; it doesn’t mean keeping the name is right.”
Bob Costas’ Halftime Essay on the Redskins Name
Oct. 13, 2013
“It’s an insult, a slur, no matter how benign the present-day intent. It is fair to say that for a long time now, and certainly in 2013, no offense has been intended. But, if you take a step back, isn’t it clear to see how offense “might” legitimately be taken?”
Watch the videoclick here
Goodell says Redskins owner ‘way down the road’ in consideration of name change
AP, Oct. 13, 2013
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said he believes Washington owner Daniel Snyder is “way down the road” in consideration of whether the team should change its nickname. (profootballtalk)
Effort to defend redskins name continues to backfire
My Mike Florio, Oct. 13, 2013
It’s unclear what the next step will be, but it is clear that, no matter how badly Snyder wants this controversy to go away, it isn’t.  The debate now has legs in large part because of the way Snyder’s organization has handled it.
Correction, mishandled it.
A slur or term of ‘honor’? Controversy heightens about Washington Redskins
By Michael Martinez, Oct. 12, 2013
It’s one of the NFL’s bigger rivalries, the Cowboys vs. the Redskins. And intentional or not, Sunday’s game occurs during Columbus Day weekend, deepening the meaning of a fresh conflict about whether “Redskins” slurs Indians, their leaders say. (The Plain Dealer)
Washington Redskin’s mascot controversy makes Cleveland Indian’s Chief Wahoo look even more stupid and racist: Mark Naymik
By Mark Naymik, Oct. 10, 2013
“The controversy, being fueled by some prominent sportswriters and political leaders, just might turn into an awakening that kills – or at least permanently weakens — the Redskins name. The Indians and Chief Wahoo could be next. At least I hope so.” (VIDEO)
Native Americans fight to change Redskins’ name
NBC Nightly News, Oct. 10, 2013
Earlier this year, the owner of the Washington Redskins insisted he will never change the Redskins’ name. But criticism is growing, with President Obama weighing in and media outlets refusing to use the name. NBC’s Stephanie Gosk reports.
Washington Redskins team name: Another letter, same spirit
By Sally Jenkins, columnist, Oct. 10, 2013
“I want to reach out to you — the loyal fans whose pocketbooks I plunder — about a topic dear to me. It has come to my attention that certain parties consider the name of my beloved football team to be racist and offensive. As the Owner and a lifelong hero worshipper, here is what I believe, and why I believe it: If something is personally nostalgic to me, it isn’t racist.”
Ad: politicians agree on Redskins name change
By Erik Brady, Oct. 10, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation, which opposes the team name of the Washington pro football club, will run radio ads in the Dallas market this weekend that play off the standoff in Washington politics. (the scoop blog)
Call for Washington Redskins name change comes to Dallas in time for Sunday’s Cowboys game
By Robert Wilonsky, Oct. 10, 2013
That controversy comes to Arlington Sunday night when Washington plays Your Dallas Cowboys at AT&T Stadium. And it will hit local airwaves over the weekend: The Oneida Indian Nation sends word today that it’s taking out ads on KRLD-FM (105.3, The Fan), the Cowboys’ flagship station, that make the case for a name change. That’s the ad above. It’s titled “Bipartisan” because President Obama says it’s time to make a change, as does Oklahoma Republican Rep. Tom Coles. (Texas)
Washington Redskins Name Controversy Comes To Dallas
Oct. 10, 2013
As the Washington Redskins prepare to travel to North Texas to take on the Dallas Cowboys Sunday night, the controversy surrounding the team’s mascot is coming with them.
The group behind an effort to change the Redskins name will begin airing a radio ad on Dallas radio station KRLD over the weekend.
LISTEN: President Obama’s comment on Washington Redskins’ nickname included in Oneidas’ new radio ad
By Robert Harding, Oct. 10, 2013
President Barack Obama makes a cameo appearance in the latest radio ad released this week by the Oneida Indian Nation. (National Congress of American Indians)
NCAI Releases Report on History and Legacy of Washington’s Harmful “Indian” Sports Mascot
Washington, DC – Just days after President Obama joined the growing chorus of those calling for the Washington NFL Team to consider changing its name, the team’s leadership justified the use of their “Indian” mascot as a central part of the team’s “history and legacy.” A new report released today by the National Congress of American Indians (NCAI), titled Ending the Legacy Of Racism in Sports & the Era of Harmful “Indian” Sports Mascots also outlines the team’s ugly and racist legacy, while highlighting the harmful impact of negative stereotypes on Native peoples.

New York Times
Call an Audible, Dan
By: Maureen Dowd / Op-Ed Columnist / October 8, 2013
Whenever I want to be called a detestable, insidious proselytizer of political correctness, I just bring up the idea of changing the name of the Redskins at a family dinner. What if our football team’s name weren’t a slur, I ask brightly. Wouldn’t that be nice?
Redskins name top topic at news briefing
Associated Press
By Howard Fedrich / AP Pro Football Writer / October 8, 2013
Asked directly whether the Washington Redskins should change their name, Roger Goodell said the NFL needs to ‘‘make sure we’re doing what’s right.’’

The Lead with Jake Tapper/October 8, 2013
Ray Halbritter interviewed by host Jake Tapper. Clips available include this mp4 and this wmv.
Oneida Nation wins meeting with NFL to discuss tribe’s criticism of Redskins nickname
Associated Press
The NFL is prepared to meet with an Indian tribe pushing for the Washington Redskins to drop the team’s nickname. Just not this week.
As league owners gathered Monday in the nation’s capital for their fall meetings, the Oneida Indian Nation held a symposium across town to promote their “Change the Mascot” campaign. Oneida representative Ray Halbritter said the NFL was invited to attend.
Instead, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said, a meeting has been scheduled for next month — and could happen sooner.
Oneida Nation to Host Debate Over “Redskins” Down The Hall From NFL Meeting
The tribe, which has been running radio ads against the name, is bringing the issue right to the NFL’s doorstep
By Benjamin Freed, Oct. 4, 2013
When NFL executives descend on Washington for their fall meeting next week, they’re going to have some company. Officials from the Oneida Nation, a Native-American tribe headquartered in Upstate New York, are crashing the party with their own conference about the name of Washington’s football team. Both the NFL and the Oneidas will convene at the Ritz-Carlton Georgetown. While the football bosses will presumably be discussing television revenues, concussions, and other on-field affairs, the Oneidas be running a symposium in support of their recently launched campaign to persuade the Redskins to change their name.
Hey, Broadcast Chiefs: Time To Tackle Redskin’s Racist Mascot Problem
By Steven Gaydos, VP and Executive Editor, Oct. 3, 2013
Perhaps the most overdue demonstration of one scintilla of the testosterone that drives the multibillion dollar sports broadcasting industry is for one leading figure from CBS, ESPN, Fox, NBC et al to stand up to the dude who owns the Washington Redskins and say, “We think your refusal to change the name of your franchise stinks.”
Opponents of Redskins name plan to make case at owners’ meeting
By Mike Florio, Oct. 3, 2013
Next week, the NFL’s owners will meet in Washington, D.C.  Also meeting there will be opponents to the ongoing use of the name “Redskins” by the local NFL franchise.
On Monday, October 7, the Oneida Nation will convene at the Ritz-Carlton in Georgetown to advance its “Change the Mascot” campaign. (+Video)
Tribe Pushing for Redskins Name Change
Meeting in same hotel as NFL session
Adam Caplan discusses the Oneida Indian Nation’s plan to run a radio ad campaign pressing for the Washington Redskins to change their nickname (VIDEO) along with Associated Press story.
Oneida Nation to pressure NFL on redskins name at league meeting
By Ben Fischer, Oct. 3, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation will open a new front next week in its “Change the Mascot” campaign to pressure the Washington Redskins into adopting a new team name.
When the National Football League begins its annual fall meeting on Monday at the Ritz-Carlton Georgetown, the Oneida group will host a “high level symposium” at the same hotel to discuss the nickname issue.
Tribe targeting redskins name plans D.C. meeting
Associated Press, Oct. 3, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation’s symposium is scheduled for Monday, the day NFL owners start arriving for Tuesday’s meeting. Tribal leader Ray Halbritter said the meeting’s time and place provide a great opportunity to bring more understanding about the issue of why the Redskins name is considered offensive by many people.
He said NFL officials would be invited to attend
Oneida Indian Nation plans symposium on ‘Redskins’ name
Oct. 3, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation plans a symposium on the Washington football club’s team name on Monday at the same Washington hotel where NFL owners will begin the league’s fall meeting a day later.
Oneida Indian Nation To Hold Symposium of Washington Football Team’s Name In D.C.
By Matt Cohen, Oct. 3, 2013
There’s no word if representatives from the NFL will be there, but considering it’s in the same place during the same time as the NFL’s fall league meeting, I can imagine one or two people will pop in.
Oneida Indian Nation plans symposium on ‘Redskins’ name
By Erik Brady, Oct. 3, 2013
Speakers are scheduled to include Oneida Indian Nation representative Ray Halbritter, congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton of the District of Columbia, Minnesota congresswoman and co-chair of the Congressional Native American Caucus Betty McCollum, director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian Kevin Gover and clinical psychologist Michael Friedman, an expert in the field of the psychological effects of stigma and discrimination.

RELATED – Indian rapper wants you to “Say No to the R Word”
Ny Tribe Targeting Redskins Name Plans DC Meeting
Associated Press, Oct. 3, 2013
“We cannot allow the use of these cruel, injurious, hateful stereotypes to be continued to be used,” said U.S. Rep. Betty McCollum of Minnesota, who plans to speak to the meeting either in person or from her home district, depending on Congress’ schedule.
Oneida Indian tribe plans symposium on redskins at hotel where NFL holding meeting
Associated Press, Oct. 3, 2013
“The Oneida Indian Nation’s symposium is scheduled for Monday, the day NFL owners start arriving for Tuesday’s meeting. Tribal leader Ray Halbritter says the meeting’s time and place provide a great opportunity to bring more understanding about the issue of why the Redskins name is considered offensive by many people.”
Oneida Nation to Hold “Change the Mascot’ Rally at League Meeting
By Luke Tubia, Oct. 3, 2013
Two students from Cooperstown High School who led the effort to change the school’s mascot from Redskins to Hawkeyes this year will also make their case for changing Washington’s mascot.
Opponents of Racist D.C. Mascot to hold Event at NFL Fall Meeting
Oct. 3, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation is taking its ‘Change the Mascot’ campaign a step further.
On Monday, October 7th, the Nation plans to convene in Washington, D.C. to hold a public conference calling on the NFL and its teams to end the use of the slur, Redskins.
The conference, which will be held in the Ritz Carlton, in the same hotel as the NFL’s Fall Meeting, is open to the public and press.
How The “Redskins” Debate Goes Over On An Actual Indian Reservation
By Joe Flood, Oct. 3, 2013
People, Native American people in particular, in my limited experience, have the ability to ignore all manner of historical insults — like the Medals of Honor still on record for the soldiers who perpetrated the Wounded Knee Massacre, or the faces of U.S. presidents carved into a site the U.S. government took through warfare, forced starvation, and treaty violations. That resiliency, though, seems a pretty poor excuse for heaping on much smaller insults — like “Redskins” — and justifying them with “See? They’re cool with it.”
Tejada Speaks Out Against Redskins Name
By Ethan Rothstein, Oct. 1, 2013
Arlington County Board Chairman Walter Tejada spoke out against the name of Washington’s professional football team name Monday while speaking at the Arlington Food Assistance Center‘s 25th anniversary celebration.
“It is time to change the name,” Tejada said. “Twenty-five years ago, when AFAC started, the Redskins won the Super Bowl. This can and, frankly, should be done. I strongly support that.”
Will Social Media Force the NFL’s Third-Most Valuable Franchise to Change Its Name? An issue that won’t die
By David Gianatasio, Sept. 30, 2013
“In an always-on, media-saturated world, Dan Snyder won’t be able to run out the clock for much longer.”
NFL of a controversy: Pressure mounts on Washington Redskins to change ‘racist’ name
By Gareth Makim, Sept. 30, 2013
“Fans of all sports are loathe to see owners, usually new to their clubs, tinker with long and often storied traditions, even in cases that to outsiders may appear to be relatively minor (the Tigers nickname has, after all, been associated with Hull for most of the club’s history). Sadly, the efforts of protestors often prove little more than a principled stand, easily shrugged off and ignored by those controlling the club.
However, a much larger battle is being fought in the US around one of American football’s flagship franchises, the Washington Redskins; one which many feel is finally coming to a head after years of campaigning by Native American groups for the removal of the team’s name – which is still considered a racial slur.”
Opinion: The Washington Redskins Should Follow the Pekin Chinks and Fighting Coons and Change Their Name
By Ling Woo Liu, September 29, 2013
“To many, the term “R–skins” isn’t just a name, it’s a slur as offensive and outdated as the ch–k word.”
Nothing scarier than a nervous white man: The “Redskins” debate is really about white privilege
By Steven Salaita, September 29, 2013
“Replacing Indian mascots such as the redskin with more benign characters represents a threat much greater than a change of name or color. It indicates a shift of consciousness from one of colonial privilege to the imminence of tribal autonomy.”
Purdy: Redskins nickname shameful to NFL
By Mark Purdy, Mercury News Columnist, Sept. 28, 2013
“How pathetic that, in the year 2013, we’re still even having this debate about whether a mascot based on a racial slur is, you know, a mascot based on a racial slur.
How pathetic that in the year 2013, the National Football League, which is so marketing-slick and public-relations-obsessive, allows Washington’s team a continuing pass on this easily corrected issue.”
Political Cartoons and Commentary
Rednecks and Redskins
Sports team names
Is the Redskins name offensive? For many, it just feels wrong
By Michael Rosenberg, September 27, 2013
“Sometimes a racist symbol or name seeps so deep into our culture that we don’t know how to remove it, so we pretend it’s not really a stain. But it is.”
Why I refuse to use the term “Redskins”
By James Arcellana, September 27, 2013
“There has been much talk recently over the use of the term “Redskins” as the mascot for the NFL’s Washington franchise. If you pay close enough attention to my writing on the NFL, you will notice that I try my best to refrain from ever using the term. But I have never spoken to that fact until now. With Washington visiting Oakland to play the Raiders this weekend, it seemed a fitting time to explain my thoughts on the topic.”
Anti-“Redskins” Ad To Air On Oakland Raiders’ Flagship Station
By Joe Eskanazi, September 26, 2013
“It remains to be seen if Washington owner Dan Snyder is listening. But a Washington squad abandoning its embarrassing nickname is hardly unprecedented. The Washington Bullets basketball team in 1997 changed its name to the Wizards due to owner Abe Pollan’s concerns “Bullets” was a poor choice of name in a city burdened with rampant violent crime.
But Pollan was thought of as a decent human being.
Snyder is not.”
The Harmful Psychological Effects of Washington’s Redskins Mascot
By Michael A. Friedman, Ph.D., September 27, 2013
“The simplest way to dismiss the intensifying national controversy over the word redskin is to insist that the NFL’s use of the slur is merely a victimless crime. This rationale suggests that the Washington football team’s name may be an ugly epithet, but nobody is really harmed by its continued use, and therefore those who want it changed are just part of the PC police.”
Redskins’ woes over ‘derogatory’ team name to follow winless Washington to Oakland, group vows
By John Luciew, September 26, 2013
The woeful Washington Redskins have another thing to worry about on their trip to Oakland this weekend. A group pressuring the team to change it’s name from what it calls the “derogatory” term “Redskins” is vowing to air radio ads attacking the team while it’s in Oakland to play the Raiders.
Ex-Raiders CEO Amy Trask featured in ad critical of Redkins’ name
By Tim Polzer, September 26, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation “Change the Mascot” radio commercial uses a clip of Trask’s comments on the controversial topic discussed two weeks ago on CBS Sports Network’s NFL pregame show. The 60-second commercial is airing this week on the Raiders’ flagship station, KGMZ-FM.
Ex-Raiders CEO Amy Trask speaks out against Redskin’s name
By David Steele, September 26,2013
The upstate New York-based tribe promised earlier this month to run ads in the home cities of Washington’s opponents all season, and the Redskins play in Oakland Sunday. In the 60-second spot airing this week on the Raiders’ flagship station, KGMZ-FM (The Game), the Oneida Indians use a clip of Trask’s comments on the topic two Sunday’s ago on CBS Sports Network’s NFL pregame show.
‘Change the Name’ Campaign Takes Anti-Redskins Message to Oakland Fans
September 26, 2013
One, two and now three powerful groups have denounced the Washington football team’s use of a disparaging slur: Redskins.
Oneida Indian Nation unveils new radio ad urging NFL’s Washington Redskins to change their name
By Robert Harding, September 26, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation is continuing its campaign calling on the Washington Redskins to change their name with a new radio ad that will air this weekend on the Oakland Raiders’ flagship station, KGMZ-FM.
Oneidas keep pressure on Washington Redskins in latest ad
By Joseph Spector, September 26, 2013
“The Oneida Indian Nation is keeping up its criticism of the Washington Redskins’ name, releasing its third radio ad to play during the team’s game against the Oakland Raiders on Sunday. The Oneidas said they are starting to gain support for their campaign, saying political leaders and the Washington Post have supported their position.”
Virginia Gubernatorial Candidates Stumble on Redskins Name During Debate
My Matt Vasilogambros, September 26, 2013
“Although the team is based in Maryland and has Washington’s namesake, the Redskins football team was the subject of a question during the Virginia gubernatorial debate on Wednesday night. And it caught the candidates off-guard.”

Watch a video clip of Amy Trask, former CEO of the NFL’s Oakland Raiders, as she discusses the issue of the Washington team nickname.
From CBS Sports Networks “That Other Pregame Show,”  September 15, 2013
Click here to watch video
Braves, Indians should find new name by looking to history
By Jesse Spector, Sept. 24, 2013
The controversy surrounding the Washington Redskins’ name has been hotter than ever this year, as Peter King of Sports Illustrated, Christine Brennan of USA Today and Matthew Berry of ESPN all have publicly vowed to stop using the nickname, and team owner Dan Snyder has said that the name will never be changed, even with Congress urging for a change to be made.
Guest column: Pull plug on Native American mascot names
By Clyde Hughes, September 24, 2013
“The Washington Redskins. Kansas City Chiefs. Chicago Blackhawks. Atlanta Braves. Central Michigan Chippewas. Twin Lakes Indians … Of course, names such as these are meant to honor Native Americans for their strength, bravery and courage. Right? They are meant to recognize a location of Native American history or recognize their contributions. Yeah, that’s what they all say.”
Reilly’s Column a Positive for Opponents of Racist Redskins Nickname
By Ken Reed, September 23, 2013
“People say that team names and mascots based on stereotypes are not meant to offend anyone, even though they exploit, trivialize, and demean the history and cultural heritage of Native Americans.
The dominant view stereotypes of Native Americans continue to be portrayed in the media and entertainment industries, as well as within our schools. Continued acceptance of these stereotypes thwarts the education of our children.”
See an Indian Country Today Media Network editorial cartoon by Marty Two Bulls – ‘Rick Reilly, ESPN’s Expert on Native Americans
Should the Redskins’ Racist Logo be Protected by Trademark Laws?
By Sean Dugan, September 23, 2013
“The word ‘redskin’s’ first written appearance dates to 1769, and then again fifty years later in a letter to James Madison. Over the course of the 19th Century, the word appeared more often. Its connotation became increasingly derogatory. Redskin was synonymous with lazy, drunk, savage, and untrustworthy. Occasional treatment of the word was reverential, coupled with the idea of ‘savage nobility.’ But even this formulation belied an undercurrent of patronizing irony. In 1915, poet Earl H. Emmons released Redskin Rimes, a compilation of racist poems about Native Americans. The book provides stunning insight into prevalent attitudes concerning Native Americans in the early 20th century, only two decades before the Redskins name would be assumed.”
Is the Washington ‘Redskins’ Name Racist? (Yes, Says Google)
If Google says it, it must be true?
By Todd Richissin
For a long time now, debate has raged about whether the Washington “Redskins” is a racist team name.
Now comes the answer — or an answer — from Google: Yes. Yes it is.
Redskins Rebrand Would Cost $15 Million
Should Team Bow To Pressure, Biggest Expense Would Be Replacing Name At Stadiums
By Michael McCarthy, September 24, 2013
“In today’s politically correct environment, the Redskins are probably “delaying the inevitable,” warned crisis-PR adviser LeslieAnne Wade, principal at Wade Media Management. Allen Adamson, managing director of Landor Associates, said a design firm could come up with a new name and logo for the Redskins — and roll it out within six months — at a price tag of $10 million to $15 million.”
Time for Snyder to eliminate ‘Redskins’ from Washington
By Bob Glauber, Newsday
Think of any nationality, any religion, any race. Irish. Italian. Polish. African-American. Asian. Hispanic. Jewish. Catholic. Muslim. For each, there are hurtful and hateful words associated with them. For Native Americans, “Redskins” is that word. The highest officer in the game of football now understands, and that’s why Goodell’s change of heart should be mirrored by the only man who is in a position to make a change.
Sports Branding: Time to Say Goodbye to the NFL Redskins
By Harvey Chimoff, September 18, 2013
“Native Americans, and many other Americans, consider the NFL’s Washington Redskins team name offensive.  A clever, new marketing campaign once again puts the spotlight on this contentious issue.  It’s time for the team to change and move forward.”
Time to sideline Washington’s race-based team name?
Native Americans call it offensive; NFL team owner defiant
By Josh Katzenstein, The Dettroit News, September 21, 2013
In 1755, when the United States was just 13 colonies, Spencer Phips, lieutenant governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, called for British settlers to kill Native Americans who resisted. Instead of bringing the bodies of the Penobscot Indian Nation — who lived in what is now Maine — as proof of the slaying, settlers could return instead with scalps of the men, women and children they attacked, and those “red skins” earned them as much as 50 pounds. To many Native Americans, that is the image they see when they hear about the Washington Redskins, the NFL team that is under increasing pressure to change its long-held team name.
Are the Redkins closer to a name change?
September 20, 2013
The debate over the Washington Redskins’ mascot has become a national conversation. Post sports columnist Mike Wise and Oneida Indian Nation leader Ray Halbritter weigh in on whether the debate has reached a tipping point. (blog)
Rick Reilly and the Most Irredeemably Stupid Defense of the Redkins Name You Will Ever Read
By Dave Zirin, September 18, 2013
“I almost feel sorry for team owner Dan Snyder that Rick Reilly is now his loudest media advocate. Almost. When you defend the indefensible, you get the bedfellows you deserve, and more often than not, you hate yourself in the morning. A simple test for Rick Reilly: answer the challenge of Ray Halbritter of the Oneida Nation. Go to his house, look at his grandchildren and say, “My goodness these are some cute little Redskins.” If it is really a name of honor, you will make the trip and say it to the Halbritters. If you won’t, then you are completely full of it. News flash: he won’t.”
ESPN columnist Rick Reilly hacks at Redskins controversy
By Ryan Wooden, September 18, 2013
Column takes long-time Sports Illustrated writer to task for calling out journalists who have stopped using the name Redskins.
Appropriating Native American Imagery Honors No One but the Prejudice
By Amy Stretton, September 18, 2013
“Racial stereotyping, inaccurate racial portrayals, and cultural appropriation do not honor a living, breathing people. Plain and simple, cultural appropriation — especially when members of the culture protest the appropiration – is not respectful.”
CBS Evening News covered the Change The Mascot campaign on the evening broadcast Sept. 15, 2013 following the teams’ second loss of the season.
Click here to view the report.
OUR VIEW: Time to punt this name into history
‘Redskins’ tag, others offensive and should be dumped
Utica Observer-Dispatch Editorial Board, September 17, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation’s latest campaign pressing for the NFL’s Washington Redskins to rid itself of a name that is offensive and demeaning resurrects an issue that should have been settled long ago. (video)
Washington Redskins’ name spurs nationwide debate
September 16, 2013
TODAY’S Carson Daly traces the progression of a growing debate over whether the name of the Washington Redskins football team is a slur against native Americans and should be changed.
Washington Redskins circle the wagons on campaign to change name
Football team’s owner is adamant he will not change name
By Simon Carswell, September 15, 2013
Snyder, a pugnacious defender of his franchise, has categorically ruled out changing the name. Referring to how Redskins fans understand the “great tradition” behind the name, he told USA Today in May: “We’ll never change the name. It’s that simple. NEVER – you can use caps.”
“Outside the Lines” Tradition vs. Racism
Host: Bob Ley, September 15, 2013 at 8:00am eastern on ESPN2
Show includes panel discussion with: Ray Halbritter, Oneida Nation Representative, Mike Wise (Washington Post), Andrew Brandt (ESPN sports business reporter), Evan Redmon ( fan website) (Milwaukeee-Wisconsin Sentinel Journal Blog)
Coverage of the Packers-Redskins includes discussion of the Redskins name and logo
By Bob Wolfley, September 15, 2013
The Washington Redskins name and logo was discussed on ESPN and network pre-game shows over the weekend.

Congresswoman Betty McCollum (D-MN), co-chair of the Congressional Native American Caucus,  announced her strong endorsement of the Oneida Indian Nation’s “Change The Mascot” Campaign.
Read the press release – click here
Washington Redskins: Time to change the name?
By Tom Geoghegan, BBC News, Washington
It’s one of the most famous names in American sports, with a logo recognised the world over. But even fans of the Washington Redskins are facing up to a belief that it might all have to change.
Oneida Nation Fights to Change Name of the Washington Football Team
By: Dave Zirin on September 13, 2013 – 10:11 AM ET
This has been a difficult week for Washington football team owner Dan Snyder and National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell’s argument that their beloved Redskins* nickname is actually “highly respectful”. It has been a difficult week for their public relations case that Native Americans are either honored by it or don’t care and the only people who want it changed are effete, left-wing, politically correct thugs who hate mom, apple pie, and of course the NFL.

Listen to an interview with Ray Halbritter on NBC Sports Radio’s “Voices of the Game with Newy Scruggs” Sept. 12, 2013 – click here

Washington Post
Roger Goodell calls an audible on the Washington Redskins name
Editorial, Sept. 12, 2013
NATIONAL FOOTBALL League Commissioner Roger Goodell defended the Washington Redskins’ name three months ago to members of Congress who had urged that it be changed.“The Washington Redskins name has thus from its origin represented a positive meaning distinct from any disparagement that could be viewed in some other context,” Mr. Goodell wrote June 5. “For the team’s millions of fans and customers, who represent one of America’s most ethnically and geographically diverse fan bases, the name is a unifying force that stands for strength, courage, pride and respect.”
‘Change the Mascot’ Campaign Turns Up the Heat; Goodell Is ‘Listening’
September 12, 2013
The “Change the Mascot” campaign launched by the Oneida Indian Nation is running a new radio advertisement in cities where the Washington Redskins will be playing football games this season. In the ad, Oneida Indian Nation Representative Ray Halbritter addresses NFL fans. “When Washington’s team visits your city this week, there is something you should know,” he says. “The word ‘redskins’ is deeply hurtful to Native Americans. It is what our people were called as our lands were taken.”
Will Controversial Sports Team Names Be Gone In Five Years? Prominent Native American Activist Says ‘Yes’
By David Gianatasio, September 11, 5:24 PM
In the first ad to air, the Oneidas’ Ray Halbritter commends NFL commissioner Roger Goodell for denouncing racially charged language as “obviously wrong, insensitive and unacceptable” when Eagles player Riley Cooper used a slur against African-Americans this summer. Halbritter challenges Goodell “to stand up to bigotry again. He can denounce the racial slur in the team name of the Washington Redskins. That word, ‘Redskins,’ is not a harmless term. The commissioner can and should use the same words he used to describe the Eagles’ player.
Redskins to face protest at Lambeau Field on Sunday
By Mike Florio, September 12, 2013 1:19 PM
On Wednesday, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that, if one person is offended by the Redskins name, the league must listen. On Sunday, the league apparently will be listening.
Oneidas continue ad campaign against Washington Redskins name
By Joseph Spector, September 12, 12:48 PM
The Oneida Indian Nation released its second radio ad to call on the Washington Redskins to change its nickname. The central New York tribe and owner of the Turning Stone Casino said it plans to run ads every week during the NFL season in the cities where the Redskins play. The latest ad comes after NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said Wednesday that the Redskins team officials “need to be listening to mounting calls for change” about the name. (Blog)
Change of Subject: Washington’s NFL team report
By Eric Zorn, September 12, 2013
“Critical mass is starting to form. I hope my friends in our sports department plan to help lead rather than follow in this trend.”
Washington Redskins Name Change Is The Right Thing To Do
By Rashaad Mubarak, September 12, 2013
“If the NFL mandates the change, it could seem that the team did so to appease those who find the moniker offensive. By willingly changing the moniker, the team would show a genuine concern for a people’s sentiments.” (Blog)
Pigskins Shame Spiral: NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell
Posted By Perry Stein, September 12, 11:33 AM
This is a symbolic finger wag at best,  though it’s definitely an improvement over Goodell’s previous statement that the team’s name is a “unifying force that stands for strength, courage, pride and respect.” Still, Goodell’s the man in charge: If he wanted the name changed, he could have offered some sterner words.
Brennan: It’s time I stopped calling team ‘Redskins’
By Christine Brennan, USA Today News, September 12, 10:13 AM
Former Washington team beat writer says she will stop using the name ‘Redskins’ after saying she has probably said the name more than 10,000 times
NFL Commissioner: ‘We Have To Listen’ To People Offended By Redskins Name
By Travis Waldron, September 12, 10:20 AM
After defending the Redskins name to members of Congress earlier this year, NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell recently appeared on Washington D.C. radio and changed his stance on the offensive name.
By Chase Ruttig, September 11, 2013
“It should be no surprise in a league where Riley Cooper, a man who just this offseason said that he would fight every “N-word in here” to a black security guard (at a Kenny Chesney concert of all places), was catching passes on Week One of the season with nothing more than a fine and some bad publicity, that the Washington Redskins name is being so desperately defended. After all those burgundy and yellow jerseys were amongst the NFL top sellers. Money has long been what the NFL is after at the end of the day, it isn’t hard to tell from the commercial breaks that come after every play, or the hundreds of dollars millions all pay to get NFL Sunday Ticket just to get access to every NFL game. That money will keep the Redskins around for as long as possible. Profit at the end of the day is more important than doing the right thing.”
‘Change The Mascot’ Campaign Turns Up The Heat: Goodell Is ‘Listening’
ICTMN Staff, September 12, 2013
The “Change the Mascot” campaign launched by the Oneida Indian Nation is running a new radio advertisement in cities where the Washington Redskins will be playing football games this season. In the ad, Oneida Indian Nation Representative Ray Halbritter addresses NFL fans. “When Washington’s team visits your city this week, there is something you should know,” he says. “The word ‘redskins’ is deeply hurtful to Native Americans. It is what our people were called as our lands were taken.” (Washington Business Journal Blog)
Roger Goodell strikes softer tone on Redkins nickname debate
By Ben Fisher, September 12, 10:24 AM
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell significantly changed his tone on the Washington Redskins’ nickname controversy in a radio interview, just a few days after the Oneida Indian Nation launched a pressure campaign targeting him personally.
Oneida Nation continues campaign to end use of Redskins nickname
By Bud Poliquin,
Goodell softens stance on redskins name
“If we are offending one person, we need to be listening”
By Joseph White, AP, September 12, 8:14 AM
NFL won’t get involed in Redskins name-change protests
September 12, 8:14 AM
While NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell says that the league and teams need to listen to those offended by the redskins name, the decision to change the name is up to team owner Dan Snyder.
Goodell eases stance on Redskins nickname
By Tom Mahon, September 12, 3:01 AM
Those opposed to the nickname “Redskins” gained a small victory yesterday when NFL commissioner Roger Goodell appeared to shift his position.
Roger Goodell on Redskins controversy: “We need to be listening”
By Chris Burke, September 11, 2013
“Ultimately, it is Dan’s decision,” Goodell said. “But it is something that I want all of us to go out and make sure we’re listening to our fans, listening to people who have a different view, and making sure that we continue to do what’s right to make sure that team represents the strong tradition that it has for so many years.”
Goodell on Redskins name: “If one person is offended, we have to listen”
By Mike Florio, September 11, 10:36 PM
Goodells comments represent the latest step in a subtle evolution by the league from denial of the existence of a problem to acceptance of the reality that a slowly growing segment of the population finds the name troubling.
Roger Goodell Says NFL Must Listen To Anyone Offended By Redskins’ Name, May Be Evolving Stance
By Chris Greenberg, September 11, 2013 9:32 PM
On the issue of the Washington Redskins’ controversial name, the closest that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell had come to advocating for change until this week was conceding that “reasonable people may view it differently.” Suggesting that his stance on the moniker may be evolving, Goodell stated during an interview on Wednesday that he may actually be willing to start listening to some of those reasonable people. (Milwaukee-Wisconsin Journal Sentinel)
Redskins to face protests at Lambeau during Packers’ home opener
By Meg Jones, September 11, 2013
It’s not just the Oneida Nation in Green Bay pressing the Redskins to change their mascot. The Oneida tribe in upstate New York already has publicly called on the NFL team to get rid of the name. In a radio ad that began airing Monday before the Redskins season opener, a member of the New York Oneida tribe called on NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to “stand up to bigotry” by denouncing “the racial slur” in the team’s name.
Goodell on Redskins name change: Ultimately, it’s Dan Snyder’s decision
By John Breech, CBS Sports, September 11, 2013 7:55 PM
NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell told WFKJ-FM in Washington, D.C. that if fans are offended, the league needs to listen. But ultimately the decision to change the redskins name is up to team owner Dan Snyder. (DC Sports Bog)
Roger Goodell on the redskins name
By Dan Steinberg with Sarah Kogod, September 11, 3:58 PM
For at least the third time in eight months, Roger Goodell confronted the issue of the Redskins name on Wednesday. But his answer — this time delivered during a lengthy interview with LaVar Arrington and Chad Dukes on 106.7 The Fan — took a more nuanced tone.
Redkins name change: Roger Goodell says team, league must listen to criticism
By Robert Lyes, ABC7 News, September 11, 2:48 PM
News report includes clips from Goodell’s comments on 106.7 The Fan as well as a clip from the Oneida Indian Nation radio ad campaign.

CNN (TheOneida/YouTube Channel)
CNN Talks to Ray Halbritter on the Change the Mascot Campaign
Sept. 11, 2013
CNN talks to Ray Halbritter, Nation Representative and CEO of Oneida Nation Enterprises, regarding the Change the Mascot campaign. The campaign began as the 2013-14 NFL season kicked off, and asks the Washington “Redskins” to consider a name change.
Altogether now: It’s time for Washington’s NFL team to change its hideous nickname
By Bud Poliquin,
And so it should be with this affront known as “Redskins,” the continued use of which has been preposterously endorsed by NFL commissioner Roger Goodell (among others), and properly challenged by the Oneida Nation’s Ray Halbritter (among others).

NPR: Code Switch (blog)
Are You Ready For Some Controversy? The History Of ‘Redskin’
By Lakshmi Gandhi, Monday Night Football kicks off this evening with the Washington Redskins facing off against the Philadelphia Eagles at FedEx Field. As the Redskins start a new season, they are once again in the center of a national debate about their name.

Washington Post
NY tribe launches radio ad against Washington Redskins, saying name is a racial slur
By: Associated Press, Published: Sept. 5, 2013
ALBANY, N.Y. — An American Indian tribe in upstate New York said Thursday it will launch a radio ad campaign pressing for the Washington Redskins to shed a name often criticized as offensive.

USA Today
Indian tribe launches radio ad against Redskins’ name
By: Erik Brady, USA TODAY Sports 7:36 p.m. EDT September 5, 2013
The Oneida Indian Nation plans to run radio ads in the Washington market Sunday and Monday urging the NFL to change the name of the Washington pro football team. But you won’t hear the ads on the station owned by team owner Daniel Snyder.

The Village Voice, Blogs
Oneida Indian Nation, of Upstate NY, Begins Radio Campaign Against “Redskins”
By Albert Samaha Thu., Sept., 5 2013 at 11:00 AM
The Washington Redskins have an offensive nickname. It’s one of those things we’ll look back on 20 years from now and find absurd.Washington Media

WJLA-TV Washington, DC
Change the Mascot Campaign
By: Horace Holmes, @ABC7Horace
Video Report

WRC-TV Washington, DC
NY Tribe Launching Radio Ad Against Redskins
A tribe in upstate New York said Thursday it will launch a radio ad campaign pressing for the Washington Redskins to get rid of a nickname that is often criticized as offensive.
Video Report

Wasington Business Journal
Oneida Indian Nation launches campaign to change Redskins name
By: , Sep 5, 2013, 1:08pm EDT
To the extent public pressure can be put on a highly profitable, privately owned business with an extremely popular product, the Oneida Indian Nation will try.

New York Tribe to Air Radio Commercials Targeteing Redskins’ Name
By Benjamin Freed, September 5, 2013
With the NFL season beginning this week, sports radio stations will surely be in a football overdrive. But thanks to a New York State tribe, fans who listen to a few local stations might also hear a message about the Washington team’s name.